All the DNS records of the domains owned by the Rust Infrastructure team are hosted on AWS Route 53, and can be tweaked by members of the team. This document contains instructions for them on how to make changes.
- Changing DNS records of a domain managed with Terraform
- Managing DNS for a new domain with Terraform
- Adding subdomain redirects
- Transferring domain names to Rust
Warning: not all domain names are yet managed with Terraform. In the console, if a zone's comment doesn't start with
you'll need to make changes manually from the UI. Work is underway to migrate every domain to Terraform though.
only contains the definition of DNS records pointing to resources managed outside of Terraform. When Terraform manages a resource it will automatically add the required records on its own. See the service's documentation to learn where its Terraform configuration lives.
DNS records are managed in the terraform/services/dns
directory of
our Terraform configuration. A file named after the domain name, ending in
, exists for each managed domain, and it contains some basic information
plus its records.
The configuration supports adding A, CNAME, MX and TXT records. Inside the module definition contained in the domain's file, each record type has its own map: the map keys are the names of the records, while the values are a list of record values.
For example, to add a
CNAME pointing to
you'll need to add this to
module "rust_lang_org" {
# ...
"" = [""],
# ...
Once you made all the changes you can apply them with:
terraform apply
Setting up Terraform to manage the DNS records of a new domain name involves a
few steps. First of all you need to decide the identifier used inside
Terraform for that domain. By convention, the identifier is the domain name
itself with .
and -
replaced with _
. For example
Then you can create a file in terraform/services/dns
named after
the domain name, ending in .tf
, with this content (take care of replacing the
module "<IDENTIFIER>" {
source = "./domain"
domain = "<DOMAIN-NAME>"
ttl = 300
Finally you need to output the ID of the Route53 zone, allowing other parts of
our Terraform configuration to add records. Add this snippet to
# ...
output "zone_<IDENTIFIER>" {
value = module.<IDENTIFIER>.zone_id
Once you're done you can apply the changes with:
terraform init
terraform apply
Our Terraform configuration supports creating redirects from an arbitrary number of subdomains we control to an URL. Redirects are created with these pieces of infrastructure:
A S3 bucket for each set of redirects, named
. The bucket has website hosting enabled, configured to redirect all the incoming requests to the chosen URL. This allows implementing redirects without an underlying server. -
An ACM certificate (plus the DNS records to validate it) for each set of redirects, with all the sources as alternate names. This is used to enable HTTPS redirects.
A CloudFront distribution for each set of redirects to support HTTPS requests, using the previously generated ACM certificate and forwarding requests to the S3 bucket.
Route53 records for each redirect in the related zones: CNAMEs for subdomains, and ALIASes for apex domains.
All the redirects are defined in terraform/
with a module for each destination URL. Either create a new module if you need
to redirect to a new URL, or add a new subdomain to an existing module. See an
example module here (take care of replacing the placeholders):
module "redirect_<IDENTIFIER>" {
source = "./modules/subdomain-redirect"
providers = {
aws = "aws"
aws.east1 = "aws.east1"
from = {
"<SUBDOMAIN-1>" = module.dns.zone_<DOMAIN-1-IDENTIFIER>,
"<SUBDOMAIN-2>" = module.dns.zone_<DOMAIN-2-IDENTIFIER>,
Once you made all the changes you can apply the configuration with:
terraform init
terraform apply
Note that each change is going to take around 15 minutes to deploy, as CloudFront distribution changes are really slow to propagate. Also, it's normal to see a bunch of resources being recreated when a domain is added or removed from an existing redirect, as the ACM certificate will need to be regenerated.
These are the steps a member of the infrastructure team needs to take to transfer a domain name to the Rust project's registrar:
Ask inside the infrastructure team if this is a domain name the project wants to own. In some more complicated cases this will need to be escalated to the Leadership Council.
If the domain name doesn’t already use AWS Route 53 as its nameserver, ask the current owner of the domain a list of all the DNS records that will need to be migrated. Then, add all the records to a new hosted zone on Route 53 before the transfer of the domain. See the section below on transferring DNS for more information on this step.
Ask the current owner to unlock the domain name for transfer, and get the transfer code from them. The transfer code is key to transferring the domain, so avoid receiving it on public communication platforms.
Go to the Transfer Domain section of AWS Route 53 and enter the domain name. If it doesn’t give an error (which should detail which steps are missing) enter the transfer code you received earlier, and choose to use an existing Route 53 hosted zone (it should auto-complete the right one). Until the Rust Foundation is up, use Pietro’s details as the domain contacts. Finally review everything and complete the transfer process.
Tell the current owner to wait for an email from their registrar, which will ask to click on a link to confirm the domain name transfer.
The transfer process will take a while. Once [email protected] receives an email telling the domain has been transferred you’re done! 🎉🎉🎉
Most domain names use their registrar as the DNS server, but that means that once the domain is transferred away the old registrar also stops serving DNS traffic. Because of that we need to ensure all the DNS records are correctly copied over to AWS Route 53 before actually starting the transfer process.
Explicitly ask the current domain owner for all the A
and MX
records. Everything except the MX
records needs to be copied to the
Terraform DNS configuration (create a new file for the domain name,
and take inspiration from the other domain names).
If you notice some of the records are referring to HTTP redirect services provided by the current registrar then those will have to wait until the domain has been transferred. Once the transfer occured, add a new domain redirect on Terraform. This has to be done after the transfer to be able to request the TLS certificate for the HTTPS redirect.
If the domain has MX
records those will need to be migrated to Mailgun. Go to
Mailgun and add the domain name there. Ensure it’s in the US region,
it uses shared IPs, and it has a 1024 bit DKIM key (the 2048 keys do not fit
into a single AWS Route 53 record). Then copy all the records except the
tracking one over to the Terraform DNS configuration, and wait for the
domain to be transferred. Once the transfer happens go back to Mailgun and
verify the DNS settings for the domain. Finally, add the domain to the team
repository’s config.toml
and create the mailing lists you need
through the usual process.