This component rolls out from the left hand side or from the top on the right hand side, providing a container for other components.
<tw-rollout color="amber" width="w-1/2" v-model="someBolean" > ... </tw-rollout>
Property | Type | Required | default | notes |
v-model | Boolean | yes | false | Whether rollout is shown |
color | String | no | 'primary' | The color scheme of the rollout |
width | String | no | 'w-3/4' | How far across in Tailwind terms the rollout covers the screen |
align-right | Boolean | no | false | Moved the rollout so it comes from the top down the right hand side |
z-index | Number | no | 10 | The z-index of the rollout |
blur | Boolean | no | true | Set the blur of the background (on by default) |