Reference client -
- [code] generate initial client version using default openapi-generator
- [code] add initial example, to check client can execute request and parse response(but with an ugly interface)
- [code] generate simple types instead of enums (int, str etc)
- [code] add addition methods and fields to Text, TextField, Images, ImageField models. see commits
- [code] add unknown result type model(get raw json for non-described model in a client) see
- [code] all files and images should be passed/retrieved to/from lib as bytes
- [code] modify example to be exactly as reference client example (all fields and methods name should be matched)
- [ci] run example on every commit to master and PR
- [ci] auto-publish package on releases
- [doc] a main file
- [doc] a example file
- [doc][code] run example using regula SaaS