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CyberDeck is a portable device, usually a personal computer that has a form of an all-in-one box with screen and input controls or a "box+keyboard". Also, it is a subculture of cyberpunk lovers who also like a post-apocalypse theme. These people usually build their boxes and share its photos on the r/CyberDeck.
I (/who/astynax) want do build one for myself (yep, /DIY/electronics!) :) Here I plan to do my research, keep links and thoughts about.
RISC-V looks as "the right solution" but there are not many variants of boards with RISC-V CPUs.
A way more popular an accessible alternative is /Raspberry Pi family and RPi-400 and CM4 in particular.
I also have a GameShell and potentially can to use it as a core of CyberDeck.