The main objective of the LuaMachine project is to safely expose Lua apis to scripters (and modders), so the Unreal Engine reflection system is completely hidden by default.
If you know what you are doing, you can implement UObject's reflection easily in LuaMachine using C++.
This tutorial will show you how (with a bunch of C++ lines) you can inspect/modify UObject's at runtime (and obviously make mess everywhere).
Note: this has been tested with LuaMachine 20190122 and Unreal Engine 4.21 using the ThirdPersonCharacter template.
As always, we start by creating a new ULuaState. This will be the base (we will work on an inherited Blueprint class) for the Lua VM targeted at reflection.
Just create a new C++ class named 'LuaReflectionStateBase' inheriting from 'LuaState', and create a blueprint subclass of it named 'LuaReflectionState'
Next step is creating a component that will automatically assign an actor to a Lua global name:
- Create a new Blueprint Class of type ActorComponent and name it 'LuaReflectionComponent'
- Add a variable of type 'class of LuaReflectionStateBase' named 'State', and assign it a default value of 'LuaReflectionState'
- Add a public variable of type 'String' (this will be the name exposed to the Lua VM)
- Finally assign the 'GetOwner()' return value to the Lua name (in the 'Begin Play' event)
Note the usage of 'Lua Create Object in State' that will enforce this LuaValue to be mapped to a specific state (this will avoid mess in case of various Lua VM running in the same process)
Time to add the 'overlay shell' to our screen. From this Multiline Editable Text we will issue lua commands
Table.Add("unreal_get_name", FLuaValue::Function(GET_FUNCTION_NAME_CHECKED(ULuaReflectionStateBase, UnrealGetName)));
FLuaValue ULuaReflectionStateBase::UnrealGetName(FLuaValue Value)
if (!Value.Object)
return FLuaValue();
return FLuaValue(Value.Object->GetName());
local reflection = {}
function reflection:__tostring()
return string.format('uobject: %s', unreal_get_name(self))
function reflection:__index(key)
return unreal_get_property(self, key)
function reflection:__newindex(key, value)
return unreal_set_property(self, key, value)
return reflection
FLuaValue ULuaReflectionStateBase::UnrealGetProperties(FLuaValue Value)
if (!Value.Object)
return FLuaValue();
UStruct* Class = Cast<UStruct>(Value.Object);
if (!Class)
Class = Value.Object->GetClass();
FLuaValue PropertiesArray = CreateLuaTable();
// remember that Lua starts counting from 1
int32 Index = 1;
for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> PropsIterator(Class); PropsIterator; ++PropsIterator)
UProperty* Property = *PropsIterator;
PropertiesArray.SetFieldByIndex(Index++, FLuaValue(Property->GetName()));
return PropertiesArray;
Please py attention to the weird naming scheme as i am casting to UStruct but i am calling it 'Class'. This will be able to support USTRUCT's too if you want to improve the system.
Now let's test it by calling Lua's unreal_get_properties() from the Mannequin's graph:
FLuaValue ULuaReflectionStateBase::UnrealGetProperty(FLuaValue Value, FLuaValue Name, FLuaValue Index)
if (!Value.Object)
return FLuaValue();
UStruct* Class = Cast<UStruct>(Value.Object);
if (!Class)
Class = Value.Object->GetClass();
UProperty* Property = Class->FindPropertyByName(Name.ToName());
if (Property)
bool bSuccess;
return FromUProperty(Value.Object, Property, bSuccess, Index.ToInteger());
return FLuaValue();
void ULuaReflectionStateBase::UnrealSetProperty(FLuaValue Value, FLuaValue Name, FLuaValue NewValue, FLuaValue Index)
if (!Value.Object)
UStruct* Class = Cast<UStruct>(Value.Object);
if (!Class)
Class = Value.Object->GetClass();
UProperty* Property = Class->FindPropertyByName(Name.ToName());
if (Property)
bool bSuccess;
ToUProperty(Value.Object, Property, NewValue, bSuccess, Index.ToInteger());
FLuaValue ULuaReflectionState::CallUObjectMethod(FLuaValue Object, FLuaValue Method, FLuaValue Args)
if (Object.Type != ELuaValueType::UObject)
return FLuaValue();
if (Method.Type != ELuaValueType::UObject)
return FLuaValue();
UFunction* Function = (UFunction *)Method.Object;
FScopeCycleCounterUObject ObjectScope(Object.Object);
FScopeCycleCounterUObject FunctionScope(Function);
void* Parameters = FMemory_Alloca(Function->ParmsSize);
FMemory::Memzero(Parameters, Function->ParmsSize);
// arguments
if (Args.Type == ELuaValueType::Table)
int32 NArgs = 1;
for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> FArgs(Function); FArgs && ((FArgs->PropertyFlags & (CPF_Parm | CPF_ReturnParm)) == CPF_Parm); ++FArgs)
UProperty *Prop = *FArgs;
FLuaValue Parameter = Args.GetFieldByIndex(NArgs++);
bool bSuccess;
ToUProperty((UObject *)Parameters, Prop, Parameter, bSuccess);
Object.Object->ProcessEvent(Function, Parameters);
// get return value
for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> FArgs(Function); FArgs; ++FArgs)
UProperty *Prop = *FArgs;
if (!Prop->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_ReturnParm | CPF_OutParm))
bool bSuccess;
return FromUProperty((UObject *)Parameters, Prop, bSuccess);
return FLuaValue();
void ULuaReflectionState::BindEvent(FLuaValue Object, FLuaValue Name, FLuaValue Callable)
if (Object.Type != ELuaValueType::UObject)
if (Name.Type != ELuaValueType::String)
UStruct* Class = Cast<UStruct>(Object.Object);
if (!Class)
Class = Object.Object->GetClass();
UProperty* Property = Class->FindPropertyByName(Name.ToName());
if (Property)
UMulticastDelegateProperty* MulticastDelegateProperty = Cast<UMulticastDelegateProperty>(Property);
if (MulticastDelegateProperty)
FMulticastScriptDelegate* MulticastDelegate = MulticastDelegateProperty->GetPropertyValuePtr_InContainer(Object.Object);
ULuaDelegate *LuaDelegate = NewObject<ULuaDelegate>();
LuaDelegate->SetLuaCallableAndSignature(Callable, MulticastDelegateProperty->SignatureFunction);
FScriptDelegate Delegate;
Delegate.BindUFunction(LuaDelegate, "LuaFakeUFunction");
void ULuaDelegate::ProcessEvent(UFunction *Function, void *Parms)
if (!Callable.LuaState)
// arguments
TArray<FLuaValue> Args;
for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> FArgs(CallableSignature); FArgs && ((FArgs->PropertyFlags & (CPF_Parm | CPF_ReturnParm)) == CPF_Parm); ++FArgs)
UProperty *Prop = *FArgs;
bool bSuccess;
Args.Add(Callable.LuaState->FromUProperty((UObject *)Parms, Prop, bSuccess));
ULuaBlueprintFunctionLibrary::LuaValueCall(Callable, Args);
void ULuaDelegate::LuaFakeUFunction()