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phpNT - Yii2 Chart JS

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Yii2 Chart JS - Красивые графики для аналитики

Социальные сети:


php composer.phar require "phpnt/yii2-chartjs" "*"


composer require phpnt/yii2-chartjs

или добавить в composer.json файл

"phpnt/yii2-chartjs": "*"


use phpnt\chartJS\ChartJs;
// определение данных
$dataWeatherOne = [
    'labels' => ["Январь", "Февраль", "Март", "Апрель", "Май", "Июнь", "Июль", "Август", "Сентябрь", "Октябрь", "Ноябрь", "Декабрь"],
    'datasets' => [
            'data' => [-14, -10, -4, 6, 17, 23, 22, 22, 13, 2, -5, -12],
            'label' =>  "Линейный график (tºC Урал).",
            'fill' => false,
            'lineTension' => 0.1,
            'backgroundColor' => "rgba(75,192,192,0.4)",
            'borderColor' => "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
            'borderCapStyle' => 'butt',
            'borderDash' => [],
            'borderDashOffset' => 0.0,
            'borderJoinStyle' => 'miter',
            'pointBorderColor' => "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
            'pointBackgroundColor' => "#fff",
            'pointBorderWidth' => 1,
            'pointHoverRadius' => 5,
            'pointHoverBackgroundColor' => "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
            'pointHoverBorderColor' => "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
            'pointHoverBorderWidth' => 2,
            'pointRadius' => 1,
            'pointHitRadius' => 10,
            'spanGaps' => false,
$dataWeatherTwo = [
    'labels' => ["Январь", "Февраль", "Март", "Апрель", "Май", "Июнь",  "Июль", "Август", "Сентябрь", "Октябрь", "Ноябрь", "Декабрь"],
    'datasets' => [
            'data' => [-14, -10, -4, 6, 17, 23, 22, 22, 13, 2, -5, -12],
            'label' =>  "График (tºC Урал).",
            'fill' => true,
            'lineTension' => 0.1,
            'backgroundColor' => "rgba(75,192,192,0.4)",
            'borderColor' => "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
            'borderCapStyle' => 'butt',
            'borderDash' => [],
            'borderDashOffset' => 0.0,
            'borderJoinStyle' => 'miter',
            'pointBorderColor' => "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
            'pointBackgroundColor' => "#fff",
            'pointBorderWidth' => 1,
            'pointHoverRadius' => 5,
            'pointHoverBackgroundColor' => "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
            'pointHoverBorderColor' => "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
            'pointHoverBorderWidth' => 2,
            'pointRadius' => 1,
            'pointHitRadius' => 10,
            'spanGaps' => false,
            'data' => [8, 10, 11, 15, 21, 26, 28, 30, 26, 21, 16, 9],
            'label' =>  "График (tºC Сочи).",
            'fill' => true,
            'lineTension' => 0.1,
            'backgroundColor' => "rgba(255, 234, 0,0.4)",
            'borderColor' => "rgba(255, 234, 0,1)",
            'borderCapStyle' => 'butt',
            'borderDash' => [],
            'borderDashOffset' => 0.0,
            'borderJoinStyle' => 'miter',
            'pointBorderColor' => "rgba(255, 234, 0,1)",
            'pointBackgroundColor' => "#fff",
            'pointBorderWidth' => 1,
            'pointHoverRadius' => 5,
            'pointHoverBackgroundColor' => "rgba(255, 234, 0,1)",
            'pointHoverBorderColor' => "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
            'pointHoverBorderWidth' => 2,
            'pointRadius' => 1,
            'pointHitRadius' => 10,
            'spanGaps' => false,
$dataScatter = [
    'datasets' => [
            'data' => [
                    'x' => -10,
                    'y' => 0
                ], [
                    'x' => 0,
                    'y' => 10
                ], [
                    'x' => 10,
                    'y' => 5
            'label' => 'График рассеивания',
            'fill' => true,
            'lineTension' => 0.1,
            'backgroundColor' => "rgba(75,192,192,0.4)",
            'borderColor' => "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
            'borderCapStyle' => 'butt',
            'borderDash' => [],
            'borderDashOffset' => 0.0,
            'borderJoinStyle' => 'miter',
            'pointBorderColor' => "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
            'pointBackgroundColor' => "#fff",
            'pointBorderWidth' => 1,
            'pointHoverRadius' => 5,
            'pointHoverBackgroundColor' => "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
            'pointHoverBorderColor' => "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
            'pointHoverBorderWidth' => 2,
            'pointRadius' => 1,
            'pointHitRadius' => 10,
            'spanGaps' => false,
$dataPie = [
    'labels' => [
    'datasets' => [
            'data' => [300, 50, 100],
            'backgroundColor' => [
            'hoverBackgroundColor' => [
$dataBubble = [
    'datasets' => [
            'label' => 'Пузырьковый график',
            'data' => [
                    'x' => 20,
                    'y' => 30,
                    'r' => 15
                    'x' => 40,
                    'y' => 10,
                    'r' => 10
            'backgroundColor' =>"#FF6384",
            'hoverBackgroundColor' => "#FF6384",
// вывод графиков
echo ChartJs::widget([
    'type'  => ChartJs::TYPE_LINE,
    'data'  => $dataWeatherOne,
    'options'   => []
echo ChartJs::widget([
    'type'  => ChartJs::TYPE_LINE,
    'data'  => $dataWeatherTwo,
    'options'   => []
echo ChartJs::widget([
    'type'  => ChartJs::TYPE_LINE,
    'data'  => $dataScatter,
    'options'   => [
        'scales' => [
            'xAxes' => [[
                'type' => 'linear',
                'position' => 'bottom'
echo ChartJs::widget([
    'type'  => ChartJs::TYPE_BAR,
    'data'  => $dataWeatherOne,
    'options'   => []
echo ChartJs::widget([
    'type'  => ChartJs::TYPE_BAR,
    'data'  => $dataWeatherTwo,
    'options'   => []
echo ChartJs::widget([
    'type'  => ChartJs::TYPE_RADAR,
    'data'  => $dataWeatherOne,
    'options'   => []
echo ChartJs::widget([
    'type'  => ChartJs::TYPE_RADAR,
    'data'  => $dataWeatherTwo,
    'options'   => []
echo ChartJs::widget([
    'type'  => ChartJs::TYPE_POLAR_AREA,
    'data'  => $dataWeatherOne,
    'options'   => []
echo ChartJs::widget([
    'type'  => ChartJs::TYPE_POLAR_AREA,
    'data'  => $dataWeatherTwo,
    'options'   => []
echo ChartJs::widget([
    'type'  => ChartJs::TYPE_PIE,
    'data'  => $dataPie,
    'options'   => []
echo ChartJs::widget([
    'type'  => ChartJs::TYPE_DOUGHNUT,
    'data'  => $dataPie,
    'options'   => []
echo ChartJs::widget([
    'type'  => ChartJs::TYPE_BUBBLE,
    'data'  => $dataBubble,
    'options'   => []

Документация (примеры):
