import StatusesTable from "../partials/status-informers/_statusesTable.mdx" import AggregateStatus from "../partials/status-informers/_aggregateStatus.mdx" import AggregateStatusIntro from "../partials/status-informers/_aggregate-status-intro.mdx"
This topic describes how to view the status of an application on the Replicated KOTS Admin Console dashboard. It also describes how Replicated KOTS collects and aggregates the application status.
The application status displays on the dashboard of the Admin Console. Viewing the status details can be helpful for troubleshooting.
To view the status details, click Details next to the status on the dashboard.
To display application status on the Admin Console dashboard, KOTS aggregates the status of specific Kubernetes resources for the application.
The following resource types are supported for displaying application status:
- Deployment
- StatefulSet
- Service
- Ingress
- PersistentVolumeClaims (PVC)
- DaemonSet
Applications can specify one or more of the supported Kubernetes workloads listed above. KOTS watches all specified workloads for state changes.
For more information about how to interpret the application status displayed on the Admin Console dashboard, see Resource Statuses and Aggregate Application Status below.
Possible application statuses are Ready, Updating, Degraded, Unavailable, and Missing.
The following table lists the supported Kubernetes resources and the conditions that contribute to each status: