warning | layout | title |
This is a dynamically generated file. Do not edit manually. |
default |
duplicated-imports | Solhint |
Check if an import is done twice in the same file and there is no alias
This rule accepts a string option for rule severity. Must be one of "error", "warn", "off". Defaults to warn.
"rules": {
"duplicated-imports": "warn"
- Rule reports "(inline) duplicated" if the same object is imported more than once in the same import statement
- Rule reports "(globalSamePath) duplicated" if the same object is imported on another import statement from same location
- Rule reports "(globalDiffPath) duplicated" if the same object is imported on another import statement, from other location, but no alias
- Rule does NOT support this kind of import "import * as Alias from "./filename.sol"
This rule does not have examples.
This rule was introduced in the latest version.