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pbrook edited this page Oct 25, 2012 · 14 revisions

How to use a Minimus board with Arduino

Installing Minimus board package

The minimus board support directory should be placed in the hardware subdirectory of you sketchbook directory. On a linux system you can do this with:

mkdir -p ~/sketchbook/hardware
git clone git:// ~/sketchbook/hardware/minimus

If using Windows I suggest creating the hardware directory inside your sketchbook directory, then extracting the github Download as zip archive there.

Flashing the bootloader

The Minimus comes with a DFU bootloader installed. This is fine for "native" avr-c development, but does not play well with the Arduino IDE. To install the Arduino bootloader you will need an ISP programmer (e.g. and AVRISP mkII or Clone based on a Minimus or an Arduino running the ArduinoISP sketch). See below for the correct connections. Once connected fire up the Arduino IDE, ensure the correct board and programmer are selected, and click Tools/Burn Bootloader.

This only needs to be done once. The device should now appear as a serial port lite other Arduino boards. A flashing red LED indicates the bootloader is running. Windows users may need to install the Arduino Leonardo drivers.


I2C (aka TWI, i.e. the arduino "Wire" library) is not supported.

No analogue inputs. Analogue comparator support not implemented.

Servo library and tone function untested.


Pins are numbered 0-23 anticlockwise starting from the USB connector, as in the diagram below. Pins 11 (Ground), 20 (Reset) and 23 (Vcc) are not accessible from Arduino sketches. Pin 7 will be used to indicate USB activity if not otherwise used.

Pin Diagram

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