- AWS (Amazon Web Services)
- All regions supported, as shown in opencost/pkg/cloud/awsprovider.go
- x86, ARM
- GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
- All regions supported, as shown in opencost/pkg/cloud/gcpprovider.go
- x86
- Azure (Microsoft)
- All regions supported, as shown in opencost/pkg/cloud/azureprovider.go
- x86
- Managed Kubernetes clusters (e.g. EKS, GKE, AKS) most common
- Kubernetes distributions (e.g. OpenShift, DigitalOcean, Rancher, Tanzu)
- Bootstrapped Kubernetes cluster
- On-prem and air-gapped using custom pricing sheets
This list is certainly not exhaustive! This is simply a list of observations as to where our users run Kubecost based on their questions/feedback.
- Kubecost runs in any Kubernetes v1.8 (Aug 2017) or greater environment.
- Kubernetes 1.25 is officially supported as of v1.99.0