This project is no longer actively maintained. While existing releases remain available, there are no planned updates, bug fixes, new features, or security patches. Users should be aware that vulnerabilities may not be addressed.
- Overview
- Installation
- Torch Model Archiver CLI
- Artifact Details
- Quick Start: Creating a Model Archive
- Model specific custom python requirements
A key feature of TorchServe is the ability to package all model artifacts into a single model archive file. It is a separate command line interface (CLI), torch-model-archiver
, that can take model checkpoints or model definition file with state_dict, and package them into a .mar
file. This file can then be redistributed and served by anyone using TorchServe. It takes in the following model artifacts: a model checkpoint file in case of torchscript or a model definition file and a state_dict file in case of eager mode, and other optional assets that may be required to serve the model. The CLI creates a .mar
file that TorchServe's server CLI uses to serve the models.
Important: Make sure you try the Quick Start: Creating a Model Archive tutorial for a short example of using torch-model-archiver
The following information is required to create a standalone model archive:
Install torch-model-archiver as follows:
pip install torch-model-archiver
Install torch-model-archiver as follows:
git clone
cd serve/model-archiver
pip install .
Now let's cover the details on using the CLI tool: model-archiver
Here is an example usage with the densenet161 model archive following the example in the examples README:
torch-model-archiver --model-name densenet161 \
--version 1.0 \
--model-file examples/image_classifier/densenet_161/ \
--serialized-file densenet161-8d451a50.pth \
--extra-files examples/image_classifier/index_to_name.json \
--handler image_classifier
$ torch-model-archiver -h
usage: torch-model-archiver [-h] --model-name MODEL_NAME --version MODEL_VERSION_NUMBER
--model-file MODEL_FILE_PATH --serialized-file MODEL_SERIALIZED_PATH
--handler HANDLER [--runtime {python,python3}]
[--export-path EXPORT_PATH] [-f] [--requirements-file] [--config-file]
Model Archiver Tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model-name MODEL_NAME
Exported model name. Exported file will be named as
model-name.mar and saved in current working directory
if no --export-path is specified, else it will be
saved under the export path
--serialized-file SERIALIZED_FILE
Path to .pt or .pth file containing state_dict in
case of eager mode or an executable ScriptModule
in case of TorchScript.
--model-file MODEL_FILE
Path to python file containing model architecture.
This parameter is mandatory for eager mode models.
The model architecture file must contain only one
class definition extended from torch.nn.Module.
--handler HANDLER TorchServe's default handler name or handler python
file path to handle custom TorchServe inference logic.
--extra-files EXTRA_FILES
Comma separated path to extra dependency files.
--runtime {python,python3}
The runtime specifies which language to run your
inference code on. The default runtime is
RuntimeType.PYTHON. At the present moment we support
the following runtimes python, python3
--export-path EXPORT_PATH
Path where the exported .mar file will be saved. This
is an optional parameter. If --export-path is not
specified, the file will be saved in the current
working directory.
--archive-format {tgz, no-archive, zip-store, default}
The format in which the model artifacts are archived.
"tgz": This creates the model-archive in <model-name>.tar.gz format.
If platform hosting requires model-artifacts to be in ".tar.gz"
use this option.
"no-archive": This option creates an non-archived version of model artifacts
at "export-path/{model-name}" location. As a result of this choice,
MANIFEST file will be created at "export-path/{model-name}" location
without archiving these model files
"zip-store": This creates the model-archive in <model-name>.mar format
but will skip deflating the files to speed up creation. Mainly used
for testing purposes
"default": This creates the model-archive in <model-name>.mar format.
This is the default archiving format. Models archived in this format
will be readily hostable on TorchServe.
-f, --force When the -f or --force flag is specified, an existing
.mar file with same name as that provided in --model-
name in the path specified by --export-path will
-v, --version Model's version.
-r, --requirements-file
Path to requirements.txt file containing a list of model specific python
packages to be installed by TorchServe for seamless model serving.
-c, --config-file Path to a model config yaml file.
MAR-INF is a reserved folder name that will be used inside .mar
file. This folder contains the model archive metadata files. Users should avoid using MAR-INF in their model path.
A valid model name must begin with a letter of the alphabet and can only contains letters, digits, underscores _
, dashes -
and periods .
Note: The model name can be overridden when you register the model with Register Model API.
A model file should contain the model architecture. This file is mandatory in case of eager mode models.
This file should contain a single class that inherits from torch.nn.Module.
A serialized file (.pt or .pth) should be a checkpoint in case of torchscript and state_dict in case of eager mode.
Handler can be TorchServe's inbuilt handler name or path to a py file to handle custom TorchServe inference logic. TorchServe supports the following handlers out of box:
For a more comprehensive list of built in handlers, make sure to checkout the examples
In case of custom handler, if you plan to provide just module_name
or module_name:entry_point_function_name
then make sure that it is prefixed with absolute or relative path of python file.
e.g. if your custom handler is in /home/serve/examples then
--handler /home/serve/examples/custom_image_classifier
or if it has my_entry_point module level function then --handler /home/serve/examples/custom_image_classifier:my_entry_point_func
For more details refer default handler documentation or custom handler documentation
A model config yaml file. For example:
# TS frontend parameters
# See all supported parameters:
minWorkers: 1 # default: #CPU or #GPU
maxWorkers: 1 # default: #CPU or #GPU
batchSize: 1 # default: 1
maxBatchDelay: 100 # default: 100 msec
responseTimeout: 120 # default: 120 sec
deviceType: cpu # cpu, gpu, neuron
deviceIds: [0,1,2,3] # gpu device ids allocated to this model.
parallelType: pp # pp: pipeline parallel; pptp: tensor+pipeline parallel; custom: user defined parallelism. Default: empty
# parallelLevel: 1 # number of GPUs assigned to a the worker process if parallelType is custom (do NOT set if torchrun is used, see below)
useVenv: Create python virtual environment when using python backend to install model dependencies
(if enabled globally using install_py_dep_per_model=true) and run workers for model loading
and inference. Note that, although creation of virtual environment adds a latency overhead
(approx. 2 to 3 seconds) during model load and disk space overhead (approx. 25M), overall
it can speed up load time and reduce disk utilization for models with custom dependencies
since it enables reusing custom packages(specified in requirements.txt) and their
supported dependencies that are already available in the base python environment.
# See torchrun parameters:
nproc-per-node: 2
# TS backend parameters
rpc_timeout: 1800
pp_group_size: 4 # pipeline parallel size, tp_group_size = world size / pp_group_size
1. Download the torch model archiver source
git clone
2. Package your model
With the model artifacts available locally, you can use the torch-model-archiver
CLI to generate a .mar
file that can be used to serve an inference API with TorchServe.
In this next step we'll run torch-model-archiver
and tell it our model's name is densenet_161
and its version is 1.0
with the model-name
and version
parameter respectively and that it will use TorchServe's default image_classifier
handler with the handler
argument . Then we're giving it the model-file
and serialized-file
to the model's assets.
For torchscript:
torch-model-archiver --model-name densenet_161 --version 1.0 --serialized-file --handler image_classifier
For eagermode:
torch-model-archiver --model-name densenet_161 --version 1.0 --model-file --serialized-file --handler image_classifier
This will package all the model artifacts files and output densenet_161.mar
in the current working directory. This .mar
file is all you need to run TorchServe, serving inference requests for a simple image recognition API. Go back to the Serve a Model tutorial and try to run this model archive that you just created!
Custom models/handlers may depend on different python packages which are not installed by-default as a part of TorchServe
Supply a python requirements file containing the list of required python packages to be installed by TorchServe
for seamless model serving using --requirements-file
parameter while creating the model-archiver.
torch-model-archiver --model-name densenet_161 --version 1.0 --model-file --serialized-file --handler image_classifier --requirements-file <path_to_custom_requirements_file>
Note: This feature is by-default disabled in TorchServe and needs to be enabled through configuration. For more details refer TorchServe's configuration documentation