If you have a lisp installation, emacs, org-mode, and org-babel support for lisp installed you can run this by:
- Starting slime (
M-x slime
) - Typing
C-c C-c
in the block initialize. - In the repl type
(in-package :aoc-2022-21)
- Typing
C-c C-c
in the block answers
(unless (find-package :priority-queue)
(ql:quickload "priority-queue"))
(unless (find-package :cl-ppcre)
(ql:quickload "cl-ppcre"))
(unless (find-package :parseq)
(ql:quickload "parseq"))
(unless (find-package :lparallel)
(ql:quickload "lparallel"))
(unless (find-package :fiveam)
(ql:quickload "fiveam"))
(unless (find-package :series)
(ql:quickload "series"))
(unless (find-package :cl-permutation)
(ql:quickload "cl-permutation"))
(unless (find-package :bordeaux-threads)
(ql:quickload "bordeaux-threads"))
(defpackage :aoc-2022-21
(:use :common-lisp
(:export :problem-a
(in-package :aoc-2022-21)
(defun process-stream (in)
(loop for line = (read-line in nil)
while line
collect line))
(defun read-input (file)
(with-open-file (in file)
(process-stream in)))
(defparameter *input*
(read-input "input/21.txt"))
(defun i-am-root (jobs)
(let ((monkeys (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(labels ((get-monkey (name)
(let ((monkey (gethash name monkeys)))
(cond ((numberp monkey)
((functionp monkey)
(funcall monkey)))))
(process-job (job)
(name (#'parse-integer number))
("([a-z]+): (\\d+)" job)
(setf (gethash name monkeys) number))
(name lhs op rhs)
("([a-z]+): ([a-z]+) (\\*|\\+|\\/|-) ([a-z]+)" job)
(setf (gethash name monkeys)
(lambda ()
(let ((l (get-monkey lhs))
(r (get-monkey rhs)))
(case (elt op 0)
(#\/ (/ l r))
(#\* (* l r))
(#\+ (+ l r))
(#\- (- l r)))))))))
(loop for job in jobs
do (process-job job))
(get-monkey "root"))))
(defun problem-a () (format t "Problem 21 A: ~a~%" (i-am-root *input*)))
“Borrowing” the solution from above to make changes. The idea is ok, but root and humn are now special. “root” returns true or false, not awful. Just need to special case it.
(defun i-am-humn (jobs)
(let ((monkeys (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(labels ((get-monkey (name)
(let ((monkey (gethash name monkeys)))
(cond ((numberp monkey)
((functionp monkey)
(funcall monkey)))))
(process-job (job)
(name (#'parse-integer number))
("([a-z]+): (\\d+)" job)
(setf (gethash name monkeys) number))
(name lhs op rhs)
("([a-z]+): ([a-z]+) (\\*|\\+|\\/|-) ([a-z]+)" job)
(cond ((string= name "root")
(setf left lhs)
(setf right rhs)
(setf (gethash name monkeys)
(lambda ()
(let ((l (get-monkey lhs))
(r (get-monkey rhs)))
(= l r)))))
(setf (gethash name monkeys)
(case (elt op 0)
(lambda ()
(let ((l (get-monkey lhs))
(r (get-monkey rhs)))
(/ l r))))
(lambda ()
(let ((l (get-monkey lhs))
(r (get-monkey rhs)))
(+ l r))))
(lambda ()
(let ((l (get-monkey lhs))
(r (get-monkey rhs)))
(- l r))))
(lambda ()
(let ((l (get-monkey lhs))
(r (get-monkey rhs)))
(* l r)))))))))))
(loop for job in jobs
do (process-job job))
(setf (gethash right monkeys) (get-monkey right))
;; Search for the factor to increase by
(loop for humn from 0
do (setf (gethash "humn" monkeys) humn)
until (integerp (get-monkey left))
finally (setf start humn))
(loop for humn from (1+ start)
do (setf (gethash "humn" monkeys) humn)
until (integerp (get-monkey left))
finally (setf factor (- humn start)))
(let (first second)
(setf (gethash "humn" monkeys) start)
(setf first (get-monkey left))
(setf (gethash "humn" monkeys) (+ start factor))
(setf second (get-monkey right))
(if (< first second)
(loop with humn = start
with step = 1
repeat 100
do (setf (gethash "humn" monkeys) humn)
until (get-monkey "root")
finally (return humn)
if (< (get-monkey left) (get-monkey right))
do (incf step step)
(incf humn (* step factor))
do (setf step (max 1 (floor step 2)))
(decf humn (* step factor)))
(loop with humn = start
with step = 1
do (setf (gethash "humn" monkeys) humn)
until (get-monkey "root")
finally (return humn)
if (< (get-monkey right) (get-monkey left))
do (incf step step)
(incf humn (* step factor))
do (setf step (max 1 (floor step 2)))
(decf humn (* step factor))))))))
(defun problem-b () (format t "Problem 21 B: ~a~%" (i-am-humn *input*)))
Problem 21 A: 124765768589550 Problem 21 B: 3059361893920
(def-suite aoc.2022.21)
(in-suite aoc.2022.21)
(defparameter *sample-input*
"root: pppw + sjmn
dbpl: 5
cczh: sllz + lgvd
zczc: 2
ptdq: humn - dvpt
dvpt: 3
lfqf: 4
humn: 5
ljgn: 2
sjmn: drzm * dbpl
sllz: 4
pppw: cczh / lfqf
lgvd: ljgn * ptdq
drzm: hmdt - zczc
hmdt: 32")
(defparameter *sample*
(with-input-from-string (in *sample-input*)
(process-stream in)))
(test root
(is (= 152 (i-am-root *sample*)))
(is (= 124765768589550 (i-am-root *input*))))
(test humn
(is (= 301 (i-am-humn *sample*)))
(is (= 3059361893920 (i-am-humn *input*))))
(run! 'aoc.2022.21)
Running test suite AOC.2022.21 Running test ROOT .. Running test HUMN .. Did 4 checks. Pass: 4 (100%) Skip: 0 ( 0%) Fail: 0 ( 0%)