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Brian Kim bibimbop123
👋 Hello, World! I'm Brian Kim, a passionate Full Stack Engineer from Chicago using PERN stack. Welcome to my GitHub profile!
open source technologies and languages


Johnny KNOBLAUCH JohnnyMaxK

@BeezUP @IMN @caringhope France

Newt0n Blackcloud00

Abanoz Media Trabzon, Turkey

Siva byteshiva
Skills: JavaScript • Nodejs • GoLang • gRPC • emscripten • wasm • Python • GoLang • Deno • Devops • Open Source • Performance • Design


Barthélémy Ledoux elevatebart
SVG Buff, Component Documentation Advocate, CSS maker Grenoble, France

amber tuta-amb
fullstack and systems dev & minecraft sweat

windswept inc. europe

Ayo Reis ayoreis
Crafting open and accessible software

@hackclub Peniche, Portugal

Oxford Harrison ox-harris
Web tooling dude! (Compilers, frameworks, CLIs, DOM APIs, etc.) Open source. Fullstack JS.


Emre Balkay EmreBlky
Sevdiğin Her ne ise Onu Bull ve Seni Öldürmesine İzin Ver.....!!!

MicroChipTecnology Körfez

Hardi Kõvamees luminarious
Always looking for ways to make things simpler. User Experience Engineer by trade, meaning I can code whatever I draw in Figma 😁


David Arceneaux DArcMattr
I exist uniquely

Databank Holdings, Ltd Lincoln, Nebraska

CHEN Zhengtong TeaEra
Not only FE;

DIP China

TaylorPzreal TaylorPzreal
O ever youthful,O ever weeping.

HoneyMorning The World

Boticello boticello
A chucklehead tinkerer


Mark Malstrom markmals
Designing and developing web & iOS apps

BP3 Global, Inc. Austin, Texas

Josh Gribbon joshgrib
I love making websites!! Working full time, focused on the frontend but also doing backend. Stevens Institute of Technology. Eagle scout

United States