- Fixed a bug with
when a table has a column with bothnull=False
- thanks to @bymoye for reporting this issue. - If a
uses thedsn
argument forasyncpg
, this is now used bypiccolo sql_shell run
. Thanks to @abhishek-compro for suggesting this. - Fixed the type annotation for the
argument ofVarchar
- it is allowed to beNone
. Thanks to @Compro-Prasad for this.
- Added Quart, Sanic, and Falcon as supported ASGI frameworks (thanks to @sinisaos for this).
- Fixed a bug with very large integers in SQLite.
- Fixed type annotation for
default values (thanks to @Skelmis for this).
Python 3.13 is now officially supported.
querying has been significantly improved. For example, if
we have this table:
class RecordingStudio(Table):
facilities = JSONB()
And the facilities
column contains the following JSON data:
"technicians": [
{"name": "Alice Jones"},
{"name": "Bob Williams"},
We can get the first technician name as follows:
>>> await RecordingStudio.select(
... RecordingStudio.facilities["technicians"][0]["name"].as_alias("name")
... ).output(load_json=True)
[{'name': 'Alice Jones'}, ...]
(used for dynamically creating Piccolo Table
classes from
an existing database) was improved, to support a Dockerised version of Piccolo
Admin, which is coming soon.
Postgres 17 is now officially supported.
Fixed a bug with joins, when a ForeignKey
column had db_column_name
specified. Thanks to @jessemcl-flwls for reporting this issue.
now works multiple layers deep:
concert = await Concert.objects().first()
manager = await concert.get_related(Concert.band_1._.manager)
Fixed a bug with the get_m2m
method, which would raise a ValueError
when no objects were found. It now handles this gracefully and returns an empty
list instead. Thanks to @nVitius for this fix.
Improved the ASGI templates (including a fix for the latest Litestar version). Thanks to @sinisaos for this.
Added support for row locking (i.e. SELECT ... FOR UPDATE
For example, if we have this table:
class Concert(Table):
name = Varchar()
tickets_available = Integer()
And we want to make sure that tickets_available
never goes below 0, we can
do the following:
async def book_tickets(ticket_count: int):
async with Concert._meta.db.transaction():
concert = await Concert.objects().where(
Concert.name == "Awesome Concert"
if concert.tickets_available >= ticket_count:
await concert.update_self({
Concert.tickets_available: Concert.tickets_available - ticket_count
raise ValueError("Not enough tickets are available!")
This means that when multiple transactions are running at the same time, it isn't possible to book more tickets than are available.
Thanks to @dkopitsa for adding this feature.
Added the update_self
method, which is an alternative to the save
method. Here's an example where it's useful:
# If we have a band object:
>>> band = await Band.objects().get(name="Pythonistas")
>>> band.popularity
# We can increment the popularity, based on the current value in the
# database:
>>> await band.update_self({
... Band.popularity: Band.popularity + 1
... })
# The new value is set on the object:
>>> band.popularity
# It's safer than using the `save` method, because the popularity value on
# the object might be out of date with what's in the database:
band.popularity += 1
await band.save()
Thanks to @trondhindenes for suggesting this feature.
The batch
method can now be used with raw
queries. For example:
async with await MyTable.raw("SELECT * FROM my_table").batch() as batch:
async for _batch in batch:
This is useful when you expect a raw query to return a lot of data.
Thanks to @devsarvesh92 for suggesting this feature.
Fixed a bug with migrations, where altering a column type from Integer
could fail. Thanks to @kurtportelli for reporting this issue.
Each migration is automatically wrapped in a transaction - this can now be
disabled using the wrap_in_transaction
manager = MigrationManager(
This is useful when writing a manual migration, and you want to manage all of the transaction logic yourself (or want multiple transactions).
is now a supported server in the ASGI templates. Thanks to
@sinisaos for this.
Added custom async TestCase
subclasses, to help with testing.
For example AsyncTransactionTest
, which wraps each test in a transaction
class TestBandEndpoint(AsyncTransactionTest):
async def test_band_response(self):
Make sure the endpoint returns a 200.
# This data automatically gets removed from the database when the
# test finishes:
band = Band({Band.name: "Pythonistas"})
await band.save()
# Using an API testing client, like httpx:
response = await client.get(f"/bands/{band.id}/")
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
And AsyncTableTest
, which automatically creates and drops tables:
class TestBand(AsyncTableTest):
# These tables automatically get created and dropped:
tables = [Band]
async def test_band(self):
Improved refresh
- it now works with prefetched objects. For example:
>>> band = await Band.objects(Band.manager).first()
>>> band.manager.name
# If the manager has changed in the database, when we refresh the band, the
# manager object will also be updated:
>>> await band.refresh()
>>> band.manager.name
"New name"
Also, improved the error messages when creating a BaseUser
- thanks to
@haaavk for this.
Laying the foundations for alterative Postgres database drivers (e.g.
). Thanks to @insani7y and @chandr-andr for their help with this.
The SQL generated by Piccolo changed slightly in this release. Aliases used
to be like "manager$name"
but now they are like "manager.name"
(note $
changed to .
). If you are using SelectRaw
in your queries
to refer to these columns, then they will need updating. Please let us know
if you encounter any other issues.
In Piccolo 1.6.0
we moved some aggregate functions to a new file. We now
re-export them from their original location to keep backwards compatibility.
Thanks to @sarvesh-deserve for reporting this issue.
Improved LazyTableReference
, to help prevent circular import errors.
- Added documentation for one to one fields.
- Upgraded ASGI templates (thanks to @sinisaos for this).
- Migrations can now be hardcoded as fake.
- Refactored tests to reduce boilerplate code.
- Updated documentation dependencies.
Added datetime functions, for example Year
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Year
>>> await Concert.select(Year(Concert.starts, alias="starts_year"))
[{'starts_year': 2024}]
Added the Concat
function, for concatenating strings:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Concat
>>> await Band.select(
... Concat(
... Band.name,
... '-',
... Band.manager._.name,
... alias="name_and_manager"
... )
... )
[{"name_and_manager": "Pythonistas-Guido"}]
Added not_any
method for Array
columns. This will return rows where an
array doesn't contain the given value. For example:
class MyTable(Table):
array_column = Array(Integer())
>>> await MyTable.select(
... MyTable.array_column
... ).where(
... MyTable.array_column.not_any(1)
... )
[{"array_column": [4, 5, 6]}]
Also fixed a bunch of Pylance linter warnings across the codebase.
Added some math functions, for example Abs
, Ceil
, Floor
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Round
>>> await Ticket.select(Round(Ticket.price, alias="price"))
[{'price': 50.0}]
Added more operators to QueryString
(multiply, divide, modulus, power), so
we can do things like:
>>> await Ticket.select(Round(Ticket.price) * 2)
[{'price': 100.0}]
Fixed some edge cases around defaults for Array
def get_default():
# This used to fail:
return [datetime.time(hour=8, minute=0)]
class MyTable(Table):
times = Array(Time(), default=get_default)
Fixed some deprecation warnings, and improved CockroachDB array tests.
Added the Cast
function, for performing type conversion.
Here's an example, where we convert a timestamp
to time
>>> from piccolo.columns import Time
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Cast
>>> await Concert.select(Cast(Concert.starts, Time()))
[{'starts': datetime.time(19, 0)}]
A new section was also added to the docs describing functions in more detail.
Arrays of Date
/ Time
/ Timestamp
/ Timestamptz
now work in
For example:
class MyTable(Table):
times = Array(Time())
dates = Array(Date())
timestamps = Array(Timestamp())
timestamps_tz = Array(Timestamptz())
Added support for a bunch of Postgres functions, like Upper
, Lower
, and Ltrim
. They can be used in select
from piccolo.query.functions.string import Upper
>>> await Band.select(Upper(Band.name, alias="name"))
[{"name": "PYTHONISTAS"}]
And also in where
>>> await Band.select().where(Upper(Band.manager.name) == 'GUIDO')
[{"name": "Pythonistas"}]
Added an Album
table to the playground, along with some other
Fixed a bug with the output(load_json=True)
clause, when used on joined
Fixed a bug with the CLI when reversing migrations (thanks to @metakot for reporting this).
Updated the ASGI templates (thanks to @tarsil for adding Lilya).
Lots of internal improvements, mostly to support new functionality in Piccolo Admin.
Improved how ModelBuilder
handles recursive foreign keys.
Fixed an edge case with auto migrations.
If starting from a table like this, with a custom primary key column:
class MyTable(Table):
id = UUID(primary_key=True)
When a foreign key is added to the table which references itself:
class MyTable(Table):
id = UUID(primary_key=True)
fk = ForeignKey("self")
The auto migrations could fail in some situations.
Improved how create_pydantic_model
handles Array
- Multidimensional arrays (e.g.
) have more accurate types. Array(Email())
now validates that each item in the list is an email address.Array(Varchar(length=10))
now validates that each item is the correct length (i.e. 10 in this example).
Some Pylance errors were fixed in the codebase.
Fixed a bug with nested array columns containing BigInt
. For example:
class MyTable(Table):
my_column = Array(Array(BigInt))
Thanks to @AmazingAkai for reporting this issue.
Fixed a bug with foreign keys which reference BigSerial
primary keys.
Thanks to @Abdelhadi92 for reporting this issue.
Added the piccolo user list
command - a quick and convenient way of listing
Piccolo Admin users from the command line.
now creates timezone aware datetime
objects for
Updated the ASGI templates.
SQLite auto migrations are now allowed. We used to raise an exception, but now we output a warning instead. While SQLite auto migrations aren't as feature rich as Postgres, they work fine for simple use cases.
There's now an alternative syntax for joins, which works really well with static type checkers like Mypy and Pylance.
The traditional syntax (which continues to work as before):
# Get the band name, and the manager's name from a related table
await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager.name)
The alternative syntax is as follows:
await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager._.name)
Note how we use ._.
instead of .
after a ForeignKey
This offers a considerably better static typing experience. In the above
example, type checkers know that Band.manager._.name
refers to the name
column on the Manager
table. This means typos can be detected, and code
navigation is easier.
- Improve static typing for
. - Added support for the
ASGI framework.
Piccolo allows the user to specify savepoint names which are used in transactions. For example:
async with DB.transaction() as transaction:
await Band.insert(Band(name='Pythonistas'))
# Passing in a savepoint name is optional:
savepoint_1 = await transaction.savepoint('savepoint_1')
await Band.insert(Band(name='Terrible band'))
# Oops, I made a mistake!
await savepoint_1.rollback_to()
Postgres doesn't allow us to parameterise savepoint names, which means there's a small chance of SQL injection, if for some reason the savepoint names were generated from end-user input. Even though the likelihood is very low, it's best to be safe. We now validate the savepoint name, to make sure it can only contain certain safe characters. Thanks to @Skelmis for making this change.
Added support for Python 3.12.
Modified create_pydantic_model
, so additional information is returned in
the JSON schema to distinguish between Timestamp
and Timestamptz
columns. This will be used for future Piccolo Admin enhancements.
Piccolo v1 is now available!
We migrated to Pydantic v2, and also migrated Piccolo Admin to Vue 3, which puts the project in a good place moving forward.
We don't anticipate any major issues for people who are upgrading. If you encounter any bugs let us know.
Make sure you have v1 of Piccolo, Piccolo API, and Piccolo Admin.
Namespaced all custom values we added to Pydantic's JSON schema for easier maintenance.
All of the changes from 0.120.0 merged into the v1 branch.
Modified the BaseUser.login
logic so all code paths take the same time.
Thanks to @Skelmis for this.
Improved how ModelBuilder
generates JSON data.
The number of password hash iterations used in BaseUser
has been increased
to keep pace with the latest guidance from OWASP - thanks to @Skelmis for this.
Fixed a bug with auto migrations when the table is in a schema.
Initial alpha release of Piccolo v1, with Pydantic v2 support.
now works with LazyTableReference
(which is used when we
have circular references caused by a ForeignKey
With this table:
class Band(Table):
manager = ForeignKey(
We can now create a dynamic test fixture:
my_model = await ModelBuilder.build(Band)
If you have lots of Piccolo apps, you can now create auto migrations for them all in one go:
piccolo migrations new all --auto
Thanks to @hoosnick for suggesting this new feature.
The documentation for running migrations has also been improved, as well as improvements to the sorting of migrations based on their dependencies.
Support for Python 3.7 was dropped in this release as it's now end of life.
Version pinning Pydantic to v1, as v2 has breaking changes.
We will add support for Pydantic v2 in a future release.
Thanks to @sinisaos for helping with this.
When creating a fixture:
piccolo fixtures dump
The JSON output is now nicely formatted, which is useful because we can pipe it straight to a file, and commit it to Git without having to manually run a formatter on it.
piccolo fixtures dump > my_fixture.json
Thanks to @sinisaos for this.
We used to raise a ValueError
if a table was called user
class User(Table): # ValueError!
It's because user
is already used by Postgres (e.g. try SELECT user
We now emit a warning instead for these reasons:
- Piccolo wraps table names in quotes to avoid clashes with reserved keywords.
- Sometimes you're stuck with a table name from a pre-existing schema, and can't easily rename it.
If you want to write raw SQL in your where queries you use WhereRaw
>>> Band.select().where(WhereRaw('TRIM(name) = {}', 'Pythonistas'))
You can now import it from piccolo.query
to be consistent with
and OrderByRaw
from piccolo.query import WhereRaw
Fixtures can now be upserted. For example:
piccolo fixtures load my_fixture.json --on_conflict='DO UPDATE'
The options are:
, meaning any rows with a matching primary key will be left alone.DO UPDATE
, meaning any rows with a matching primary key will be updated.
This is really useful, as you can now edit fixtures and load them multiple times without getting foreign key constraint errors.
We recently added support for schemas, for example:
class Band(Table, schema='music'):
This release contains:
- A fix for migrations when changing a table's schema back to 'public' (thanks to @sinisaos for discovering this).
- A fix for
queries, when the tables are in a schema other than 'public' (thanks to @quinnalfaro for reporting this).
We recently added support for COUNT DISTINCT
queries. The syntax is:
await Concert.count(distinct=[Concert.start_date])
The following alternative syntax now also works (just to be consistent with
other queries like select
await Concert.count().distinct([Concert.start_date])
queries can now return the number of distinct rows. For example, if
we have this table:
class Concert(Table):
band = Varchar()
start_date = Date()
With this data:
band | start_date |
Pythonistas | 2023-01-01 |
Pythonistas | 2023-02-03 |
Rustaceans | 2023-01-01 |
We can easily get the number of unique concert dates:
>>> await Concert.count(distinct=[Concert.start_date])
We could have just done this instead:
len(await Concert.select(Concert.start_date).distinct())
But it's far less efficient when you have lots of rows, because all of the distinct rows need to be returned from the database.
Also, the docs for the count
query, aggregate functions, and
clause were significantly improved.
Many thanks to @lqmanh and @sinisaos for their help with this.
If Piccolo detects a renamed table in an auto migration, it asks the user for confirmation. When lots of tables have been renamed, Piccolo is now more intelligent about when to ask for confirmation. Thanks to @sumitsharansatsangi for suggesting this change, and @sinisaos for reviewing.
Also, fixed the type annotations for MigrationManager.add_table
Fixed a bug with serialising table classes in migrations.
Added support for schemas in Postgres and CockroachDB.
For example:
class Band(Table, schema="music"):
When creating the table, the schema will be created automatically if it doesn't already exist.
await Band.create_table()
It also works with migrations. If we change the schema
value for the table,
Piccolo will detect this, and create a migration for moving it to the new schema.
class Band(Table, schema="music_2"):
# Piccolo will detect that the table needs to be moved to a new schema.
>>> piccolo migrations new my_app --auto
Fixing a bug with ModelBuilder
and Decimal
/ Numeric
Added the on_conflict
clause for insert
queries. This enables upserts.
For example, here we insert some bands, and if they already exist then do nothing:
await Band.insert(
).on_conflict(action='DO NOTHING')
Here we insert some albums, and if they already exist then we update the price:
await Album.insert(
Album(title='OK Computer', price=10.49),
Album(title='Kid A', price=9.99),
Album(title='The Bends', price=9.49),
action='DO UPDATE',
Thanks to @sinisaos for helping with this.
The ASGI frameworks in piccolo asgi new
have been updated. starlite
been renamed to litestar
. Thanks to @sinisaos for this.
Generic types are now used in ModelBuilder
# mypy knows this is a `Band` instance:
band = await ModelBuilder.build(Band)
Added support for DISTINCT ON
queries. For example, here we fetch the most
recent album for each band:
>>> await Album.select().distinct(
... on=[Album.band]
... ).order_by(
... Album.band
... ).order_by(
... Album.release_date,
... ascending=False
... )
Thanks to @sinisaos and @williamflaherty for their help with this.
Joins are now possible without foreign keys using join_on
For example:
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar(unique=True)
email = Varchar()
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
manager_name = Varchar()
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.name,
... Band.manager_name.join_on(Manager.name).email
... )
Added support for savepoints within transactions.
async with DB.transaction() as transaction:
await Manager.objects().create(name="Great manager")
savepoint = await transaction.savepoint()
await Manager.objects().create(name="Great manager")
await savepoint.rollback_to()
# Only the first manager will be inserted.
The behaviour of nested context managers has also been changed slightly.
async with DB.transaction():
async with DB.transaction():
# This used to raise an exception
We no longer raise an exception if there are nested transaction context managers, instead the inner ones do nothing.
If you want the existing behaviour:
async with DB.transaction():
async with DB.transactiona(allow_nested=False):
# TransactionError!
Added the log_responses
option to the database engines. This makes the
engine print out the raw response from the database for each query, which
is useful during debugging.
# piccolo_conf.py
DB = PostgresEngine(
config={'database': 'my_database'},
We also updated the Starlite ASGI template - it now uses the new import paths (thanks to @sinisaos for this).
Joins now work within update
queries. For example:
await Band.update({
Band.name: 'Amazing Band'
Band.manager.name == 'Guido'
Other changes:
- Improved the template used by
piccolo app new
when creating a new Piccolo app (it now usestable_finder
Improved the performance of select queries with complex joins. Many thanks to @powellnorma and @sinisaos for their help with this.
Major improvements to Piccolo's typing / auto completion support.
For example:
>>> bands = await Band.objects() # List[Band]
>>> band = await Band.objects().first() # Optional[Band]
>>> bands = await Band.select().output(as_json=True) # str
This allows you to access features in the database which aren't exposed directly by Piccolo. For example, Postgres functions:
from piccolo.query import SelectRaw
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.name,
... SelectRaw("log(popularity) AS log_popularity")
... )
[{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'log_popularity': 3.0}]
Piccolo can now load large fixtures using piccolo fixtures load
. The
rows are inserted in batches, so the database adapter doesn't raise any errors.
The naming convention for migrations has changed slightly. It used to be just a timestamp - for example:
By convention Python files should start with a letter, and only contain
, 0-9
and _
, so the new format is:
You can name a migration file anything you want (it's the ID
value inside it which is important), so this change doesn't break anything.
We now expose all of Pydantic's configuration options to
class MyPydanticConfig(pydantic.BaseConfig):
extra = 'forbid'
model = create_pydantic_model(
Thanks to @waldner for this.
- Fixed a bug with
and null columns (thanks to @powellnorma for reporting this issue). - Updated the Starlite ASGI template, so it uses the latest syntax for mounting Piccolo Admin (thanks to @sinisaos for this, and the Starlite team).
piccolo fixtures load
is now more intelligent about how it loads data, to
avoid foreign key constraint errors.
columns now support choices.
class Ticket(Table):
class Extras(str, enum.Enum):
drink = "drink"
snack = "snack"
program = "program"
extras = Array(Varchar(), choices=Extras)
We can then use the Enum
in our queries:
>>> await Ticket.insert(
... Ticket(extras=[Extras.drink, Extras.snack]),
... Ticket(extras=[Extras.program]),
... )
This will also be supported in Piccolo Admin in the next release.
You can now use the returning
clause with delete
For example:
>>> await Band.delete().where(Band.popularity < 100).returning(Band.name)
[{'name': 'Terrible Band'}, {'name': 'Awful Band'}]
This also means you can count the number of deleted rows:
>>> len(await Band.delete().where(Band.popularity < 100).returning(Band.id))
Thanks to @waldner for adding this feature.
You can now specify the transaction type for SQLite.
This is useful when using SQLite in production, as it's possible to get
database locked
errors if you're running lots of transactions concurrently,
and don't use the correct transaction type.
In this example we use an IMMEDIATE
from piccolo.engine.sqlite import TransactionType
async with Band._meta.db.transaction(
band = await Band.objects().get_or_create(Band.name == 'Pythonistas')
We've added a new tutorial which explains this in more detail, as well as other tips for using asyncio and SQLite together effectively.
Thanks to @powellnorma and @sinisaos for their help with this.
- Fixed a bug with camelCase column names (we recommend using snake_case, but sometimes it's unavoidable when using Piccolo with an existing schema). Thanks to @sinisaos for this.
- Fixed a typo in the docs with
queries - thanks to @StitiFatah for this.
Some big improvements to order_by
It's now possible to combine ascending and descending:
await Band.select(
You can also order by anything you want using OrderByRaw
from piccolo.query import OrderByRaw
await Band.select(
Added the auto_update
argument to Column
. Its main use case is columns
like modified_on
where we want the value to be updated automatically each
time the row is saved.
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
popularity = Integer()
modified_on = Timestamp(
# The `modified_on` column will automatically be updated to the current
# timestamp:
>>> await Band.update({
... Band.popularity: Band.popularity + 100
... }).where(
... Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
... )
It works with MyTable.update
and also when using the save
method on
an existing row.
Made improvements to the Piccolo playground.
- Syntax highlighting is now enabled.
- The example queries are now async (iPython supports top level await, so this works fine).
- You can optionally use your own iPython configuration
piccolo playground run --ipython_profile
(for example if you want a specific colour scheme, rather than the one we use by default).
Thanks to @haffi96 for this. See PR 656.
Fixed a bug with MyTable.objects().create()
and columns which are not
nullable. Thanks to @metakot for reporting this issue.
We used to use logging.getLogger(__file__)
, but as @Drapersniper pointed
out, the Python docs recommend logging.getLogger(__name__)
, so it has been
- Fixed a bug with nullable
columns andcreate_pydantic_model
- thanks to @eneacosta for this fix. - Made the
column type importable frompiccolo.columns
. - Python 3.11 is now supported.
- Postgres 9.6 is no longer officially supported, as it's end of life, but Piccolo should continue to work with it just fine for now.
- Improved docs for transactions, added docs for the
clause in CockroachDB (thanks to @gnat for this), and added docs foradd_raw_backwards
Added initial support for Cockroachdb (thanks to @gnat for this massive contribution).
Fixed Pylance warnings (thanks to @MiguelGuthridge for this).
Added support for Starlite. If you use piccolo asgi new
you'll see it as
an option for a router.
Thanks to @sinisaos for adding this, and @peterschutt for helping debug ASGI mounting.
Fixed an edge case, where a migration could fail if:
- 5 or more tables were being created at once.
- They all contained foreign keys to each other, as shown below.
class TableA(Table):
class TableB(Table):
fk = ForeignKey(TableA)
class TableC(Table):
fk = ForeignKey(TableB)
class TableD(Table):
fk = ForeignKey(TableC)
class TableE(Table):
fk = ForeignKey(TableD)
Thanks to @sumitsharansatsangi for reporting this issue.
Made it easier to access the Email
columns on a table.
>>> MyTable._meta.email_columns
[MyTable.email_column_1, MyTable.email_column_2]
This was added for Piccolo Admin.
Fixed a bug with migrations - when using db_column_name
it wasn't being
used in some alter statements. Thanks to @theelderbeever for reporting this
class Concert(Table):
# We use `db_column_name` when the column name is problematic - e.g. if
# it clashes with a Python keyword.
in_ = Varchar(db_column_name='in')
When using get_or_create
with prefetch
the behaviour was inconsistent -
it worked as expected when the row already existed, but prefetch wasn't working
if the row was being created. This now works as expected:
>>> band = Band.objects(Band.manager).get_or_create(
... (Band.name == "New Band 2") & (Band.manager == 1)
... )
>>> band.manager
<Manager: 1>
>>> band.manager.name
"Mr Manager"
Thanks to @backwardspy for reporting this issue.
Added the Email
column type. It's basically identical to Varchar
except that when we use create_pydantic_model
we add email validation
to the generated Pydantic model.
from piccolo.columns.column_types import Email
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.utils.pydantic import create_pydantic_model
class MyTable(Table):
email = Email()
model = create_pydantic_model(MyTable)
model(email="not a valid email")
# ValidationError!
Thanks to @sinisaos for implementing this feature.
Fixed a bug with migrations - when run backwards, raw
was being called
instead of raw_backwards
. Thanks to @translunar for the fix.
You can now append items to an array in an update query:
await Ticket.update({
Ticket.seat_numbers: Ticket.seat_numbers + [1000]
}).where(Ticket.id == 1)
Currently Postgres only. Thanks to @sumitsharansatsangi for suggesting this feature.
You can now preview the DDL statements which will be run by Piccolo migrations.
piccolo migrations forwards my_app --preview
Thanks to @AliSayyah for adding this feature.
We added support for Postgres read-slaves a few releases ago, but the batch
clause didn't support it until now. Thanks to @guruvignesh01 for reporting
this issue, and @sinisaos for help implementing it.
# Returns 100 rows at a time from read_replica_db
async with await Manager.select().batch(
) as batch:
async for _batch in batch:
Traditionally, when instantiating a Table
, you passed in column values
using kwargs:
>>> await Manager(name='Guido').save()
You can now pass in a dictionary instead, which makes it easier for static typing analysis tools like Mypy to detect typos.
>>> await Manager({Manager.name: 'Guido'}).save()
See PR 565 for more info.
Added the returning
clause to insert
and update
This can be used to retrieve data from the inserted / modified rows.
Here's an example, where we update the unpopular bands, and retrieve their names, in a single query:
>>> await Band.update({
... Band.popularity: Band.popularity + 5
... }).where(
... Band.popularity < 10
... ).returning(
... Band.name
... )
[{'name': 'Bad sound band'}, {'name': 'Tone deaf band'}]
See PR 564 and PR 563 for more info.
Fixed a bug with Combination.__str__
, which meant that when printing out a
query for debugging purposes it was wasn't showing correctly (courtesy
Fixed a bug with Piccolo Admin and _get_related_readable
, which is used
to show a human friendly identifier for a row, rather than just the ID.
Thanks to @ethagnawl and @sinisaos for their help with this.
There was a bug when doing joins with a JSONB
column with as_alias
class User(Table, tablename="my_user"):
name = Varchar(length=120)
config = JSONB(default={})
class Subscriber(Table, tablename="subscriber"):
name = Varchar(length=120)
user = ForeignKey(references=User)
async def main():
# This was failing:
await Subscriber.select(
Thanks to @Anton-Karpenko for reporting this issue.
Even though this is a bug fix, the minor version number has been bumped because the fix resulted in some refactoring of Piccolo's internals, so is a fairly big change.
Added a custom __repr__
method to Table
's metaclass. It's needed to
improve the appearance of our Sphinx docs. See
issue 549 for more
Added the callback
clause to select
and objects
queries (courtesy
@backwardspy). For example:
>>> await Band.select().callback(my_callback)
The callback can be a normal function or async function, which is called when the query is successful. The callback can be used to modify the query's output.
It allows for some interesting and powerful code. Here's a very simple example where we modify the query's output:
>>> def get_uppercase_names() -> Select:
... def make_uppercase(response):
... return [{'name': i['name'].upper()} for i in response]
... return Band.select(Band.name).callback(make_uppercase)
>>> await get_uppercase_names().where(Band.manager.name == 'Guido')
[{'name': 'PYTHONISTAS'}]
Here's another example, where we perform validation on the query's output:
>>> def get_concerts() -> Select:
... def check_length(response):
... if len(response) == 0:
... raise ValueError('No concerts!')
... return response
... return Concert.select().callback(check_length)
>>> await get_concerts().where(Concert.band_1.name == 'Terrible Band')
ValueError: No concerts!
At the moment, callbacks are just triggered when a query is successful, but in the future other callbacks will be added, to hook into more of Piccolo's internals.
Added the refresh
method. If you have an object which has gotten stale, and
want to refresh it, so it has the latest data from the database, you can now do
# If we have an instance:
band = await Band.objects().first()
# And it has gotten stale, we can refresh it:
await band.refresh()
Thanks to @trondhindenes for suggesting this feature.
Fixed a bug with atomic
when run async with a connection pool.
For example:
atomic = Band._meta.db.atomic()
atomic.add(query_1, query_1)
# This was failing:
await atomic.run()
Thanks to @Anton-Karpenko for reporting this issue.
Added create_db_tables
and create_db_tables_sync
to replace
. The problem was create_tables
was sync only, and was
inconsistent with the rest of Piccolo's API, which is async first.
will continue to work for now, but is deprecated, and will be
removed in version 1.0.
Likewise, drop_db_tables
and drop_db_tables_sync
have replaced
When calling create_tables
/ drop_tables
within other async libraries
(such as ward) it was sometimes
unreliable - the best solution was just to make async versions of these
functions. Thanks to @backwardspy for reporting this issue.
We centralised the password validation logic in BaseUser
into a method
called _validate_password
. This is needed by Piccolo API, but also makes it
easier for users to override this logic if subclassing BaseUser
, which is the main utility function which Piccolo uses to run
async code, has been further simplified for Python > v3.10 compatibility.
Changed how piccolo.utils.sync.run_sync
works, to prevent a warning on
Python 3.10. Thanks to @Drapersniper for reporting this issue.
Lots of documentation improvements - particularly around testing, and Docker deployment.
piccolo schema generate
now outputs a warning when it can't detect the
for a ForeignKey
, rather than raising an
exception. Thanks to @theelderbeever for reporting this issue.
doesn't use the connection pool by default anymore. It was causing
issues when an app contained sync and async code. Thanks to @WintonLi for
reporting this issue.
Added a tutorial to the docs for using Piccolo with an existing project and database. Thanks to @virajkanwade for reporting this issue.
If you had a table containing an array of BigInt
, then migrations could
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.columns.column_types import Array, BigInt
class MyTable(Table):
my_column = Array(base_column=BigInt())
It's because the BigInt
base column needs access to the parent table to
know if it's targeting Postgres or SQLite. See PR 501.
Thanks to @cheesycod for reporting this issue.
If a user created a custom Column
subclass, then migrations would fail.
For example:
class CustomColumn(Varchar):
def __init__(self, custom_arg: str = '', *args, **kwargs):
self.custom_arg = custom_arg
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def column_type(self):
return 'VARCHAR'
See PR 497. Thanks to @WintonLi for reporting this issue.
When using pip install piccolo[all]
on Windows it would fail because uvloop
isn't supported. Thanks to @jack1142 for reporting this issue.
We've had the ability to bulk modify rows for a while. Here we append '!!!'
to each band's name:
>>> await Band.update({Band.name: Band.name + '!!!'}, force=True)
It only worked for some columns - Varchar
, Text
, Integer
We now allow Date
, Timestamp
, Timestamptz
and Interval
to be bulk modified using a timedelta
. Here we modify each concert's start
date, so it's one day later:
>>> await Concert.update(
... {Concert.starts: Concert.starts + timedelta(days=1)},
... force=True
... )
Thanks to @theelderbeever for suggesting this feature.
You can now specify extra nodes for a database. For example, if you have a read replica.
DB = PostgresEngine(
config={'database': 'main_db'},
'read_replica_1': PostgresEngine(
'database': 'main_db',
'host': 'read_replica_1.my_db.com'
And can then run queries on these other nodes:
>>> await MyTable.select().run(node="read_replica_1")
See PR 481. Thanks to @dashsatish for suggesting this feature.
Also, the targ
library has been updated so it tells users about the
argument which can be used to get a full traceback when a CLI
command fails.
Fixed typos with drop_constraints
. Courtesy @smythp.
Lots of documentation improvements, such as fixing Sphinx's autodoc for the
now accepts a pathlib.Path
instance. For example:
# piccolo_app.py
import pathlib
APP_CONFIG = AppConfig(
migrations_folder_path=pathlib.Path(__file__) / "piccolo_migrations"
Thanks to @theelderbeever for recommending this feature.
Fixed a bug with ModelBuilder
and nullable columns (see PR 462).
Thanks to @fiolet069 for reporting this issue.
The ModelBuilder
class, which is used to generate mock data in tests, now
supports Array
columns. Courtesy @backwardspy.
Lots of internal code optimisations and clean up. Courtesy @yezz123.
Added docs for troubleshooting common MyPy errors.
Also thanks to @adriangb for helping us with our dependency issues.
Fixed a bug with auto migrations. If renaming multiple columns at once, it could get confused. Thanks to @theelderbeever for reporting this issue, and @sinisaos for helping to replicate it. See PR 457.
We ran a profiler on the Piccolo codebase and identified some optimisations.
For example, we were calling self.querystring
multiple times in a method,
rather than assigning it to a local variable.
We also ran a linter which identified when list / set / dict comprehensions could be more efficient.
The performance is now slightly improved (especially when fetching large numbers of rows from the database).
Example query times on a MacBook, when fetching 1000 rows from a local Postgres
database (using await SomeTable.select()
- 8 ms without a connection pool
- 2 ms with a connection pool
As you can see, having a connection pool is the main thing you can do to improve performance.
Thanks to @AliSayyah for all his work on this.
Made improvements to piccolo schema generate
, which automatically generates
Piccolo Table
classes from an existing database.
There were situations where it would fail ungracefully when it couldn't parse an index definition. It no longer crashes, and we print out the problematic index definitions. See PR 449. Thanks to @gmos for originally reporting this issue.
We also improved the error messages if schema generation fails for some reason by letting the user know which table caused the error. Courtesy @AliSayyah.
We used to raise a ValueError
if a column was both null=False
. This has now been removed, as there are situations where
it's valid for columns to be configured that way. Thanks to @gmos for
suggesting this change.
The where
clause now raises a ValueError
if a boolean value is
passed in by accident. This was possible in the following situation:
await Band.select().where(Band.has_drummer is None)
Piccolo can't override the is
operator because Python doesn't allow it,
so Band.has_drummer is None
will always equal False
. Thanks to
@trondhindenes for reporting this issue.
We've also put a lot of effort into improving documentation throughout the project.
- Lots of documentation improvements, including how to customise
(courtesy @sinisaos). - Fixed a bug with creating indexes when the column name clashes with a SQL
keyword (e.g.
). See Pr 433. Thanks to @wmshort for reporting this issue. - Fixed an issue where some slots were incorrectly configured (courtesy @ariebovenberg). See PR 426.
Fixed a bug with auto migrations which rename columns - see PR 423. Thanks to @theelderbeever for reporting this, and @sinisaos for help investigating.
Added Xpresso as a supported ASGI framework when
using piccolo asgi new
to generate a web app.
Thanks to @sinisaos for adding this template, and @adriangb for reviewing.
We also took this opportunity to update our FastAPI and BlackSheep ASGI templates.
If you try and perform an update query without a where
clause you will now
get an error:
>>> await Band.update({Band.name: 'New Band'})
If you want to update all rows in the table, you can still do so, but you must
pass force=True
>>> await Band.update({Band.name: 'New Band'}, force=True)
This is a similar to delete
queries, which require a where
clause or
It was pointed out by @theelderbeever that an accidental mass update is almost as bad as a mass deletion, which is why this safety measure has been added.
See PR 412.
This is a breaking change. It you're doing update queries without
a where clause, you will need to add force=True
Fixed some bugs with nullable JSONB
columns. A value of None
is now
stored as null
in the database, instead of the JSON string 'null'
Thanks to @theelderbeever for reporting this.
See PR 413.
now has a create_user
method, which adds some extra password
validation vs just instantiating and saving BaseUser
>>> await BaseUser.create_user(username='bob', password='abc123XYZ')
<BaseUser: 1>
We check that passwords are a reasonable length, and aren't already hashed. See PR 402.
All of the docs have been updated to show the async version of queries.
For example:
# Previous:
# Now:
await Band.select()
Most people use Piccolo in async apps, and the playground supports top level
await, so you can just paste in await Band.select()
and it will still work.
See PR 407.
We decided to use await Band.select()
instead of await Band.select().run()
Both work, and have their merits, but the simpler version is probably easier
for newcomers.
In Piccolo you can print out any query to see the SQL which will be generated:
>>> print(Band.select())
SELECT "band"."id", "band"."name", "band"."manager", "band"."popularity" FROM band
It didn't represent UUID
and datetime
values correctly, which is now fixed (courtesy @theelderbeever).
See PR 405.
Using descriptors to improve MyPy support (PR 399).
MyPy is now able to correctly infer the type in lots of different scenarios:
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
# MyPy knows this is a Varchar
band = Band()
band.name = "Pythonistas" # MyPy knows we can assign strings when it's a class instance
band.name # MyPy knows we will get a string back
band.name = 1 # MyPy knows this is an error, as we should only be allowed to assign strings
Fixed bug with BaseUser
and Piccolo API.
The BaseUser
table hashes passwords before storing them in the database.
When we create a fixture from the BaseUser
table (using piccolo fixtures dump
it looks something like:
"id": 11,
"username": "bob",
"password": "pbkdf2_sha256$10000$abc123",
When we load the fixture (using piccolo fixtures load
) we need to be
careful in case BaseUser
tries to hash the password again (it would then be a hash of
a hash, and hence incorrect). We now have additional checks in place to prevent
Thanks to @mrbazzan for implementing this, and @sinisaos for help reviewing.
Added initial support for ForeignKey
columns referencing non-primary key
columns. For example:
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar()
email = Varchar(unique=True)
class Band(Table):
manager = ForeignKey(Manager, target_column=Manager.email)
Thanks to @theelderbeever for suggesting this feature, and with help testing.
Fixed an issue with the value_type
of ForeignKey
columns when
referencing a table with a custom primary key column (such as a UUID
Added an exclude_imported
option to table_finder
APP_CONFIG = AppConfig(
table_classes=table_finder(['music.tables'], exclude_imported=True)
It's useful when we want to import Table
subclasses defined within a
module itself, but not imported ones:
# tables.py
from piccolo.apps.user.tables import BaseUser # excluded
from piccolo.columns.column_types import ForeignKey, Varchar
from piccolo.table import Table
class Musician(Table): # included
name = Varchar()
user = ForeignKey(BaseUser)
This was also possible using tags, but was less convenient. Thanks to @sinisaos for reporting this issue.
Fixed the error message in LazyTableReference
Fixed a bug with create_pydantic_model
with nested models. For example:
create_pydantic_model(Band, nested=(Band.manager,))
Sometimes Pydantic couldn't uniquely identify the nested models. Thanks to @wmshort and @sinisaos for their help with this.
Added a max password length to the BaseUser
table. By default it's set to
128 characters.
Fixed a bug with Readable
when it contains lots of joins.
is used to create a user friendly representation of a row in
Piccolo Admin.
Added Many-To-Many support.
from piccolo.columns.column_types import (
from piccolo.columns.m2m import M2M
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
genres = M2M(LazyTableReference("GenreToBand", module_path=__name__))
class Genre(Table):
name = Varchar()
bands = M2M(LazyTableReference("GenreToBand", module_path=__name__))
# This is our joining table:
class GenreToBand(Table):
band = ForeignKey(Band)
genre = ForeignKey(Genre)
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.genres(Genre.name, as_list=True))
"name": "Pythonistas",
"genres": ["Rock", "Folk"]
See the docs for more details.
Many thanks to @sinisaos and @yezz123 for all the input.
Fixed some edge cases where migrations would fail if a column name clashed with
a reserved Postgres keyword (for example order
or select
We now have more robust tests for piccolo asgi new
- as part of our CI we
actually run the generated ASGI app to make sure it works (thanks to @AliSayyah
and @yezz123 for their help with this).
We also improved docstrings across the project.
When using piccolo asgi new
to generate a web app, it now has a nicer home
page template, with improved styles.
Fixed a bug with piccolo schema generate
where it would crash if the column
type was unrecognised, due to failing to parse the column's default value.
Thanks to @gmos for reporting this issue, and figuring out the fix.
Added start_connection_pool
and close_connection_pool
methods to the
base Engine
class (courtesy @gmos).
The save
method now supports a columns
argument, so when updating a
row you can specify which values to sync back. For example:
band = await Band.objects().get(Band.name == "Pythonistas")
band.name = "Super Pythonistas"
await band.save([Band.name])
# Alternatively, strings are also supported:
await band.save(['name'])
Thanks to @trondhindenes for suggesting this feature.
Fixed a bug with asyncio.gather
not working with some query types. It was
due to them being dataclasses, and they couldn't be hashed properly. Thanks to
@brnosouza for reporting this issue.
Modified the import path for MigrationManager
in migration files. It was
confusing Pylance (VSCode's type checker). Thanks to @gmos for reporting and
investigating this issue.
All column types can now be secret, rather than being limited to the
column type which is a Varchar
under the hood (courtesy
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar()
net_worth = Integer(secret=True)
The reason this is useful is you can do queries such as:
>>> Manager.select(exclude_secrets=True).run_sync()
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Guido'}]
In the Piccolo API project we have PiccoloCRUD
which is an incredibly
powerful way of building an API with very little code. PiccoloCRUD
has an
option which lets you safely expose your data without
leaking sensitive information.
now has a max_recursion_depth
argument, which is
useful when using nested=True
on large database schemas.
>>> create_pydantic_model(MyTable, nested=True, max_recursion_depth=3)
You can now pass a tuple of columns as the argument to nested
>>> create_pydantic_model(Band, nested=(Band.manager,))
This gives you more control than just using nested=True
You can now include / exclude columns from related tables. For example:
>>> create_pydantic_model(Band, nested=(Band.manager,), exclude_columns=(Band.manager.country))
>>> create_pydantic_model(Band, nested=(Band.manager,), include_columns=(Band.name, Band.manager.name))
- When using
piccolo asgi new
to generate a FastAPI app, the generated code is now cleaner. It also contains aconftest.py
file, which encourages people to usepiccolo tester run
rather than usingpytest
directly. - Tidied up docs, and added logo.
- Clarified the use of the
environment variable in the docs (courtesy @theelderbeever). create_pydantic_model
now accepts aninclude_columns
argument, in case you only want a few columns in your model, it's faster than usingexclude_columns
(courtesy @sinisaos).- Updated linters, and fixed new errors.
The Pydantic docs used to be in the Piccolo API repo, but have been moved over to this repo. We took this opportunity to improve them significantly with additional examples. Courtesy @sinisaos.
Some of the code has been optimised and cleaned up. Courtesy @yezz123.
When using piccolo schema generate
, it would get stuck in a loop if a
table had a foreign key column which referenced itself. Thanks to @knguyen5
for reporting this issue, and @wmshort for implementing the fix. The output
will now look like:
class Employee(Table):
name = Varchar()
manager = ForeignKey("self")
When using the Alter.add_column
API directly (not via migrations), it would
fail with foreign key columns. For example:
This has now been fixed. Thanks to @wmshort for discovering this issue.
Additional fields can now be added to the Pydantic schema. This is useful when using Pydantic's JSON schema functionality:
my_model = create_pydantic_model(Band, my_extra_field="Hello")
>>> my_model.schema()
{..., "my_extra_field": "Hello"}
This feature was added to support new features in Piccolo Admin.
In certain situations it was possible to create a migration file with clashing imports. For example:
from uuid import UUID
from piccolo.columns.column_types import UUID
Piccolo now tries to detect these clashes, and prevent them. If they can't be prevented automatically, a warning is shown to the user. Courtesy @0scarB.
Added Python 3.10 support (courtesy @kennethcheo).
When using piccolo schema generate
to auto generate Piccolo Table
classes from an existing database, it would fail in this situation:
- A table has a column with an index.
- The column name clashed with a Postgres type.
For example, we couldn't auto generate this Table
class MyTable(Table):
time = Timestamp(index=True)
This is because time
is a builtin Postgres type, and the CREATE INDEX
statement being inspected in the database wrapped the column name in quotes,
which broke our regex.
Thanks to @knguyen5 for fixing this.
A convenience method called get_table_classes
was added to Finder
is the main class in Piccolo for dynamically importing projects /
apps / tables / migrations etc.
lets us easily get the Table
classes for a project.
This makes writing unit tests easier, when we need to setup a schema.
from unittest import TestCase
from piccolo.table import create_tables, drop_tables
from piccolo.conf.apps import Finder
TABLES = Finder().get_table_classes()
class TestApp(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
def test_app(self):
# Do some testing ...
The docs were updated to reflect this.
When dropping tables in a unit test, remember to use piccolo tester run
, to
make sure the test database is used.
is the main entrypoint for database reflection in
Piccolo. It has been modified to accept an optional Engine
argument, which
makes it more flexible.
Added the ability to refresh the database engine.
This causes the Table
to fetch the Engine
again from your
file. The reason this is useful, is you might change the
environment variable, and some Table
classes have
already imported an engine. This is now used by the piccolo tester run
command to ensure all Table
classes have the correct engine.
Fixed an edge case where ColumnMeta
couldn't be copied if it had extra
attributes added to it.
When running migrations which change column types, Piccolo now provides the
clause to the ALTER COLUMN
DDL statement, which makes it more
likely that type conversion will be successful.
For example, if there is an Integer
column, and it's converted to a
column, the migration will run fine. In the past, running this in
reverse would fail. Now Postgres will try and cast the values back to integers,
which makes reversing migrations more likely to succeed.
There is now a convenience function for dropping several tables in one go. If
the database doesn't support CASCADE
, then the tables are sorted based on
their ForeignKey
columns, so they're dropped in the correct order. It all
runs inside a transaction.
from piccolo.table import drop_tables
drop_tables(Band, Manager)
This is a useful tool in unit tests.
When using piccolo schema generate
, Piccolo will now reflect the indexes
from the database into the generated Table
classes. Thanks to @wmshort for
Added the db_column_name
option to columns. This is for edge cases where
a legacy database is being used, with problematic column names. For example,
if a column is called class
, this clashes with a Python builtin, so the
following isn't possible:
class MyTable(Table):
class = Varchar() # Syntax error!
You can now do the following:
class MyTable(Table):
class_ = Varchar(db_column_name='class')
Here are some example queries using it:
# Create - both work as expected
# Objects
row = MyTable.objects().first().where(MyTable.class_ == 'Test').run_sync()
>>> row.class_
# Select
>>> MyTable.select().first().where(MyTable.class_ == 'Test').run_sync()
{'id': 1, 'class': 'Test'}
An internal code clean up (courtesy @yezz123).
Dramatically improved CLI appearance when running migrations (courtesy @wmshort).
Added a runtime reflection feature, where Table
classes can be generated
on the fly from existing database tables (courtesy @AliSayyah). This is useful
when dealing with very dynamic databases, where tables are frequently being
added / modified, so hard coding them in a tables.py
is impractical. Also,
for exploring databases on the command line. It currently just supports
Here's an example:
from piccolo.table_reflection import TableStorage
storage = TableStorage()
Band = await storage.get_table('band')
>>> await Band.select().run()
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': 1}, ...]
Lots of improvements to piccolo schema generate
- Dramatically improved performance, by executing more queries in parallel (courtesy @AliSayyah).
- If a table in the database has a foreign key to a table in another schema, this will now work (courtesy @AliSayyah).
- The column defaults are now extracted from the database (courtesy @wmshort).
- The
values forNumeric
column types are extracted from the database (courtesy @wmshort). - The
values forForeignKey
columns are now extracted from the database (courtesy @wmshort).
Added BigSerial
column type (courtesy @aliereno).
Added GitHub issue templates (courtesy @AbhijithGanesh).
Fixing a bug with on_delete
and on_update
not being set correctly.
Thanks to @wmshort for discovering this.
Modified create_pydantic_model
, so JSON
columns have a
attribute of 'json'
. This will be used by Piccolo Admin for
improved JSON support. Courtesy @sinisaos.
Fixing a bug where the piccolo fixtures load
command wasn't registered
with the Piccolo CLI.
The where
clause can now accept multiple arguments (courtesy @AliSayyah):
Concert.venue.name == 'Royal Albert Hall',
Concert.band_1.name == 'Pythonistas'
It's another way of expressing AND. It's equivalent to both of these:
Concert.venue.name == 'Royal Albert Hall'
Concert.band_1.name == 'Pythonistas'
(Concert.venue.name == 'Royal Albert Hall') & (Concert.band_1.name == 'Pythonistas')
Added a create
method, which is an easier way of creating objects (courtesy
# This still works:
band = Band(name="C-Sharps", popularity=100)
# But now we can do it in a single line using `create`:
band = Band.objects().create(name="C-Sharps", popularity=100).run_sync()
Fixed a bug with piccolo schema generate
where columns with unrecognised
column types were omitted from the output (courtesy @AliSayyah).
Added docs for the --trace
argument, which can be used with Piccolo
commands to get a traceback if the command fails (courtesy @hipertracker).
Added DoublePrecision
column type, which is similar to Real
in that
it stores float
values. However, those values are stored at greater
precision (courtesy @AliSayyah).
Improved AppRegistry
, so if a user only adds the app name (e.g. blog
instead of blog.piccolo_app
, it will now emit a warning, and will try to
import blog.piccolo_app
(courtesy @aliereno).
Fixed a bug with create_pydantic_model
when used with a Decimal
column when no digits
arguments was set (courtesy @AliSayyah).
Added the create_tables
function, which accepts a sequence of Table
subclasses, then sorts them based on their ForeignKey
columns, and creates
them. This is really useful for people who aren't using migrations (for
example, when using Piccolo in a simple data science script). Courtesy
from piccolo.tables import create_tables
create_tables(Band, Manager, if_not_exists=True)
# Equivalent to:
Fixed typos with the new fixtures app - sometimes it was referred to as
and other times fixtures
. It's now standardised as
(courtesy @hipertracker).
The piccolo user create
command can now be used by passing in command line
arguments, instead of using the interactive prompt (courtesy @AliSayyah).
For example piccolo user create --username=bob ...
This is useful when you want to create users in a script.
You can now use pip install piccolo[all]
, which will install all optional
Added the fixtures app. This is used to dump data from a database to a JSON file, and then reload it again. It's useful for seeding a database with essential data, whether that's a colleague setting up their local environment, or deploying to production.
To create a fixture:
piccolo fixtures dump --apps=blog > fixture.json
To load a fixture:
piccolo fixtures load fixture.json
As part of this change, Piccolo's Pydantic support was brought into this
library (prior to this it only existed within the piccolo_api
library). At
a later date, the piccolo_api
library will be updated, so it's Pydantic
code just proxies to what's within the main piccolo
Improvements to piccolo schema generate
. It's now smarter about which
imports to include. Also, the Table
classes output will now be sorted based
on their ForeignKey
columns. Internally the sorting algorithm has been
changed to use the graphlib
module, which was added in Python 3.9.
Added the piccolo schema graph
command for visualising your database
structure, which outputs a Graphviz file. It can then be turned into an
image, for example:
piccolo schema map | dot -Tpdf -o graph.pdf
Also made some minor changes to the ASGI templates, to reduce MyPy errors.
Updated to_dict
so it works with nested objects, as introduced by the
For example:
band = Band.objects(Band.manager).first().run_sync()
>>> band.to_dict()
{'id': 1, 'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Guido'}}
It also works with filtering:
>>> band.to_dict(Band.name, Band.manager.name)
{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': {'name': 'Guido'}}
Added the ability to prefetch related objects. Here's an example:
band = await Band.objects(Band.manager).run()
>>> band.manager
<Manager: 1>
If a table has a lot of ForeignKey
columns, there's a useful shortcut,
which will return all of the related rows as objects.
concert = await Concert.objects(Concert.all_related()).run()
>>> concert.band_1
<Band: 1>
>>> concert.band_2
<Band: 2>
>>> concert.venue
<Venue: 1>
Thanks to @wmshort for all the input.
Migrations containing Array
columns should be
more reliable now. More unit tests were added to cover edge cases.
You can now use all_columns
at the root. For example:
await Band.select(
You can also exclude certain columns if you like:
await Band.select(
Fix a regression where if multiple tables are created in a single migration file, it could potentially fail by applying them in the wrong order.
Fixed a bug where if all_columns
was used two or more levels deep, it would
fail. Thanks to @wmshort for reporting this issue.
Here's an example:
Also, the ColumnsDelegate
has now been tweaked, so unpacking of
is optional.
# This now works the same as the code above (we have omitted the *)
Loosen the typing-extensions
requirement, as it was causing issues when
installing asyncpg
Added nested
output option, which makes the response from a select
query use nested dictionaries:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, *Band.manager.all_columns()).output(nested=True).run()
[{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Guido'}}]
Thanks to @wmshort for the idea.
Added to_dict
method to Table
If you just use __dict__
on a Table
instance, you get some non-column
values. By using to_dict
it's just the column values. Here's an example:
class MyTable(Table):
name = Varchar()
instance = MyTable.objects().first().run_sync()
>>> instance.__dict__
{'_exists_in_db': True, 'id': 1, 'name': 'foo'}
>>> instance.to_dict()
{'id': 1, 'name': 'foo'}
Thanks to @wmshort for the idea, and @aminalaee and @sinisaos for investigating edge cases.
Removed problematic type hint which assumed pytest was installed.
Minor changes to get_or_create
to make sure it handles joins correctly.
instance = (
(Band.name == "My new band")
& (Band.manager.name == "Excellent manager")
In this situation, there are two columns called name
- we need to make sure
the correct value is applied if the row doesn't exist.
now supports more complex where clauses. For example:
row = await Band.objects().get_or_create(
(Band.name == 'Pythonistas') & (Band.popularity == 1000)
And you can find out whether the row was created or not using
Thanks to @wmshort for reporting this issue.
Added ModelBuilder
, which can be used to generate data for tests (courtesy
Fixed an issue where like
and ilike
clauses required a wildcard. For
await Manager.select().where(Manager.name.ilike('Guido%')).run()
You can now omit wildcards if you like:
await Manager.select().where(Manager.name.ilike('Guido')).run()
Which would match on 'guido'
and 'Guido'
, but not 'Guidoxyz'
Thanks to @wmshort for reporting this issue.
deprecation warning (courtesy @tonybaloney).Added
piccolo schema generate
which creates a Piccolo schema from an existing database.Added
piccolo tester run
which is a wrapper around pytest, and temporarily setsPICCOLO_CONF
, so a test database is used.Added the
convenience method (courtesy @aminalaee). It returns the first matching record, orNone
if there's no match. For example:manager = await Manager.objects().get(Manager.name == 'Guido').run() # This is equivalent to: manager = await Manager.objects().where(Manager.name == 'Guido').first().run()
Added the get_or_create
convenience method (courtesy @aminalaee). Example
manager = await Manager.objects().get_or_create(
Manager.name == 'Guido'
- Bug fix, where
was failing in migrations if anyColumn
had an unhashable type as an argument. For example:Array(default=[])
. Thanks to @hipertracker for reporting this problem. - Increased the minimum version of orjson, so binaries are available for Macs running on Apple silicon (courtesy @hipertracker).
Fix for auto migrations when using custom primary keys (thanks to @adriangb and @aminalaee for investigating this issue).
Migrations can now have a description, which is shown when using
piccolo migrations check
. This makes migrations easier to identify (thanks
to @davidolrik for the idea).
Added an all_columns
method, to make it easier to retrieve all related
columns when doing a join. For example:
await Band.select(Band.name, *Band.manager.all_columns()).first().run()
Changed the instructions for installing additional dependencies, so they're
wrapped in quotes, to make sure it works on ZSH (i.e.
pip install 'piccolo[postgres]'
instead of
pip install piccolo[postgres]
The database drivers are now installed separately. For example:
pip install piccolo[postgres]
(courtesy @aminalaee).
For some users this might be a breaking change - please make sure that for
existing Piccolo projects, you have either asyncpg
, or
in your requirements.txt
The user can now specify the primary key column (courtesy @aminalaee). For example:
class RecordingStudio(Table):
pk = UUID(primary_key=True)
The BlackSheep template generated by piccolo asgi new
now supports mounting
of the Piccolo Admin (courtesy @sinisaos).
Added aggregations functions, such as Sum
, Min
, Max
and Avg
for use in select queries (courtesy @sinisaos).
Added uvloop as an optional dependency, installed via pip install piccolo[uvloop] (courtesy @aminalaee). uvloop is a faster implementation of the asyncio event loop found in Python's standard library. When uvloop is installed, Piccolo will use it to increase the performance of the Piccolo CLI, and web servers such as Uvicorn will use it to increase the performance of your ASGI app.
Added eq
and ne
methods to the Boolean
column, which can be used
if linters complain about using SomeTable.some_column == True
- Changed the migration IDs, so the timestamp now includes microseconds. This is to make clashing migration IDs much less likely.
- Added a lot of end-to-end tests for migrations, which revealed some bugs
A bug fix for migrations. See issue 123 for more information.
Lots of improvements to JSON
columns. Piccolo will now
automatically convert between Python types and JSON strings. For example, with
this schema:
class RecordingStudio(Table):
name = Varchar()
facilities = JSON()
We can now do the following:
name="Abbey Road",
facilities={'mixing_desk': True} # Will automatically be converted to a JSON string
Similarly, when fetching data from a JSON column, Piccolo can now automatically deserialise it.
>>> RecordingStudio.select().output(load_json=True).run_sync()
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Abbey Road', 'facilities': {'mixing_desk': True}]
>>> studio = RecordingStudio.objects().first().output(load_json=True).run_sync()
>>> studio.facilities
{'mixing_desk': True}
Added the create_table_class
function, which can be used to create
subclasses at runtime. This was required to fix an existing bug,
which was effecting migrations (see issue 111
for more details).
- An error is now raised if a user tries to create a Piccolo app using
piccolo app new
with the same name as a builtin Python module, as it will cause strange bugs. - Fixing a strange bug where using an expression such as
in a query would cause an error. It only happened if multiple joins were involved, and the last column in the chain wasid
. where
clauses can now acceptTable
instances. For example:await Band.select().where(Band.manager == some_manager).run()
, instead of having to explicity reference theid
Fixing a bug with serialising Enum
instances in migrations. For example:
Fix missing imports in FastAPI and Starlette app templates.
- Added a
method toQuery
. - Added BlackSheep as an option to
piccolo asgi new
Added choices
option to Column
- Added
piccolo user change_permissions
command. - Added aliases for CLI commands.
Changes to the BaseUser
table - added a superuser
, and last_login
column. These are required for upgrades to Piccolo Admin.
If you're using migrations, then running piccolo migrations forwards all
should add these new columns for you.
If not using migrations, the BaseUser
table can be upgraded using the
following DDL statements:
ALTER TABLE piccolo_user ADD COLUMN "last_login" TIMESTAMP DEFAULT null
- Fixed a bug when multiple tables inherit from the same mixin (thanks to @brnosouza).
- Added a
option toPostgresEngine
, which is useful during debugging. - Added the inflection library for converting
class names to database table names. Previously, a class calledTableA
would wrongly have a table calledtable
instead oftable_a
. - Fixed a bug with
not returning a number, which could break migrations (thanks to @sinisaos).
Improved Array
column serialisation - needed to fix auto migrations.
Added support for filtering Array
Add the Array
column type as a top level import in piccolo.columns
- Refactored
commands for migrations, to make them easier to run programatically. - Added a simple
column type. table_finder
now works if just a string is passed in, instead of having to pass in an array of strings.
Catching database connection exceptions when starting the default ASGI app
created with piccolo asgi new
- these errors exist if the Postgres
database hasn't been created yet.
Added a help_text
option to the Table
metaclass. This is used in
Piccolo Admin to show tooltips.
Added a help_text
option to the Column
constructor. This is used in
Piccolo Admin to show tooltips.
- Exposing
in theColumn
constructor. - Fixing a typo with
start_connection_pool` and ``close_connection_pool
- thanks to paolodina for finding this. - Fixing a typo in the
docs - courtesy of paolodina.
Fixing a bug with SchemaSnapshot
if column types were changed in migrations
- the snapshot didn't reflect the changes.
- Migrations now directly import
classes - this allows users to create customColumn
subclasses. Migrations previously only worked with the builtin column types. - Migrations now detect if the column type has changed, and will try and convert it automatically.
The Postgres extensions that PostgresEngine
tries to enable at startup
can now be configured.
- Fixed a bug with
MyTable.column != None
- Added
methods, to avoid linting issues when comparing with None.
- Added
, so raw SQL can be used in where clauses. piccolo shell run
now uses syntax highlighting - courtesy of Fingel.
Reordering the dependencies in requirements.txt when using piccolo asgi new
as the latest FastAPI and Starlette versions are incompatible.
Added Timestamptz
column type, for storing datetimes which are timezone
- Fixed a bug with creating a
column withreferences="self"
in auto migrations. - Changed migration file naming, so there are no characters in there which are unsupported on Windows.
Changing the status code when creating a migration, and no changes were detected. It now returns a status code of 0, so it doesn't fail build scripts.
Added Bytea
/ Blob
column type.
Fixing a bug with migrations which drop column defaults.
- Fixing a bug where re-running
would fail if it contained columns with indexes. - Raising a
if a relative path is provided toForeignKey
. For example,.tables.Manager
. The paths must be absolute for now.
Fixing a bug with Boolean
column defaults, caused by the Table
metaclass not being explicit enough when checking falsy values.
- The
argument can now be specified using a string, or aLazyTableReference
instance, rather than just aTable
subclass. This allows aTable
to be specified which is in a Piccolo app, or Python module. TheTable
is only loaded after imports have completed, which prevents circular import issues. - Faster column copying, which is important when specifying joins, e.g.
await Band.select(Band.manager.name).run()
. - Fixed a bug with migrations and foreign key constraints.
Modified the exit codes for the forwards
and backwards
commands when no
migrations are left to run / reverse. Otherwise build scripts may fail.
- Improved the method signature of the
query clause (explicitly added args, instead of using**kwargs
). - Fixed a bug where
would fail if no rows were found. - Made
piccolo migrations forwards
command output more legible. - Improved renamed table detection in migrations.
- Added the
piccolo migrations clean
command for removing orphaned rows from the migrations table. - Fixed a bug where
wasn't inclusive. - Raising a
query clauses are passed an empty list. - Changed the migration commands to be top level async.
- Combined
- Added missing type annotation for
. - Updating type annotations for column default values - allowing callables.
- Replaced instances of
. - Tidied up aiosqlite imports.
- Added JSON and JSONB column types, and the arrow function for JSONB.
- Fixed a bug with the distinct clause.
- Added
, so select queries can override column names in the response (i.e. SELECT foo AS bar from baz). - Refactored JSON encoding into a separate utils file.
- Removed old iPython version recommendation in the
piccolo shell run
andpiccolo playground run
, and enabled top level await. - Fixing outstanding mypy warnings.
- Added optional requirements for the playground to setup.py
- Added
piccolo sql_shell run
command, which launches the psql or sqlite3 shell, using the connection parameters defined inpiccolo_conf.py
. This is convenient when you want to run raw SQL on your database. run_sync
now handles more edge cases, for example if there's already an event loop in the current thread.- Removed asgiref dependency.
- Queries can be directly awaited -
await MyTable.select()
, as an alternative to using the run methodawait MyTable.select().run()
. - The
piccolo asgi new
command now accepts aname
argument, which is used to populate the default database name within the template.
- Centralised code for importing Piccolo apps and tables - laying the foundation for fixtures.
- Made orjson an optional dependency, installable using
pip install piccolo[orjson]
. - Improved version number parsing in Postgres.
Fixing a bug with dropping tables in auto migrations.
Added Interval
column type.
- Added
in ASGI template. - Fixing bug with default
argument in some piccolo commands.
- Fixed bug with
when dropping columns. - Added custom
method toTable
Added piccolo shell run
command for running adhoc queries using Piccolo.
- Fixing bug with auto migrations when dropping columns.
- Added a
argument topiccolo asgi new
,piccolo app new
andpiccolo project new
commands, to override where the files are placed.
Added support for group_by
and Count
for aggregate queries.
Added required argument to Column
. This allows the user to indicate which
fields must be provided by the user. Other tools can use this value when
generating forms and serialisers.
- Fixing a typo in
arguments. - Fixing bug in
SQL representation. - Added more extensive deserialisation for migrations.
- Improved
docstring. - Resolving rename migrations before adding columns.
- Fixed bug serialising
. - Fixed bug with altering column defaults to be non-static values.
- Removed
Using orjson for JSON serialisation when using the output(as_json=True)
clause. It supports more Python types than ujson.
Improved piccolo user create
command - defaults the username to the current
system user.
Fixing bug when sorting extra_definitions
in auto migrations.
- Fixed typos.
- Bumped requirements.
- Added
columns. - Improved support for column default values.
- Auto migrations can now serialise more Python types.
- Added
method for listing table indexes. - Auto migrations can handle adding / removing indexes.
- Improved ASGI template for FastAPI.
ASGI template fix.
- Improved
columns in SQLite - prepending 'uuid:' to the stored value to make the type more explicit for the engine. - Removed SQLite as an option for
piccolo asgi new
until auto migrations are supported.
Added support for FastAPI to piccolo asgi new
Fixed bug in BaseMigrationManager.get_migration_modules
- wasn't
excluding non-Python files well enough.
- Stopped
piccolo migrations new
from creating a config.py file - was legacy. - Added a README file to the piccolo_migrations folder in the ASGI template.
Fixed __pycache__ bug when using piccolo asgi new
- Showing a warning if trying auto migrations with SQLite.
- Added a command for creating a new ASGI app -
piccolo asgi new
. - Added a meta app for printing out the Piccolo version -
piccolo meta version
. - Added example queries to the playground.
- Added
, for use inAppConfig
. - Added support for concatenating strings using an update query.
- Added more tables to the playground, with more column types.
- Improved consistency between SQLite and Postgres with
columns, andexists
Added Numeric
and Real
column types.
Fixing a bug where Postgres versions without a patch number couldn't be parsed.
Improving release script.
Sorting out packaging issue - old files were appearing in release.
Auto migrations can now run backwards.
Fixing some typos with Table
imports. Showing a traceback when piccolo_conf
can't be found by engine_finder
Adding missing jinja templates to setup.py.
Fixing a bug when using piccolo project new
in a new project.
Fixing bug with enum default values.
Using targ for the CLI. Refactored some core code into apps.
Suppressing exceptions when trying to find the Postgres version, to avoid
an ImportError
when importing piccolo_conf.py.
bug fix.
Auto migration fixes, and .first()
method now returns None if no match is
Added support for auto migrations.
Can use operators in update queries, and fixing 'new' migration command.
Fixing release issue.
Improved transaction support - can now use a context manager. Added Secret
and SmallInt
column types. Foreign keys can now reference the
parent table.
Fixing bug when joining across several tables. Can pass values directly into
the Table.update
method. Added if_not_exists
option when creating a
Column sequencing matches the definition order.
Supporting ON DELETE and ON UPDATE for foreign keys. Recording reverse foreign key relationships.
Made response_handler
async. Made it easier to rename columns.
Bug fixes and dependency updates.
Adding missing __int__.py
Changed migration import paths.
Added remove_db_file
method to SQLiteEngine
- makes testing easier.
Renamed create
to create_table
, and can register commands via
Adding missing __init__.py
Moved BaseUser
. Migration refactor.
Moved drop table under Alter
- to help prevent accidental drops.
Added batch
Refactored the Table
Metaclass - much simpler now. Scoped more of the
attributes on Column
to avoid name clashes. Added engine_finder
to make
database configuration easier.
SQLite is now returning datetime objects for timestamp fields.
Refactored to improve code completion, along with bug fixes.
Allowing Update
queries in SQLite.
Falling back to LIKE instead of ILIKE for SQLite.
Renamed User
to BaseUser
Added ilike
Added value types to columns.
Default values infer the engine type.
Update click version.
Tweaked API to support more auto completion. Join support in where clause. Basic SQLite support - mostly for playground.
Using QueryString
internally to represent queries, instead of raw strings,
to harden against SQL injection.
Allowing joins across multiple tables.
Added playground.