It might happen that a crate fails to build repeatedly due to a bug, clogging up the queue and preventing other crates to build. In this case it's possible to temporarily remove the crate from the queue until the's bug is fixed. To do that, log into the machine and open a PostgreSQL shell with:
$ psql
Then you can run this SQL query to remove the crate:
UPDATE queue SET attempt = 100 WHERE name = '<CRATE_NAME>';
To add the crate back in the queue you can run in the PostgreSQL shell this query:
UPDATE queue SET attempt = 0 WHERE name = '<CRATE_NAME>';
Sometimes the latest nightly might be broken, causing doc builds to fail. In
those cases it's possible to tell to stop updating to the latest
nightly and instead pin a specific release. To do that you need to edit the
file, adding or changing this environment
Once the file changed needs to be restarted:
systemctl restart
To return to the latest nightly simply remove the environment variable and restart again.
If a bug was recently fixed, you may want to rebuild a crate so that it builds with the latest version. From the machine:
cratesfyi queue add <crate> <version>
This will add the crate with a lower priority than new crates by default, you can change the priority with the -p
Occasionally crates will ask for their build limits to be raised.
You can raise them from the machine with psql
Raising a memory limit to 8 GB:
# memory is measured in bytes
cratesfyi=> INSERT INTO sandbox_overrides (crate_name, max_memory_bytes)
VALUES ('crate name', 8589934592);
Raising a timeout to 15 minutes:
cratesfyi=> INSERT INTO sandbox_overrides (crate_name, timeout_seconds)
VALUES ('crate name', 900);
Raising limits for multiple crates at once:
cratesfyi=> INSERT INTO sandbox_overrides (crate_name, max_memory_bytes)
VALUES ('stm32f4', 8589934592), ('stm32h7', 8589934592), ('stm32g4', 8589934592);
When many crates from the same project are published at once, they take up a lot of space in the queue. You can de-prioritize groups of crates at once like this:
cratesfyi=> INSERT INTO crate_priorities (pattern, priority)
VALUES ('group-%', 1);
The pattern
should be a LIKE
pattern as documented on
Note that this only sets the default priority for crates with that name. If there are crates already in the queue, you'll have to update those manually:
cratesfyi=> UPDATE queue SET priority = 1 WHERE name LIKE 'group-%';
After an outage you might want to add all the failed builds back to the queue. To do that, log into the machine and open a PostgreSQL shell with:
Then you can run this SQL query to add all the crates failed after YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
back in the queue:
UPDATE queue SET attempt = 0 WHERE attempt >= 5 AND build_time > 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS';
Sometimes it might be needed to remove all the content related to a crate from (for example after receiving a DMCA). To do that, log into the server and run:
cratesfyi database delete-crate CRATE_NAME
The command will remove all the data from the database, and then remove the files from S3.
Occasionally it might be needed to prevent a crate from being built on, for example if we can't legally host the content of those crates. To add a crate to the blacklist, preventing new builds for it, you can run:
cratesfyi database blacklist add <CRATE_NAME>
Other operations (such as list
and remove
) are also supported.
Warning: blacklisting a crate doesn't remove existing content from the website, it just prevents new versions from being built!