This section documents some of the planned functionality and improvements:
Query optimisation:
- Separate the query lambda into two. The first will be the query planner that needs to know the information from the state store. The second executes the subqueries. This second lambda does not need to know any information from the state store and so should be able to start up quickly. By splitting the query functionality into two lambdas we can reduce the number of calls to the statestore.
- Add an option for the system to automatically keep the lambdas warm by periodically calling them with dummy queries.
- Optimise the start-up time of the lambdas, see and
- Optimise the parameters used when reading and writing Parquet files. These parameters include whether dictionary encoding is used, the row group and page sizes, the readahead size, etc.
Python API improvements: This is currently basic and needs further work.
Iterators: Currently a single iterator can be provided. This should be extended so that a stack of iterators can be provided.
Bulk export: Add the ability to perform a bulk export, i.e. read over all the data in a table, filter it and then export it to Parquet. This will not be done in a lambda.
Metrics page: Review and extend the metrics produced.
Purge: Add the ability to purge data from a table, i.e. delete any items matching a predicate.
Create a predicate language for specifying filters on queries.
Create a suite of automated system tests.
Create a library of repeatable, sustained, large-scale performance tests.
Review and extend the integrations with Athena and Trino. Review how Trino can be used to run SQL queries over the entire table.
Extend the range of supported types: we should be able to support the full range of Arrow / Parquet types. A Sleeper schema could be specified as an Arrow schema with additional information about which are the row keys and sort keys.
Full compactions: add the ability to trigger a full compaction, i.e. to guarantee that every record in a table is scheduled to be read in a compaction job.
Service that maintains an up-to-date cache of the statestore: Various parts of the system need to query the state store. We could potentially reduce the cost and latency of these queries if we had a long-running service that maintained an up-to-date cache of the statestore.
Review whether some of the performance sensitive parts of the code can be rewritten in Rust to take advantage of the improvements to the Parquet and Arrow Rust libraries.