If you have a lisp installation, emacs, org-mode, and org-babel support for lisp installed you can run this by:
- Starting slime (
M-x slime
) - Typing
C-c C-c
in the block initialize. - In the repl type
(in-package :aoc-2022-18)
- Typing
C-c C-c
in the block answers
(unless (find-package :priority-queue)
(ql:quickload "priority-queue"))
(unless (find-package :cl-ppcre)
(ql:quickload "cl-ppcre"))
(unless (find-package :parseq)
(ql:quickload "parseq"))
(unless (find-package :lparallel)
(ql:quickload "lparallel"))
(unless (find-package :fiveam)
(ql:quickload "fiveam"))
(unless (find-package :series)
(ql:quickload "series"))
(unless (find-package :cl-permutation)
(ql:quickload "cl-permutation"))
(unless (find-package :bordeaux-threads)
(ql:quickload "bordeaux-threads"))
(defpackage :aoc-2022-18
(:use :common-lisp
(:export :problem-a
(in-package :aoc-2022-18)
(defun parse-line (line)
(mapcar #'parse-integer (cl-ppcre:all-matches-as-strings "\\d+" line)))
(defun process-stream (in)
(loop for line = (read-line in nil)
while line
collect (parse-line line)))
(defun read-input (file)
(with-open-file (in file)
(process-stream in)))
(defparameter *input*
(read-input "input/18.txt"))
(defun exposed-surface-area (cubes)
(loop for cube in cubes
for (x y z) = cube
for rest = (cdr cubes) then (cdr rest)
with total = (* 6 (length cubes))
do (loop for dx in '(-1 1)
for neighbor = (list (+ x dx) y z)
if (member neighbor rest :test #'equal)
do (decf total 2))
do (loop for dy in '(-1 1)
for neighbor = (list x (+ y dy) z)
if (member neighbor rest :test #'equal)
do (decf total 2))
do (loop for dz in '(-1 1)
for neighbor = (list x y (+ z dz))
if (member neighbor rest :test #'equal)
do (decf total 2))
finally (return total)))
(defun problem-a () (format t "Problem 18 A: ~a~%" (exposed-surface-area *input*)))
(defun list-to-grid (cubes)
(loop with grid = (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)
for cube in cubes
do (setf (gethash cube grid) #\#)
finally (return grid)))
(defun bounds (cubes)
(loop for (x y z) in cubes
maximizing x into max-x
maximizing y into max-y
maximizing z into max-z
minimizing x into min-x
minimizing y into min-y
minimizing z into min-z
finally (return (list (list min-x min-y min-z)
(list max-x max-y max-z)))))
(defun total-surface-area (cubes)
(loop for cube being the hash-keys of cubes
for (x y z) = cube
with total = (* 6 (hash-table-count cubes))
do (loop for dx in '(-1 1)
for neighbor = (list (+ x dx) y z)
if (gethash neighbor cubes)
do (decf total))
do (loop for dy in '(-1 1)
for neighbor = (list x (+ y dy) z)
if (gethash neighbor cubes)
do (decf total))
do (loop for dz in '(-1 1)
for neighbor = (list x y (+ z dz))
if (gethash neighbor cubes)
do (decf total))
finally (return total)))
(defun in-bounds-p (cube min max)
(every #'<= min cube max))
(defun exterior-p (cube cubes min max)
(destructuring-bind (x y z) cube
(loop for dx from 1
for option = (list (+ x dx) y z)
while (in-bounds option min max)
never (gethash option cubes))
(loop for dx downfrom -1
for option = (list (+ x dx) y z)
while (in-bounds option min max)
never (gethash option cubes))
(loop for dy from 1
for option = (list x (+ y dy) z)
while (in-bounds option min max)
never (gethash option cubes))
(loop for dy downfrom -1
for option = (list x (+ y dy) z)
always (in-bounds option min max)
never (gethash option cubes))
(loop for dz from 1
for option = (list x y (+ z dz))
while (in-bounds option min max)
never (gethash option cubes))
(loop for dz downfrom -1
for option = (list x y (+ z dz))
while (in-bounds option min max)
never (gethash option cubes)))))
(defun neighbors (cube)
(destructuring-bind (x y z) cube
(loop for dx in '(-1 1)
collect (list (+ x dx) y z))
(loop for dy in '(-1 1)
collect (list x (+ y dy) z))
(loop for dz in '(-1 1)
collect (list x y (+ z dz))))))
(defun fill-space (cube cubes min max)
(loop with queue = (list cube)
with visited = (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
for c = (pop queue)
do (setf (gethash c visited) t)
if (exterior-p c cubes min max)
return nil
do (loop for n in (neighbors c)
unless (or (gethash n visited)
(gethash n cubes))
do (push n queue))
if (zerop (length queue))
do (loop for k being the hash-keys of visited
do (setf (gethash k cubes) t))
(return nil)))
(defun exterior-surface-area (cubes)
(let ((grid (list-to-grid cubes)))
(destructuring-bind (min max) (bounds cubes)
(loop with (+x +y +z) = max
with (-x -y -z) = min
for x from -x to +x
do (loop for y from -y to +y
do (loop for z from -z to +z
for cube = (list x y z)
unless (gethash cube grid)
do (fill-space cube grid min max))))
(total-surface-area grid))))
(defun problem-b () (format t "Problem 18 B: ~a~%" (exterior-surface-area *input*)))
Problem 18 A: 4628 Problem 18 B: 2582
(def-suite aoc.2022.18)
(in-suite aoc.2022.18)
(defparameter *sample-input*
(defparameter *sample*
(with-input-from-string (in *sample-input*)
(process-stream in)))
(run! 'aoc.2022.18)
Running test suite AOC.2022.18 Didn't run anything...huh?