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import KurlAbout from "../partials/install/_kurl-about.mdx" import IntroEmbedded from "../partials/install/_intro-embedded.mdx" import PrereqsEmbeddedCluster from "../partials/install/_prereqs-embedded-cluster.mdx" import HaLoadBalancerPrereq from "../partials/install/_ha-load-balancer-prereq.mdx" import LicenseFile from "../partials/install/_license-file-prereq.mdx" import HAStep from "../partials/install/_embedded-ha-step.mdx" import LoginPassword from "../partials/install/_embedded-login-password.mdx" import AppNameUI from "../partials/install/_placeholder-app-name-UI.mdx" import KurlAvailability from "../partials/kurl/_kurl-availability.mdx"

Online Installation with kURL


Complete the following prerequisites:

Install {#install-app}

To install an application with kURL:

  1. Run one of the following commands to create the cluster with the kURL installer:

    • For a regular installation, run:

      curl -sSL | sudo bash
    • For high availability mode:

      curl -sSL | sudo bash -s ha


  2. Go to the address provided in the Kotsadm field in the output of the installation command. For example, Kotsadm:

  3. On the Bypass Browser TLS warning page, review the information about how to bypass the browser TLS warning, and then click Continue to Setup.

  4. On the HTTPS page, do one of the following:

    • To use the self-signed TLS certificate only, enter the hostname (required) if you are using the identity service. If you are not using the identity service, the hostname is optional. Click Skip & continue.
    • To use a custom certificate only, enter the hostname (required) if you are using the identity service. If you are not using the identity service, the hostname is optional. Then upload a private key and SSL certificate to secure communication between your browser and the Admin Console. Click Upload & continue.
  5. Log in to the Admin Console with the password that was provided in the Login with password (will not be shown again): field in the output of the installation command.

  6. Upload your license file.

  7. On the Preflight checks page, the application-specific preflight checks run automatically. Preflight checks are conformance tests that run against the target namespace and cluster to ensure that the environment meets the minimum requirements to support the application. Click Deploy.

    :::note Replicated recommends that you address any warnings or failures, rather than dismissing them. Preflight checks help ensure that your environment meets the requirements for application deployment. :::

  8. (Minimal RBAC Only) If you are installing with minimal role-based access control (RBAC), KOTS recognizes if the preflight checks failed due to insufficient privileges. When this occurs, a kubectl CLI preflight command displays that lets you manually run the preflight checks. The Admin Console then automatically displays the results of the preflight checks. Click Deploy.

    kubectl CLI preflight command

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    The Admin Console dashboard opens.

    On the Admin Console dashboard, the application status changes from Missing to Unavailable while the Deployment is being created. When the installation is complete, the status changes to Ready.

    Admin console dashboard showing ready status

    View a larger version of this image

  9. (Recommended) Change the Admin Console login password:

    1. Click the menu in the top right corner of the Admin Console, then click Change password.
    2. Enter a new password in the dialog, and click Change Password to save.

    Replicated strongly recommends that you change the password from the default provided during installation in a kURL cluster. For more information, see Changing an Admin Console Password.

  10. Add primary and secondary nodes to the cluster. You might add nodes to either meet application requirements or to support your usage of the application. See Adding Nodes to Embedded Clusters.