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Scheduling APIs: Prioritized postTask API

Author: Scott Haseley
Participate: Issue Tracker
Specification:Scheduling APIs specification

For an overview of the larger problem space, see Scheduling APIs.


Userspace tasks often have varying degrees of importance (related to user experience), but the Platform lacks a unified API to schedule and control prioritized work; scheduler.postTask() provides this functionality.

The Problem

Scheduling can be an important tool for improving website performance and user experience, playing a role in both responsiveness and user-perceived latency. By breaking up long tasks into smaller tasks, or chunks, the page can remain responsive if the app yields to the event loop between tasks. Running high priority work sooner can improve user experience by minimizing user-perceived latency of the associated interaction. Userspace tasks—or groups of related tasks—often have an associated priority, i.e. not all work has the same importance. For example, rendering in-viewport content is more important than rendering content that is just out of the viewport but might be seen soon. A task's priority is also subject to change, e.g. in response to user input.

Userspace schedulers often manage these tasks—prioritizing and executing work asynchronously at an appropriate time relative to the current situation of the user and browser. These schedulers use an internal notion of priority to order execution of tasks they control, but this has limited meaning since they do not control all tasks on the page. Apps can consist of 1P, 1P library, 3P, and (one or more) framework script, all of which compete for the thread. At the same time, the browser has tasks to run on the thread, such as async work (e.g. fetch() and IndexedDB tasks) and garbage collection.

Existing Priorities

One problem is that developers have little control over the priority that their tasks run within the browser, as the Platform only exposes a few priorities, either explicitly or implicitly through a disparate set of APIs. UAs have the ability to prioritize tasks on a per-task-source basis, but there is no way for developers to differentiate priority between tasks of a given task source.

The current state of prioritization in the browser looks something like this:

Current Web Priorities

The first two—microtask and don't yield—are generally antithetical to scheduling and the goal of improving responsiveness. They are implicit priorities that developers can and do use.

requestAnimationFrame, which was designed for animations, is used (perhaps abused) by userspace code to gain higher priority, since rendering is often prioritized by UAs. Scheduling work at this "priority" has the disadvantage of incurring extra overhead caused by running the rendering lifecycle updates (they may early-out, but this is still more heavy-weight than may be needed if not updating DOM). rAF runs during the update the rendering step of the event loop processing model, and it is up to the UA to determine whether or not there is a rendering opportunity which will result in rAF to run.

Idle callbacks essentially run when there is no other work that can be done, subject to rules about when an idle period can begin. This can be a good, albeit complicated scheduling tool, but is not a sufficient expression of priority for what app developers need, and it does not support changing priority.

Everything else, such as setTimeout, postMessage and fetch completions run in between rendering opportunities (labeled as inter-frame here). The browser has flexibility to prioritize between task sources, but not necessarily visibility into task importance.

Lack of a unified API

Another problem here is that there is no unified scheduling API. Instead, developers have had to resort to various hacks, such as using postMessage to get around setTimeout(0)'s delay, or using rAF to gain higher priority. This complicates code, is onerous for developers to learn and write, and can have negative performance effects (e.g. gratuitous rendering lifecycle updates).

Goals and Non-goals


  • To enable developers to schedule, control, and interact with prioritized tasks using modern primitives like promises and AbortSignals

  • To enable the browser to make better internal scheduling decisions by being aware of userspace task priorities

  • To create a set of priorities that is shared across all parts of an application (e.g. 1P, 3P, framework code)


  • To enable an arbitrary number of priorities (see the FAQ below)

  • To replace every userspace scheduler. While userspace schedulers have a lot in common with each other, the details tend to differ, e.g. number of priorities, how microtasks are used, chunk size, starvation prevention, etc. While we hope userspace schedulers can leverage postTask(), it won't replace all of them—at least not immediately. The first version of postTask() represents our MVP, and we fully expect it to evolve over time.

  • To create a total ordering on tasks within the browser. It may be advantageous to specify the priorities of some task sources (e.g. timers) to help meet developer expectations, but this API does not specify how UAs should schedule other task sources with respect to postTask() tasks.

  • To specify the relationship between postTask() tasks and rendering. postTask() tasks run in between frames, and the relationship between how many postTask() tasks can run between frames is out-of-scope for this proposal. See also this issue.


To address these problems, we propose adding a unified prioritized task scheduling API, postTask, that allows developers to schedule work with a set of standard priorities directly through a native scheduler.


At the core of this API is a set of priorities. We have selected an initial minimal set of semantically significant priorities. Semantically meaningful naming helps developers understand when it is appropriate to use a given priority and enable easier coordination, and there is precedent in other systems. Similar priorities (and a similarly small set) can be found in other platforms like Apple's QoSClass and Chromium's internal browser task queues.

Note: The number of priorities can be extended if there are use cases not covered by this minimal set of priorities. We also understand that apps may have finer-grained app-specific priorities, and are considering additional APIs to support these.

New Web Scheduling Priorities

  1. user-blocking: User-blocking tasks are tasks that block a user from interacting with and using the app. This could be (chunked) work that is directly in response to user input, or updating in-viewport UI state.

  2. user-visible: User-visible tasks are those that will be visible to the user, but either not immediately or do not block the user from interacting with the page. These tasks have either a different importance or timescale than user-blocking tasks.

    Note: this is the default postTask priority if a priority is not specified.

  3. background: Background tasks are low priority tasks that are not time-sensitive and not visible to the user.

Scheduling between prioritized tasks and other task sources

The API does not specify how UAs should schedule between prioritized tasks (postTask tasks) and other task sources. It likely makes sense to schedule some task sources (e.g. timers) at a priority lower than user-blocking, but we want to leave room for UAs to experiment with prioritization. These semantic priorities can be used as further information to make scheduling decisions with respect to choosing which task source to select a task from.

We may find the need to spec the priorities of other task sources in the future, e.g. to improve the API and meet developer expectations, but that is out of scope for this proposal.

Scheduling between prioritized tasks

Another question is how the browser should schedule between prioritized tasks. Semantically, the priorities are ordered based on impact on user experience, with user-blocking being the highest priority, user-visible being the next highest, and background being the lowest. So intuitively, selecting lower priority work over higher priority work would degrade user experience. But running tasks in strict priority order can lead to starvation of lower priority tasks, which may or may not be desirable.

Note: One assumption here is that the priorities are being used for their intended purposes, which the API cannot guarantee is the case. Preventing intentional or unintentional misuse of priorities is a non-goal for the first version of the API, though we are exploring solutions in the space (see the FAQ below).

We have a few options here:

  1. Use fixed priorities: user-blocking > user-visible > background. This option provides the most guarantees to developers and is the easiest to understand why a certain task was selected to run, which can be invaluable in debugging.

  2. Use fixed priorities, but expose anti-starvation mechanisms to developers. This is an extension of (1) which exposes primitives to developers aimed at preventing indefinite starvation. This could be as simple as a timeout or something more complicated like task aging.

  3. Allow UAs freedom to schedule between different priorities as they see fit. This option gives browsers the most flexibility at the cost of developer expectations/guarantees.

Our current opinion is that using fixed priorities (option 1) is better for web developers because of the guarantees it provides, however we also recognize that the need for some kind of anti-starvation is highly likely (meaning option 2 is a likelier end state). We think that we'll have more insight in this regard as usage of the API increases.

API Shape

The basic API shape is similar to other async APIs such as fetch:

// The default priority is 'user-visible'.
const promise = scheduler.postTask(myTask);

postTask also takes a number of optional arguments, including specifying the priority:

const promise = scheduler.postTask(myTask, {priority: 'user-blocking'});

The Promise that postTask returns is resolved with the callback's return value:

function myTask() {
  return 'hello';

(async function() {
  const res = await scheduler.postTask(myTask, {priority: 'background'});
  console.log(res) // prints 'hello'.

Controlling Posted Tasks

The API supports two operations that modify a task once it has been queued: cancellation and changing priority. The API leverages a TaskController that supports AbortController operations (abort()) and an additional setPriority operation. The following example demonstrates controlling tasks with a TaskController:

const controller = new TaskController({priority: 'user-blocking'});

// |signal| is an instance of a TaskSignal, which has read-only properties for
// the aborted state and current priority.
const signal = controller.signal;

console.log(signal.priority);  // logs 'user-blocking'.
console.log(signal.aborted);   // logs 'false'.

scheduler.postTask(doWork, {signal});


// Change the priority to 'background'.

// Cancel the pending task.

The real power of the controller-based API comes with sharing a signal between multiple async tasks, possibly between disparate APIs, and acting on them en masse. For example, a TaskSignal can be passed to fetch and can be used to cancel pending postTask tasks and ongoing fetches.

const controller = new TaskController({priority: 'user-blocking'});
const signal = controller.signal;

function doWork() {
  let task;
  let tasks = [];

  task = scheduler.postTask(subtask1, {signal});

  task = scheduler.postTask(subtask2, {signal});

  task = fetch(url, {signal});

  return Promise.all(tasks);

scheduler.postTask(doWork, {signal});


// Cancel all of the work created in the doWork task.

Note: The example above also works if using an AbortController rather than a TaskController, which means postTask can be easily integrated into existing code that uses AbortSignals. A full TaskController is only needed if priority might need to be changed, otherwise an AbortController suffices. In the future, we plan to explore using TaskSignal in other existing APIs to express priority and communicate priority change.

What happens when both a signal and priority are provided?

Consider the following example:

const controller = new TaskController({priority: 'user-blocking'});
const signal = controller.signal;

scheduler.postTask(() => {
  scheduler.postTask(foo, {signal, priority: 'background'});

What is the priority of foo?

There are three options here:

  1. The provided priority overrides the signal's priority (foo has 'background' priority)
  2. The signal's priority overrides the provided priority (foo has 'user-blocking' priority)
  3. An error is thrown

We are proposing option (1): if both a signal and a priority are provided to postTask, the priority overrides the signal.

This enables something we call partial signal inheritance. In this case, the TaskSignal is treated as if it were an AbortSignal— the abort part of the signal is inherited by foo, and the priority acts as an override.

This approach enables use cases that involve posting lower priority dependent work, for example logging or cleanup work. We do note that there is a more verbose way to handle this use case, which involves listening for the parent signal's abort event:

const controller = new TaskController({priority: 'user-blocking'});
const signal = controller.signal;

scheduler.postTask(() => {
  // Priority change not needed.
  const subtaskController = new AbortController();
  const subtaskSignal = subtaskController.signal;

  // Listen for the parent task being aborted.
  signal.onabort = () => { subtaskController.abort(); };

  scheduler.postTask(foo, {subtaskSignal, priority: 'background'});
Listening for priority changes

Similar to how AbortSignal has an abort event to listen for a change in abort state, TaskSignal supports a prioritychange event to listen for changes in priority. The event handler can be registered using either the addEventListener method or onprioritychange property of a TaskSignal. The previous priority can be read through the previousPriority property of the associated event.

const controller = new TaskController({priority: 'user-blocking'});
const signal = controller.signal;

// Method 1: using onprioritychange.
signal.onprioritychange = (event) => {
  const previousPriority = event.previousPriority;
  const newPriority =;
  console.log(`The priority changed from ${previousPriority} to ${newPriority}.`);

// Method 2: using addEventListener.
signal.addEventListener('prioritychange', (event) => {
  const previousPriority = event.previousPriority;
  const newPriority =;
  console.log(`The priority changed from ${previousPriority} to ${newPriority}.`);


Posting Delayed Tasks

An optional delay parameter can be specified in the postTask options, enabling posting prioritized, delayed work. This can, for example, be used to implement custom anti-starvation logic in userspace schedulers.

Simple example:

scheduler.postTask(delayedTask, {delay: 1000});

We use semantics similar to DOM timers:

  1. Delayed tasks with same expiration time and same priority run in the order they were posted.

  2. Delayed tasks are queued when their timer expires, not immediately run. This effectively means that tasks of the same priority that were queued before the timer expires will run first.

  3. Like DOM timers, UAs are allowed to add a custom amount of additional delay.

Note: It's not clear at this point if we need to retain the nesting level logic found in the timer initialization steps, and we omit it for now.


scheduler.postTask(() => { console.log('C'); }, { delay: 10 });
scheduler.postTask(() => { console.log('A'); });
scheduler.postTask(() => { console.log('B'); });

// Prints 'A' 'B' 'C'.

Post-MVP API Areas of Exploration

The API shape described above is the current MVP. The following are extensions of the base API that are in various degrees of exploration:

  1. Prioritizing Non-postTask Async Work: While postTask allows developers to express priority of tasks they control, it does not allow them to express priority for other async work, like fetch, <script>, and IndexedDB. These tasks fall into the category of inter-frame tasks that browsers can prioritize by task source, but without knowledge of individual resource priority, it is difficult to make such decisions.

    We are interested in pursuing priorities for other tasks, but this is out of scope for this API.

  2. Propagating and Inheriting Priority: A frequent request we see from developers is the desire to inherit or propagate the currently running task's priority.

  3. Controlling 3P Script: We are exploring some ideas to allow script to influence the priority of other script it imports, but this is in the very early stages of design. See also the FAQ below.

  4. App-specific priorities: Some apps will have more priorities than postTask supports, e.g. they may wish to subdivide the 'user-visible' priority based on order of impact on user experience. We are currently exploring APIs to support this feature.

  5. Async Job/Task Queue API: Developers sometimes want the behavior that one task doesn't start until certain yieldy async tasks complete. This currently involves tracking and blocking on promise resolution, but we are exploring ways to improve the ergonomics through additional APIs.

  6. Coordinating DOM Reads/Writes: Layout thrashing is a coordination problem that is addressed by libraries like fastdom. Since scheduling in general and postTask specifically are aimed at solving coordination problems, it might be appropriate for postTask or a similar scheduling API to help solve this problem as well. This is also something we're exploring, but is in the very early stages.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many priorities should there be?

There is a tension between supporting every use case (someone will always need the Nth + 1 priority), and making the priorities meaningful across the system. A smaller set of priorities favors the latter, and there is a precedence for this in successful frameworks like GCD (see QoSClass).

Developers that need more priorities can use the native ones to specify where their tasks should run relative to other tasks in the system—based on how they effect user experience—and use user-defined task queues or arrays to multiplex the native priority. As mentioned above, we're exploring additional APIs that aims to solve this problem natively.

What about script that always uses the highest priority?

This is an important question and something we're actively exploring. Rephrasing a bit, this is about how developers can express or control the relative priorities of different actors on a page, e.g. 1P and 3P script. For well-meaning actors, postTask enables coordination when everything on the page has the same relative priority, or when priority can be communicated between actors. However, for well-meaning actors that don't understand their relative importance—which can change over time—postTask is not sufficient for coordination.

In some cases, this can be solved by moving code off of the main thread. But this isn't always practical or possible. We're actively exploring a more lightweight solution and will publish an explainer soon.

Is there a risk of priority inversions?

Priority inversions occur whenever higher priority work depends on lower priority work, so simply by introducing priorities introduces this risk. But the lack of preemption on the web creates a fundamentally different situation compared to other platforms. The combination of priorities, mutually exclusive access to resources (e.g. locks), and preemption necessitate a system-level solution to priority inversions. But this is not the case on the web since tasks are not preemptible.

There is, however, a risk of priority inversions in application code. Two scenarios we have identified are:

  1. Explicitly yielding while holding onto a lock/resource
  2. Priority mismatches, e.g. yielding at the wrong priority or explicitly relying on the result of a lower priority task

Developers should be cautious when creating dependencies between prioritized tasks and be sure not to hold onto (locked) resources when writing yieldy code.

A more in-depth exploration of this topic can be found here.

Will this API be available on workers too?

Yes, we plan to make this API available on workers as well (WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope).

The main potential downside we considered is that the semantic priorities may not be as applicable for workers, e.g. does 'user-blocking' still apply? But in cases where code is being offloaded to workers to keep the main thread free, that work can still vary in degree of importance and effect on user experience, so the semantic priorities can still be meaningful.

Enabling postTask on workers has other compelling advantages as well. First, it will make porting any code that uses the scheduler simpler. Second, integrating postTask priorities with other async APIs will then work seamlessly on workers as well (e.g. fetch on workers).

Alternatives Considered

Off Main Thread

postTask is an incremental improvement to cooperative scheduling, where main thread work is chunked and prioritized, periodically yielding to the browser.

The main alternative to the cooperative scheduling approach involves moving code off the main thread. While there has been a lot of exploration and promising ideas in this area, this is often not a pragmatic choice for developers. For example, latency can suffer because of the cost of thread hops and serialization overhead [1]. And apps and frameworks have been investing heavily in the cooperative scheduling model to great success (e.g. React concurrent mode).

[1] Conclusions from Off Main Thread & Worker Exploration

API Shape

The first version of this proposal was a task-queue-based API, but we changed the API to its current form to fit better with the Platform and with existing primitives, which is now an explicit goal.

The proposal originally included the ability to pass arguments to the callback, like in setTimeout, but was removed because modern JS supports arrow functions, which obviates the need to pass them through postTask (see this issue).

Security Considerations

Note: This section summarizes this much longer exploration.

The main security concern is whether or not the API adds new surfaces to perform side-channel attacks, specifically for same-process cross-origin iframes. This might be a concern because postTask

  1. exposes priorities, which influence the order in which tasks run
  2. allows tasks to be posted with a delay

The two main attacks we consider here are whether postTask leaks any new information through priorities, and whether prioritized delayed tasks can be used as a new high-resolution timing source.

Information Leaks from Priorities

There do not appear to be any new information leaks caused by this API, specifically it doesn't appear possible for a frame to infer the priorities of tasks running in other frames by staging a timing-based attack and exploiting the ordering guarantees of the API.

Attackers can attempt to learn priorities of other tasks in the system by queuing postTask tasks that are expected to run consecutively, e.g. two 'user-blocking' tasks, and determining if they did run consecutively. If they didn't, then the UA chose another task in between. But since the UA is free to choose between prioritized and unprioritized task sources, the attacker can't know what type of task type was run. The same applies to posting consecutive tasks of priority N and N-1.

Potential for high-res timing

Since postTask has a delay parameter, there is concern that it can be used to implement a high-resolution timer. But postTask's delay parameter follows that of setTimeout's, where delay is expressed in whole milliseconds (the minimum non-zero delay being 1 ms), and there is no guarantee that tasks will run exactly when the delay expires since tasks are queued when the delay expires, and UAs can add additional delay. This makes it unlikely that postTask can be used as a high resolution timing source.

Further Reading / Viewing