Zenity is a GTK+ powered alternative for the dialog(1) and the whiptail(1).
It can display
- text or password entry
- calendar (date selector)
- file/directory selector
- color chooser
- confirmation
- "info"
- "warning"
- ...
User input Zenity dumps to STDOUT so you can easily integrate any dialog into your shell scripts.
Also, Zenity can show the desktop notifications and the progress indicators.
OS Suspend confirmation:
if zenity --question --text="Suspend?" --default-cancel; then systemctl suspend fi
A shopping list (from
man zenity
):zenity --list --checklist --column "Buy" --column "Item" \ TRUE Apples \ TRUE Oranges \ FALSE Pears \ FALSE Toothpaste
A notification (from
man zenity
):zenity --notification --window-icon=update.png --text "System update necessary!"
There are many wrappers for the different programming languages. Here is a couple of them: