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214 lines (161 loc) · 8.56 KB

Contribute To PyTorch/XLA

We appreciate all contributions. If you are planning to contribute a bug fix for an open issue, please comment on the thread and we're happy to provide guidance. You are welcome to pick issues with good first issue and help wanted labels to get started.

If you plan to contribute new features or extensions to this repository, first open an issue and discuss the feature with us. Sending a PR without discussion might result in a rejected PR, because we might be taking the repository in a different direction.

Building from source

We recommend you use our prebuilt Docker image to start your development work using either VS Code or a local container:

Visual Studio Code Dev Container

  • Create an empty directory for your workspace on your development host. These instructions assume you are using a remote host and are connecting to it over SSH.

  • Clone PyTorch, TorchVision, and PyTorch/XLA into your workspace directory:

  git clone --recursive --depth=1

  # Install TorchVision if you need to run tests that involve vision modules
  git clone --recursive --depth=1

  # Clone with HTTPS if you use a GitHub a personal access token
  git clone pytorch/xla

  # Or clone with SSH if you prefer:
  git clone [email protected]:pytorch/xla.git pytorch/xla
  • Create links to VS Code configuration files in your workspace directory:
  ln -s pytorch/xla/.devcontainer/ .devcontainer
  ln -s pytorch/xla/contrib/vscode/ .vscode
  ln -s pytorch/xla/.style.yapf .style.yapf
  ln -s pytorch/xla/.clang-format .clang-format
  • Start VS Code and ensure you have the Remote Development Extension Pack installed. It includes the Remote - SSH and Dev Containers extensions.

  • From VS Code, connect to your remote host and open your workspace directory. You will be prompted to reopen your workspace in container. Choose the appropriate container. Use tpu-contributor if you are unsure of which to use. If you are not prompted to reopen in a container, in the VS Code command pallete, type Dev Containers: Reopen in Container to open your workspace in one of our pre-built Docker containers. Select the correct container based on your local accelerator. If you're a Googler, you should use the tpu-internal container, which is set up for bazel remote build caching for faster builds.

  • Open a new terminal window in VS Code. Since you are running as root in this container, mark the repository directories as safe. The commands below assume your workspace directory is torch, update the commands to use your workspace directory.

  git config --global --add /workspaces/torch/pytorch
  git config --global --add /workspaces/torch/pytorch/xla
  git config --global --add /workspaces/torch/vision
  • In the terminal window, run the following commands to build PyTorch, TorchVision, and PyTorch/XLA:
  cd pytorch
  # pytorch/xla requires pytorch wheel to be presented under pytorch/dist
  python bdist_wheel
  python install
  cd ../vision
  python develop
  cd ../pytorch/xla
  python develop
  # Optional: if you're using TPU, install libtpu
  pip install torch_xla[tpu] \
    -f \
  # Optional: if you're using custom kernels, install pallas dependencies
  pip install torch_xla[pallas] \
    -f \
  • If you are running on a TPU VM, ensure torch and torch_xla were built and installed correctly:
  python -c 'import torch_xla as xla; print(xla.device())'
  # Output: xla:0

Subsequent builds: after building the packages from source code for the first time, you may need to build everything again, for example, after a git pull. You can run scripts/ which will rebuild PyTorch, TorchVision, and PyTorch/XLA.

Manually build in Docker container

  • Setup Development Docker Image

    docker pull
    docker run --privileged --network=host --name ptxla -it -d -e "TERM=xterm-256color"
    docker exec --privileged -it ptxla /bin/bash

    All of the code below will be assumed to be run within the docker.

  • Clone the PyTorch repo as per instructions.

    git clone --recursive
    cd pytorch/
  • Clone the PyTorch/XLA repo:

    git clone --recursive
  • Build PyTorch

    # pytorch/xla requires pytorch wheel to be presented under pytorch/dist
    python bdist_wheel
    python develop
  • Build PyTorch/XLA

    cd xla/
    python develop

Additional steps for GPU

Please refer to this guide.

Before Submitting A Pull Request:

In pytorch/xla repo we enforce coding style for both C++ and Python files. Please try to format your code before submitting a pull request.

C++ Style Guide

pytorch/xla uses clang-format-11 with a customized style config. If your PR touches the C++ source files, please run the following command before submitting a PR.

# How to install: sudo apt install clang-format-11
# If your PR only changes foo.cpp, run the following in xla/ folder
clang-format-11 -i -style=file /PATH/TO/foo.cpp
# To format all cpp files, run the following in xla/ folder
find -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.cc' | xargs clang-format-11 -i -style=file

Python Style Guide

pytorch/xla uses yapf(specially version 0.30.0 in case it's not backward compatible) with a customized style config. If your PR touches the Python source files, please run the following command before submitting a PR.

# How to install: pip install yapf==0.30.0
yapf --recursive -i *.py test/ scripts/ torch_xla/ benchmarks/

Running the Tests

To run the tests, follow one of the options below:

  • Run on local CPU:

    export PJRT_DEVICE=CPU
  • Run on Cloud TPU:

    export PJRT_DEVICE=TPU
  • Run on GPU:


For more detail on configuring the runtime, please refer to this doc

If you are planning to be building from source and hence using the latest PyTorch/TPU code base, it is suggested for you to select the Nightly builds when you create a Cloud TPU instance.

Then run test/ and test/cpp/ to verify the setup is working.

Useful materials

  1. OP Lowering Guide
  3. Dynamo Integration Guide

Sharp Edges

  • If local changes aren't visible, uninstall existing pytorch/xla with pip uninstall torch_xla and pip uninstall torch, then rebuild PyTorch and PyTorch/XLA with python develop or python install.
  • PJRT errors when running on TPU such as The PJRT plugin has PJRT API version 0.34. The framework PJRT API version is 0.40. You need to update your and ensure it's in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental directory. You can download a new at Google Cloud, which are sorted by date. Download the newest one and install it at pip install libtpu...whl.