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File metadata and controls

153 lines (111 loc) · 5.41 KB

Legacy Features

Table of Contents


Available Linter hooks

You will need to install the ruby gem for each of these for linting to work (except ruby -wc of course)

  • ruby -wc
  • rubocop
  • ruby-lint
  • reek
  • fasterer
  • debride

Enable each one in your workspace or user settings:

// Basic settings: turn linter(s) on
"ruby.lint": {
	"reek": true,
	"rubocop": true,
	"ruby": true, //Runs ruby -wc
	"fasterer": true,
	"debride": true,
	"ruby-lint": true

// Time (ms) to wait after keypress before running enabled linters. Ensures
// linters are only run when typing has finished and not for every keypress
"ruby.lintDebounceTime": 500,

//advanced: set command line options for some linters:
"ruby.lint": {
	"ruby": {
		"unicode": true //Runs ruby -wc -Ku
	"rubocop": {
		"only": ["SpaceInsideBlockBraces", "LeadingCommentSpace"],
		"lint": true,
		"rails": true
	"reek": true

By default no linters are turned on.

Each linter runs only on the newly opened or edited file. This excludes some of the linters functionality, and makes some overly chatty - such as ruby-lint reporting undefined methods. The usual configuration file for each linter will be use as they would be when running from the command line, however settings that include/exclude files will not likely be followed.

Relevant configuration files:

Settings available (in your VSCode workspace) for each of the linters:

"debride": {
	"rails": true //Add some rails call conversions.

"ruby"//no settings
"reek" //no settings
"fasterer" //no settings

"ruby-lint": {
	"levels": [/* a subset of these */ "error","warning","info"],
	"classes":[ /* a subset of these */ "argument_amount", "loop_keywords", "pedantics", "shadowing_variables", "undefined_methods", "undefined_variables", "unused_variables", "useless_equality_checks" ]

"rubocop": {
	"lint": true, //Run only lint cops.
	"only": [/* array: Run only the specified cop(s) and/or cops in the specified departments. */],
	"except": [/* array: Run all cops enabled by configuration except the specified cop(s) and/or departments. */],
	"forceExclusion": true, //Add --force-exclusion option
	"require": [/* array: Require Ruby files. */],
	"rails": true //Run extra rails cops. Note [this was removed in RuboCop 0.72.0](


The VS Code Ruby extension can automatically format your Ruby files whenever you save.


Steps to enable rubocop formatting.

  1. Install rubocop with gem install rubocop. Note that you may have to turn on some of the AutoCorrect functions in your .rubocop.yml file. See the rubocop documentation.
  2. Add the following to your settings.json:
    "[ruby]": {
        "editor.formatOnSave": true
    "ruby.format": "rubocop",
    "editor.formatOnSaveTimeout": 1500

Note: VS Code has a timeout that limits file formatters to 750ms which is often not enough time for rubocop to complete, which is why the setting is adjusted above. You may want to tweak this setting to meet your needs. See #43702 for more details.


The ruby.codeCompletion setting lets you select a method for code completion and other intellisense features. Valid options are rcodetools and false.


To enable method completion in Ruby, run gem install rcodetools. You may need to restart Visual Studio Code the first time.

[1, 2, 3].e #<= Press CTRL-Space here

Intellisense (Go to/Peek Definition/Symbols)

Use the ruby.intellisense setting to select a go to/peek definition/symbol method. Valid options are rubyLocate, and false.


The rubyLocate option includes workspace parsing functionality. It allows VS Code to go to definition, peak definition and provides symbols for modules, classes, and methods defined within the same workspace. You can set glob patterns to match including and excluding particular files. The exclude match also runs against directories on initial load, to reduce latency. rubyLocate uses ruby-method-locate to parse symbols.

The default settings are:

"ruby.locate": {
	"include": "**/*.rb",
	"exclude": "{**/@(test|spec|tmp|.*),**/@(test|spec|tmp|.*)/**,**/*_spec.rb}"

The defaults will include all files with the rb extension, but avoids searching within the test, spec, tmp directories, as well as any directories begining with a ., AND any files ending with _spec.rb.

If you change these settings, currently you will need to reload your workspace.

We now provide go to definition within erb files, as well as syntax highlighting for erb.

There is no built-in 'non-legacy' replacement for rubyLocate, but the Solargraph project is a possible alternative.