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Abbas Endari a-endari
Biomedical Engineer, Interested in Python Programming and Web and Mobile Software Development


Hi! I'm Fandresena Mihaja a passionate developer who wants always to improve my skills.
Oriol Colomé Font oriolcolomefont
I am a musician and a music scientist. Growth Lead & Product Owner at @My-Sheet-Music-Transcriptions

My Sheet Music Transcriptions Barcelona

YU Yanhua YZJ0716
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University/major in +School and Community Psychology

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hongkong

Ivaan Srivastava leaperstuff
Link in bio. Making cool stuff. Owner of LEAPER INC.

ivaansri membership India, Delhi

Wilson Gichu Qodestackr

Hire Me Nairobi, Kenya

Kat katjabn

Northern Germany

Łikhon Sheikh sheikh-developer
Hi, I'm Likhon Sheikh | Developer & Author | @likhonsheikhcodes & @likhonsheikh54 | Part of @likhon-dev | Contributing @RektDevelopers ‼️

Khulna, Bangladesh

Mehdi Nourollah mehdinourollah
I love to code ...and I love to create... GmbH Wuppertal, Germany

Siu LO cslosiu

Hong Kong

Anton Thomz AntonThomz
Help Follow Anton Thomas's New Github Account
Thomas Just DRgreenT
Start learning programming C# 01/24

Germany \ Thüringen


Scarlet Devil Mansion

Syed Minnatullah Quadri s-m-quadri
Pursuing in CS | Full Stack Web Developer | Software Developer | Graphics Designer

Government Engineering College Aurangabad. Building @HeviFi. Maharashtra, India

Johnny Miller johnnymillergh
Kotlin Java Engineer ☕| Full-stack programmer (Android, web, backend) 🛠 | Software Engineering at HLJU 🎓 | Dog/cat lover 🐶😺 | Rock, electronic music 🎼

ZA Tech Dalian, P.R.China

InvictaLux InvictaLux
Defilosopher Pixel Whisperer

InvictaLux.nft Ankida

Jesse Squires jessesquires
indie dev • iOS & macOS • freelance

@hexedbits Oakland, CA