High-order component that automatically measures a cell's contents by temporarily rendering it in a way that is not visible to the user. Specify a fixed width to measure dynamic height (or vice versa). This is an advanced component and has some limitations and performance considerations. See below for more information.
can be used with Grid
, List
, and Table
components. It is not intended to be used with the Collection
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
cache | CellMeasurerCache |
✓ | Cache to be shared between CellMeasurer and its parent Grid . Learn more here. |
children | Element or Function | ✓ | Either a React element as a child (eg <div /> ) or a function (eg. ({ measure }) => <div /> ). See below for more detailed examples. |
columnIndex | number | ✓ | Index of column being measured (within the parent Grid ) or 0 (if used within a List or Table ). |
parent | Grid |
✓ | Reference to the parent Grid ; this value is passed by Grid to the cellRenderer and should be passed along as-is. |
rowIndex | number | ✓ | Index of row being measured (within the parent Grid ). |
The CellMeasurerCache
stores CellMeasurer
measurements and shares them with a parent Grid
It should be configured based on the type of measurements you need. It accepts the following parameters:
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
defaultHeight | number | Unmeasured cells will initially report this height | |
defaultWidth | number | Unmeasured cells will initially report this width | |
fixedHeight | boolean | Rendered cells will have a fixed height, dynamic width | |
fixedWidth | boolean | Rendered cells will have a fixed width, dynamic height | |
minHeight | number | Derived row height (of multiple cells) should not be less than this value | |
minWidth | number | Derived column width (of multiple cells) should not be less than this value | |
keyMapper | KeyMapper | Enables more intelligent mapping of a given column and row index to an item ID. This prevents a cell cache from being invalidated when its parent collection is modified. (rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number) => any |
Note that while all of the individual parameters above are optional, you must supply at least some of them.
is not meant to measure cells that are both dynamic width and height.
It would be inefficient to do so since the size of a row (or column) is equal to the largest cell within that row.
See below for more information.
Reset cached measurements for a specific cell.
This should be called when a cell needs to be re-measured to handle dynamic content (eg. replacing a loading indicator with loaded content or reacting to state-changes for stateful cells).
Reset cached measurements for all cells.
This method should be called when a Grid
, List
or Table
needs to reflow content due to a resizing event for a responsive layout (eg. a window width resize may have an impact on the height of cells).
This example shows a Grid
with fixed row heights and dynamic column widths.
For more examples check out the component demo page.
import React from 'react';
import { CellMeasurer, CellMeasurerCache, Grid } from 'react-virtualized';
// In this example, average cell width is assumed to be about 100px.
// This value will be used for the initial `Grid` layout.
// Cell measurements smaller than 75px should also be rounded up.
// Height is not dynamic.
const cache = new CellMeasurerCache({
defaultWidth: 100,
minWidth: 75,
fixedHeight: true
function cellRenderer ({ columnIndex, key, parent, rowIndex, style }) {
const content // Derive this from your data somehow
return (
height: 35,
whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
function renderGrid (props) {
return (
This example shows how you might use the CellMeasurer
component along with the List
component in order to display dynamic-height rows.
The difference between this example and the above example is that the height of the row is not determined until image data has loaded.
To support this, a function-child is passed to CellMeasurer
which then receives a measure
should be called when cell content is ready to be measured (in this case, when the image has loaded).
import React from 'react';
import { CellMeasurer, CellMeasurerCache, Grid } from 'react-virtualized';
// In this example, average cell height is assumed to be about 50px.
// This value will be used for the initial `Grid` layout.
// Width is not dynamic.
const cache = new CellMeasurerCache({
defaultHeight: 50,
fixedWidth: true
function rowRenderer ({ index, isScrolling, key, parent, style }) {
const source // This comes from your list data
return (
{({ measure }) => (
// 'style' attribute required to position cell (within parent List)
<div style={style}>
function renderList (props) {
return (
// Normally, every cell gets measured individually and is very slow.
// However, with the keyMapper prop we can specify a constant return value and
// tell CellMeasurer that all measurements after the first one will hit the
// cache and we get a speedy solution.
const cache = new CellMeasurerCache({
defaultHeight: 30,
fixedWidth: true,
keyMapper: () => 1,
Measuring a column's width requires measuring all rows in order to determine the widest occurrence of that column.
The same is true in reverse for measuring a row's height.
For this reason it may not be a good idea to use this HOC for Grid
s containing a large number of both columns and cells.
Since this component measures one cell at a time to determine it's width/height, it will likely be slow if a user skips many rows (or columns) at once by scrolling with a scrollbar or via a scroll-to-cell prop. There is (unfortunately) no workaround for this performance limitation at the moment.