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shantenujha edited this page Jun 20, 2013 · 31 revisions

Welcome to the SAGA/BigJob Tutorial.

In the next two sessions we will cover the basics of SAGA and BigJob. In the first session (10:00-10:30 minutes) we will present an overview of SAGA and BigJob. In the second session (11:00-11:45 minutes), we will present hands-on examples of how to use SAGA and BigJob to solve some canonical use cases.

Session I:

Relevant URLs are:

Session II

This is a "hands-on" session. We expect everyone will have one of the following: (i) access to a linux based machine (e.g., laptop), and/or (ii) access/accounts on the OSDC infrastructure (Sullivan).

SAGA Track

  • Let's learn the basics by going through the tutorial.
  • Be sure to finish the tutorial later
  • Although we will go through tutorial on your local laptops, we strongly encourage you to use OSDC infrastructure as well. Explicit Instructions on how to use SAGA on Sullivan will be posted here. Watch this space.

BigJob Track

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