title: The "Fur tree" exercise categories: puzzle ...
There is a programming exercise I like: "The fur tree". The task is pretty simple. You just need to grow a tree with a defined height (number of levels). Your tree should look like this (that one has height "5"):
Here is a small collection of thees grown by me :)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (takeWhile)
main :: IO ()
main = putStr $ pine 10
pine =
. takeWhile (isSpace . head)
. iterate (tail . (++ "**"))
. (++ "*")
. flip replicate ' '
# one can rewrite this code as one-liner :)
def pine(n):
return '\n'.join(
(' ' * (n - x)) + ('*' * (x * 2 - 1))
for x in range(1, n + 1)
dc -e "[32P1-d0!=b]sb[42P1-d0!=s]ss[lilbxln+li-2*1-lsx]sr[li1-silrx10Pli1!=m]sm 10 1+snlnsilmx"