+Name | URL | Username | Password | Comment | Link |
Barracuda SSL VPN | /default/showLogon.do | ssladmin | ssladmin | | | https://techlib.barracuda.com/sslvpn/admininterfaces |
+ Barracuda SSL VPN Admin | .com:8000/cgi-mod/index.cgi | admin | admin | | | https://techlib.barracuda.com/sslvpn/admininterfaces |
+ Cascade Server | /login.act | | | http://help.hannonhill.com/kb/security | | |
+ CivicSpace | To be determined | | | | | |
+ Clickability (Limelight Networks) | hosted by limelight? | | | | | |
+ CMS Made Simple | | admin | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/cmsmadesimple |
+ CMSimple | | admin | test | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/cmsimple |
+ Composite C1 | /Administration | admin@.com | admin | | Username may be admin@yourstore.com | |
+ Computhink ViewWise | | | | | | |
+ Concrete5 | /index.php/login (alternatively /dashboard) | admin | random set at install | "Yep, great tip. When you go to logs (after resetting the password), you tick the box for emails sent and click on print view with full text. This opens the email that was sent with the link to set a new password. Click on that link and it will open a new browser window." | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/concrete5 |
+ Contegro | | | | | Hosted on Contegro. | |
+ Content SORT | | | | | WP plugin | |
+ CoreMedia WCM | | | | | <- Magic Quadrant Masterbaters | |
+ Cotonti | /admin.php | | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/cotonti |
+ Daisy | /login | admin | admin | | | |
+ Django-cms | /admin | admin | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/django |
+ Dokuwiki | /dokuwiki?do=login | | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/dokuwiki |
+ Dotclear | /dotclear/admin/ | | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/dotclear |
+ dotCMS | /admin/ | admin@dotcms.org (pre 1.9.2 test@dotcms.org) | admin (pre 1.9.2 test) | http://dotcms.com/docs/1.9/DefaultsOnAnInitialDotCMSInstall | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/dotcms |
+ DotNetNuke | Admin login | admin | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/dotnetnuke |
+ Drupal | /admin or /?q=admin (non-clean) | admin | assigned in setup | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/drupal |
+ DSpace | (dspace?).site.com/admin | | | | | |
+ DynPG | /cms or /dynpg | | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/dynpg |
+ e107 | //e107_admin/admin.php?view.all | | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/e107 |
+ Ektron CMS400.Net | /workarea/login.aspx | admin | admin | documentation.ektron.com/CMS400/v70/adminmanual.pdf | | |
+ Elcom CMS | | | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/elcom |
+ EMC Documentum ECM | | | | | | |
+ EPrints | /perl/users/home | admin | admin | | | |
+ Escenic Content Engine | /escenic/ | _admin | Specified by owner | documentation.vizrt.com/ece-pub-admin-guide-5.4.pdf | | |
+ Exponent CMS | | | | http://docs.exponentcms.org/docs/2.0.3/logging-in | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/exponentcms |
+ ExpressionEngine | /admin.php or /phpmyadmin/ | | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search?q=expression+engine |
+ Exsite Webware | /cgi-bin/ | admin | password | | | |
+ eZ Publish | add "_admin" to the end of the frontoffice url | admin | password | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search?q=frog+cms |
+ Fedora | .com:8091 or /login | admin | admin | | | |
+ Flagship Docs | | | | | | |
+ Foswiki | | | | | | |
+ Frog CMS | /admin/ | admin | password | | creds valid pre 1.0 version | |
+ Geeklog | /admin/ | Admin | password | | valid as of 02, looking for more recent sources. | |
+ Habari | /admin/login.php | | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search?q=habari |
+ Hippo CMS | .com:8080/cms | admin | admin | | | |
+ Hyland OnBase ECM | | | | | Info Behind Paywall | |
+ IBM Enterprise Content Management | | | | | | |
+ IBM Lotus Web Content Management | | | | | | |
+ Ikiwiki | | | | | | |
+ ImpressCMS | /admin.php | | | | | |
+ Quest Software inSync | /GoAdmin | admin | admin | | http://support-public.cfm.software.dell.com/ddbeaa24-9332-4506-bda8-aceeef47af34:602964.pdf |
+ Jadu | "/mymicrosite/jadu/ |
+ JCore | /admin/ | admin | | | | |
+ Joomla! | /administrator or /joomla/administrator | admin | | | | |
+ Jumbo | jumbo/loginpage.php | admin | password | | | |
+ Kajona | | | | | | |
+ Kentico CMS | /CMSSiteManager | administrator | :blank: | | | |
+ KnowledgeTree Community Edition | /knowledgetree/ | admin | admin | | | |
+ Liferay Community Edition | | | | | | |
+ LogicalDOC | /logicaldoc/webdav/store | admin | admin | | As of 4.5 | |
+ Lyceum | | | | | | |
+ Magnolia | :8080/magnoliaAuthor/.magnolia. | superuser | superuser | | | |
+ Mambo | administrator/index.php | admin | admin | | | |
+ Mediawiki | | | | | | |
+ MiaCMS | /login.php | admin | let_me_in | | | |
+ Microsoft Office 365 | | | | | | |
+ Microsoft SharePoint Foundation | | | | | | |
+ Microsoft SharePoint Server | | | | | | |
+ Midgard CMS | /midgard | admin | password | http://www.midgard-project.org/documentation/midgard-admin-sitewizard/#36700c60b73acecb128e78b284b2d84e | | |
+ MODx | | | | | -Weirdness | |
+ mojoPortal | /Secure/Login.aspx | admin@admin.com | admin | http://www.mojoportal.com/installation-quick-start.aspx | | |
+ Movable Type | _mt/mt.cgi | | | | | |
+ Mura CMS | /admin | admin | admin | http://docs.getmura.com/user-guide/users/ | | |
+ Nucleus CMS | /nucleus/ | | | http://faq.nucleuscms.org/item/80 | | |
+ Nuxeo EP | /admin | Administrator | Administrator | http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/NXDOC54/Setup | | |
+ O3spaces | | | | | | |
+ Ocportal | /adminzone | admin | | http://ocportal.com/docs5/tut_configuration.htm | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/ocportal |
+ OpenACS | | | | | | |
+ OpenCms | 8080/opencms/opencms/system/login/ | Admin | admin | http://www.opencms.org/en/development/installation/server.html | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/opencms |
+ OpenKM | /OpenKM | okmAdmin | admin | http://forum.openkm.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3711 | | |
+ OpenText ECM Suite | | | | | | |
+ OpenText Web Experience Management | | | | | | |
+ OpenText Web Site Management | | | | | | |
+ OpenWGA | /admin | admin | wga | http://www.openwga.com/home/support/tutorials/going_live_from_openwga_developer_studio.en.html | | |
+ Opus | | | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/opus |
+ Oracle ECM Suite | .com:7001/console | | | http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17904_01/doc.1111/e14495/verify.htm#CHDHCEFB | creds set in setup | |
+ Orchard Project | /Admin/ | | | | creds set in setup | |
+ papaya CMS | /papaya/ | | | http://www.papaya-cms.com | documentation in german | |
+ Peardrop(CMS) | /admin.php | admin(?) | admin | http://peardrop.coolmediatech.com/index.php/Documentation_%280.1.x%29 | | |
+ Percussion Software CM1 | | | | | | |
+ Phire CMS | | | | | | |
+ PHP-Fusion | /login.php | | | http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/ | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/phpfusion/ |
+ PHP-Nuke | /nuke/admin.php | God | Password | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/phpnuke/ |
+ PHPSlash | | god | password | http://phpxref.com/xref/phpslash/doc/html/single/phpslash.html.source.html | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/phpslash/ |
+ Phpweblog | /admin/users.php | Bypass using securiteam link | | http://www.securiteam.com/unixfocus/6K0021P0KE.html | sitekey:phpweblog | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/phpweblog/ |
+ phpWebSite | /admin.php | admin | phpwebsite | hintsforums.macworld.com/archive/index.php/t-10721.html | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/phpwebsite |
+ phpWiki | /phpwiki/admin.php | | | | | |
+ Pier | .com/?command=PULogin | admin | pier | http://www.piercms.com/doc/faq#193819363 | | |
+ pimcore | /admin | admin | admin | www.pimcore.com | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/pimcore/ |
+ PivotX | /pivotx | | | http://book.pivotx.net | user created name/pass | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/pivotx/ |
+ Pixie (CMS) | /admin | admin | pixie123 | http://www.getpixie.co.uk/support/article/manual-installation/ | | |
+ PmWiki | | admin | | http://yate.null.ro/pmwiki/index.php?n=PmWiki.PasswordsAdmin | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/pmwiki/ |
+ Polopoly Web CMS | | | | | | |
+ Prestashop | /admin or /admin939 | | | http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS14/System+Administrator+Guide | /admin is renamed upon install | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/prestashop/ |
+ ProcessWire | /processwire/ | admin | processwire2 | http://www.processwire.com | | |
+ Pulse CMS | /pulsepro/ | | demo | http://www.pulsecms.com/docs/settings.php | Couldn't find username | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/pulsecms/ |
+ Radiant | /admin/ | admin | radiant | http://radiantcms.org | | |
+ RavenNuke CMS | /admin.php or /ravennuke230/admin.php | | | http://rnwiki.ravennuke.com | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/ravennuke/ |
+ Refinery CMS | :3000/refinery | | | http://refinerycms.com/guides/getting-started | No default user | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/refinery/ |
+ RenovatioCMS | /?RVGET_document=System+Management | | | www.renovatiocms.com/ | English Site Incomplete | |
+ Scoop | | | | | | |
+ Serendipity | /serendipity/serendipity_admin.php | John Doe | john | http://www.s9y.org/36.html | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/serendipity |
+ SilverStripe | /admin | admin | password | http://doc.silverstripe.org/sapphire/en/topics/configuration | User can assign defaults in configuration | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/silverstripe |
+ Sitecore Professional Edition | | | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/sitecore |
+ Sitefinity CMS | /Sitefinity/LoginPages/LoginForm | admin | Password | http://www.sitefinity.com/devnet/kb.aspx | If you see telerik.rad it's sitefinity | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/sitefinity |
+ Sitekit CMS | /admin | | | http://www.sitekit.net | | |
+ SMW+ | | root | m8nix | http://www.smwplus.com/index.php/Help:SMW%2B | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search/smwplus |
+ SPIP | | | | | | |
+ Squiz CMS | /_edit | admin/editor/approver | password | http://cms.squizsuite.net/quick-start-guide/ | admin password should be changed | http://exploitsdownload.com/search?q=squiz |
+ Squiz Matrix | /_admin | root | root | http://matrix.squizsuite.net/quick-start-guide/ | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search?q=squiz |
+ TangoCMS | index.php?url=session or /session | | | http://tangocms.org/announcements?page=2 | | |
+ Telligent Community | /telligent_evolution | admin | pa$$word | | check for /solr/admin | |
+ Textpattern | /textpattern/index.php or /textpattern/ | | | | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search?q=textpattern |
+ Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware | /tiki/tiki-login_scr.php | admin | admin | http://doc.tiki.org/Admin+Problems | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search?q=tikiwiki |
+ Titan CMS | | | | | | |
+ Tribiq CMS | /admin | | | tribiq.com/tribiq-6-documentation-installation.download | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search?q=tribiq |
+ TWiki | /cgi-bin/login | admin | | http://twiki.org/ | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search?q=twiki |
+ Typo | | | | | | |
+ TYPO3 | /typo3 | admin | password | http://wiki.typo3.org/TYPO3_Installation_Basics | | http://exploitsdownload.com/search?q=typo3 |
+ uCoz | /admin | | | | | |
+ Umbraco | /umbraco/login.aspx | admin | default | http://our.umbraco.org/ | | |
+ VosaoCMS | /cms | admin@test.com | admin | | | |
+ WebGUI | | root | | | | http://www.exploitsdownload.com/search?q=webgui |
+ Webnodes CMS | | | | | | |
+ WolfCMS | /admin/ | | | http://www.wolfcms.org/wiki/books:administration | | http://www.exploitsdownload.com/search?q=wolfCMS |
+ WordPress | /wp-admin/ | admin | | http://codex.wordpress.org/ | Why are you looking HERE for WP? | http://www.exploitsdownload.com/search?q=Wordpress |
+ Wuzly | /admin/login.php | Administrator | 100 | | | http://osvdb.com/search/search?search[vuln_title]=wuzly |
+ Xaraya | | | | | | |
+ XOOPS | /admin.php | admin | admin | xoops.org | | http://www.exploitsdownload.com/search?q=XOOPS |
+ Xpress Engine | /index.php?module=admin | | | http://xpressengine.org | | http://www.exploitsdownload.com/search?q=XpressEngine |
+ Yanel | .com:8080/yanel/ | | | http://yanel.wyona.org/en/documentation/index.html | | |
+ Zikula | /admin.php or user.php | | | http://phpxref.zikula.de/nav.html?system/Admin/lib/Admin/Controller/Admin.php.html | | http://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-10810/Zikula.html |
+ Zotonic | | admin | admin | | Written in Erlang | |
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ {"name":"ASUS iKVM BMC", "protocol":"http", "url":"/", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"https://community.rapid7.com/community/metasploit/blog/2013/07/02/a-penetration-testers-guide-to-ipmi"},
+ {"name":"Barracuda SSL VPN", "protocol":"http", "url":"/default/showLogon.do", "port":"80", "username":"ssladmin", "password":"ssladmin", "comment":"", "link":"https://techlib.barracuda.com/sslvpn/admininterfaces"},
+ {"name":"Barracuda SSL VPN Admin", "protocol":"http", "url":"/cgi-mod/index.cgi", "port":"8000", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"https://techlib.barracuda.com/sslvpn/admininterfaces"},
+ {"name":"Cascade Server", "protocol":"http", "url":"/login.act", "port":"80", "username":"", "password":"", "comment":"", "link":"http://help.hannonhill.com/kb/security"},
+ {"name":"CivicSpace", "protocol":"http", "url":"/default/showLogon.do", "port":"80", "username":"ssladmin", "password":"ssladmin", "comment":"", "link":"https://techlib.barracuda.com/sslvpn/admininterfaces"},
+ {"name":"CMSimple", "protocol":"http", "url":"/?Welcome_to_CMSimple&login", "port":"80", "username":"", "password":"test", "comment":"", "link":"http://cmsimple.org/doku/en/?Installation___The_Installation"},
+ {"name":"Composite C1", "protocol":"http", "url":"/Administration", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"Username may be admin@yourstore.com", "link":""},
+ {"name":"Daisy CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/login", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"Dell Integrated Remote Access Controller(Dell iDRAC)", "protocol":"https", "url":"/", "port":"443", "username":"root", "password":"calvin", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"Dell SonicWall Analyzer", "protocol":"http", "url":"/sgms/login", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"password", "comment":"", "link":"https://support.software.dell.com/sonicwall-analyzer/kb/sw9710"},
+ {"name":"dotCMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/admin/", "port":"80", "username":"admin@dotcms.com", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"http://dotcms.com/docs/latest/logging-in"},
+ {"name":"dotCMS < 1.9.2", "protocol":"http", "url":"/admin/", "port":"80", "username":"test@dotcms.com", "password":"test", "comment":"", "link":"http://kukui-cup-dotcms.googlecode.com/svn-history/r12/wiki/DevelopersGuide.wiki"},
+ {"name":"DotNetNuke (host)", "protocol":"http", "url":"/login.aspx", "port":"80", "username":"host", "password":"dnnhost", "comment":"", "link":"https://support.managed.com/kb/a333/dotnetnuke-usernames-and-passwords-change-passwords.aspx"},
+ {"name":"DotNetNuke (admin)", "protocol":"http", "url":"/login.aspx", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"dnnadmin", "comment":"", "link":"https://support.managed.com/kb/a333/dotnetnuke-usernames-and-passwords-change-passwords.aspx"},
+ {"name":"Ektron CMS400.Net (admin)", "protocol":"http", "url":"/workarea/login.aspx", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"documentation.ektron.com/CMS400/v70/adminmanual.pdf"},
+ {"name":"Ektron CMS400.Net (builtin)", "protocol":"http", "url":"/workarea/login.aspx", "port":"80", "username":"builtin", "password":"builtin", "comment":"", "link":"documentation.ektron.com/CMS400/v70/adminmanual.pdf"},
+ {"name":"Ektron CMS400.Net (jedit)", "protocol":"http", "url":"/workarea/login.aspx", "port":"80", "username":"jedit", "password":"jedit", "comment":"", "link":"http://documentation.ektron.com/cms400/v802/mobile_help/Advanced/Content/Getting%20Started/Logging%20In%20and%20Out/loginandout_login.htm"},
+ {"name":"Ektron CMS400.Net (jmember)", "protocol":"http", "url":"/workarea/login.aspx", "port":"80", "username":"jmember", "password":"jmember", "comment":"", "link":"http://documentation.ektron.com/cms400/v802/mobile_help/Advanced/Content/Getting%20Started/Logging%20In%20and%20Out/loginandout_login.htm"},
+ {"name":"EPrints", "protocol":"http", "url":"/perl/users/home", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"Exsite Webware", "protocol":"http", "url":"/cgi-bin/", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"password", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"eZ Publish", "protocol":"http", "url":"/", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"publish", "comment":"", "link":"https://doc.ez.no/eZ-Publish/User-manual/4.x/The-administration-interface/The-login-page"},
+ {"name":"Frog CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/admin/", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"password", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"Fujitsu Integrated Remote Management Controller", "protocol":"http", "url":"/", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"https://community.rapid7.com/community/metasploit/blog/2013/07/02/a-penetration-testers-guide-to-ipmi"},
+ {"name":"Geeklog", "protocol":"http", "url":"/admin", "port":"80", "username":"Admin", "password":"password", "comment":"", "link":"https://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=59178"},
+ {"name":"Hippo CMS 7.7", "protocol":"http", "url":"/cms", "port":"80", "username":"siteuser", "password":"siteuserpass", "comment":"", "link":"http://www.onehippo.org/7_7/library/upgrade-from-7.6/upgrade-7.6-to-7.7-authorization.html"},
+ {"name":"Hippo CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/cms", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"http://vijaykiran.com/2009/06/customizing-hippo-cms-getting-started/"},
+ {"name":"IBM Integrated Management Module (IMM)", "protocol":"http", "url":"/", "port":"80", "username":"USERID", "password":"PASSW0RD", "comment":"pass is with a zero not an o", "link":"https://community.rapid7.com/community/metasploit/blog/2013/07/02/a-penetration-testers-guide-to-ipmi"},
+ {"name":"Jumbo", "protocol":"http", "url":"/jumbo/loginpage.php", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"password", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"Kentico CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/CMSSiteManager", "port":"80", "username":"administrator", "password":"", "comment":"", "link":"http://devnet.kentico.com/downloads/kenticocms_quickguide.pdf"},
+ {"name":"KnowledgeTree Community Edition", "protocol":"http", "url":"/knowledgetree/", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"Liferay Community Edition", "protocol":"http", "url":"/default/showLogon.do", "port":"8080", "username":"bruno@7cogs.com", "password":"bruno", "comment":"", "link":"http://www.liferay.com/community/wiki/-/wiki/Main/Quick+Installation+Instructions"},
+ {"name":"LogicalDOC", "protocol":"http", "url":"/logicaldoc/", "port":"8080", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"http://wiki.logicaldoc.com/wiki/Quick_Install"},
+ {"name":"Magnolia CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/author", "port":"8080", "username":"superuser", "password":"superuser", "comment":"", "link":"https://wiki.magnolia-cms.com/display/WIKI/Deploying++Magnolia+from+start+to+finish"},
+ {"name":"Mambo", "protocol":"http", "url":"/administrator/index.php", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"MiaCMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/login.php", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"let_me_in", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"Midgard CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/midgard", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"password", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"mojoPortal", "protocol":"http", "url":"/Secure/Login.aspx", "port":"80", "username":"admin@admin.com", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"http://www.mojoportal.com/installation-quick-start.aspx"},
+ {"name":"Mura CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/admin", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"Nuxeo EP", "protocol":"http", "url":"/nuxeo", "port":"8080", "username":"Administrator", "password":"Administrator", "comment":"", "link":"http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/ADMINDOC/Setup"},
+ {"name":"OpenCms", "protocol":"http", "url":"/opencms/opencms/system/login/", "port":"8080", "username":"Admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"http://www.opencms.org/en/development/installation/server.html"},
+ {"name":"OpenKM", "protocol":"http", "url":"/OpenKM", "port":"8080", "username":"okmAdmin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"http://forum.openkm.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3711"},
+ {"name":"OpenWGA CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/admin", "port":"8080", "username":"admin", "password":"wga", "comment":"", "link":"http://www.openwga.com/home/support/tutorials/going_live_from_openwga_developer_studio.en.html"},
+ {"name":"Oracle/Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM)", "protocol":"http", "url":"/", "port":"80", "username":"root", "password":"changeme", "comment":"", "link":"https://community.rapid7.com/community/metasploit/blog/2013/07/02/a-penetration-testers-guide-to-ipmi"},
+ {"name":"Peardrop CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/admin.php", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"http://peardrop.coolmediatech.com/index.php/Documentation_%280.1.x%29"},
+ {"name":"PHP-Nuke", "protocol":"http", "url":"/admin.php", "port":"80", "username":"God", "password":"Password", "comment":"", "link":"http://tldp.org/HOWTO/PHP-Nuke-HOWTO/phpmyadmin.html"},
+ {"name":"Pier CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/?command=PULogin", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"peir", "comment":"", "link":"http://www.piercms.com/doc/faq#193819363"},
+ {"name":"Pimcore", "protocol":"http", "url":"/admin", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"Pixie CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/admin", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"pixie123", "comment":"", "link":"http://www.getpixie.co.uk/support/article/manual-installation/"},
+ {"name":"ProcessWire", "protocol":"http", "url":"/processwire", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"processwire2", "comment":"", "link":"https://processwire.com/demo/"},
+ {"name":"Quest Software inSync", "protocol":"http", "url":"/GoAdmin", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"http://support-public.cfm.software.dell.com/ddbeaa24-9332-4506-bda8-aceeef47af34:602964.pdf"},
+ {"name":"Radiant CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/admin", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"radiant", "comment":"", "link":"http://www.codingforums.com/archive/index.php/t-187082.html"},
+ {"name":"Serendipity CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/serendipity/serendipity_admin.php", "port":"80", "username":"John Doe", "password":"john", "comment":"", "link":"http://www.s9y.org/36.html"},
+ {"name":"SilverStripe", "protocol":"http", "url":"/admin", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"password", "comment":"", "link":"http://doc.silverstripe.org/en/developer_guides/security/authentication/"},
+ {"name":"Sitefinity CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/Sitefinity/LoginPages/LoginForm", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"Password", "comment":"", "link":""},
+ {"name":"SolarWinds Web Helpdesk", "protocol":"https", "url":"/", "port":"5840", "username":"admin", "password":"admin", "comment":"", "link":"http://www.solarwinds.com/documentation/WebHelpDesk/docs/WHDAdminGuide12-2-0.pdf"},
+ {"name":"Squiz CMS", "protocol":"http", "url":"/_admin", "port":"80", "username":"root", "password":"root", "comment":"", "link":"https://manuals.matrix.squizsuite.net/evaluate-squiz-matrix"},
+ {"name":"SuperMicro IPMI BMC", "protocol":"http", "url":"/", "port":"80", "username":"ADMIN", "password":"ADMIN", "comment":"", "link":"http://supermicro.com/manuals/other/SMT_IPMI_Manual.pdf"},
+ {"name":"Telligent Community", "protocol":"http", "url":"/telligent_evolution", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"pa$$word", "comment":"", "link":"http://community.zimbra.com/documentation/w/documentation/3840.install-telligent-evolution"},
+ {"name":"Umbraco", "protocol":"http", "url":"/umbraco/login.aspx", "port":"80", "username":"admin", "password":"default", "comment":"", "link":"https://techlib.barracuda.com/sslvpn/admininterfaces"}
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