File tree
1,379 files changed
lines changed- .ci
- .devcontainer
- .vscode
- build
- bin
- make
- pkgs
- _prereq/distros
- alabaster
- anyio
- appdirs
- appnope
- argon2_cffi
- argon2_cffi_bindings
- arrow
- asttokens
- async_lru
- attrs
- babel
- beautifulsoup4
- beniget
- bleach
- boost_cropped/distros
- cachetools
- calver
- certifi
- cffi
- chardet
- charset_normalizer
- cliquer/distros
- colorama
- comm
- configure
- contourpy
- conway_polynomials
- cppy
- cvxopt
- cvxpy
- cycler
- cylp
- cypari
- cysignals
- cython
- database_cubic_hecke
- database_knotinfo
- dateutil
- debugpy
- decorator
- defusedxml
- distlib
- docutils
- dot2tex
- ecm
- ecos_python
- editables
- entrypoints
- exceptiongroup
- executing
- fastjsonschema
- ffmpeg/distros
- filelock
- flit_core
- fonttools
- fplll/distros
- fpylll
- fqdn
- furo
- gap_jupyter
- gast
- glpk
- distros
- gmp/distros
- gmpy2
- gnumake_tokenpool
- gsl/distros
- h11
- hatch_fancy_pypi_readme
- hatch_vcs
- hatchling
- httpcore
- httpx
- iconv/distros
- idna
- imagesize
- importlib_metadata
- importlib_resources
- ipykernel
- ipympl
- ipython
- ipython_genutils
- ipywidgets
- isoduration
- jedi
- jinja2
- json5
- jsonpointer
- jsonschema
- jsonschema_specifications
- jupymake
- jupyter_client
- jupyter_core
- jupyter_events
- jupyter_jsmol
- jupyter_lsp
- jupyter_server
- jupyter_server_terminals
- jupyter_sphinx
- patches
- jupyterlab
- jupyterlab_mathjax2
- jupyterlab_pygments
- jupyterlab_server
- jupyterlab_widgets
- kiwisolver
- libbraiding/distros
- liblzma/distros
- libxml2/distros
- linbox/distros
- lrcalc_python
- markupsafe
- mathics
- mathics_scanner
- matplotlib
- matplotlib_inline
- matroid_database
- maxima/distros
- memory_allocator
- meson
- meson_python
- mistune
- mpc/distros
- mpfr/distros
- mpmath
- msolve
- patches
- nbclient
- nbconvert
- nbformat
- nest_asyncio
- networkx
- notebook
- notebook_shim
- notedown
- numpy
- openblas/distros
- openssl/distros
- osqp_python
- overrides
- p_group_cohomology
- packaging
- palettable
- pandoc_attributes
- pandocfilters
- pari_jupyter
- parso
- pathspec
- pexpect
- pillow
- pint
- pip
- pkgconfig
- platformdirs
- pluggy
- ply
- pplpy
- primecount/distros
- primecountpy
- prometheus_client
- prompt_toolkit
- psutil
- ptyprocess
- pure_eval
- py
- pybind11
- pycosat
- pycparser
- pycryptosat
- pygments
- pygraphviz
- pynormaliz
- pyparsing
- pyproject_api
- pyproject_metadata
- pyrsistent
- pyscipopt
- patches
- pysingular
- python_flint
- python_igraph
- python_json_logger
- pythran
- pytz
- pytz_deprecation_shim
- pyyaml
- pyzmq
- qdldl_python
- qhull/distros
- referencing
- requests
- rfc3339_validator
- rfc3986_validator
- rpy2
- rst2ipynb
- sage_conf
- sage_docbuild
- sage_numerical_backends_coin
- sage_numerical_backends_cplex
- sage_numerical_backends_gurobi
- sage_setup
- sage_sws2rst
- sagelib
- sagemath_bliss
- sagemath_categories
- sagemath_coxeter3
- sagemath_environment
- sagemath_mcqd
- sagemath_meataxe
- sagemath_objects
- sagemath_repl
- sagemath_sirocco
- sagemath_tdlib
- sagenb_export
- sagetex
- scipy
- patches
- scs
- send2trash
- setuptools
- setuptools_scm
- singular_jupyter
- six
- sniffio
- snowballstemmer
- soupsieve
- sphinx
- sphinx_basic_ng
- sphinx_copybutton
- sphinx_inline_tabs
- sphinxcontrib_applehelp
- sphinxcontrib_devhelp
- sphinxcontrib_htmlhelp
- sphinxcontrib_jsmath
- sphinxcontrib_qthelp
- sphinxcontrib_serializinghtml
- sphinxcontrib_websupport
- stack_data
- suitesparse/distros
- symengine_py
- sympy
- terminado
- texttable
- tinycss2
- tomli
- tornado
- tox
- traitlets
- trove_classifiers
- types_python_dateutil
- typing_extensions
- tzdata
- tzlocal
- uri_template
- urllib3
- virtualenv
- wcwidth
- webcolors
- webencodings
- websocket_client
- wheel
- widgetsnbextension
- zipp
- zlib/distros
- sage_bootstrap
- docker
- m4
- pkgs
- sage-conf
- sage-conf_conda
- sage-conf_pypi
- sage-docbuild
- sage-setup
- sage-sws2rst
- bin
- sagemath-bliss
- sagemath-categories
- sagemath-coxeter3
- sagemath-environment
- sagemath-mcqd
- sagemath-meataxe
- sagemath-objects
- sagemath-repl
- sagemath-sirocco
- sagemath-standard
- sagemath-tdlib
- src
- bin
- doc
- ca/intro
- common
- _vendor
- static
- de
- a_tour_of_sage
- thematische_anleitungen
- tutorial
- en
- a_tour_of_sage
- constructions
- developer
- faq
- installation
- prep
- Quickstarts
- reference
- coercion
- combinat
- matrices
- matroids
- references
- repl
- rings_numerical
- thematic_tutorials
- explicit_methods_in_number_theory
- lie
- numerical_sage
- vector_calculus
- tutorial
- es
- a_tour_of_sage
- tutorial
- fr
- a_tour_of_sage
- tutorial
- hu/a_tour_of_sage
- it
- a_tour_of_sage
- faq
- tutorial
- ja
- a_tour_of_sage
- tutorial
- pt
- a_tour_of_sage
- tutorial
- ru/tutorial
- tr/a_tour_of_sage
- sage
- algebras
- finite_dimensional_algebras
- fusion_rings
- letterplace
- lie_algebras
- quantum_groups
- quatalg
- steenrod
- arith
- calculus
- categories
- examples
- coding/codecan
- combinat
- chas
- cluster_algebra_quiver
- crystals
- designs
- matrices
- path_tableaux
- posets
- rigged_configurations
- root_system
- sf
- words
- cpython
- crypto
- data_structures
- databases
- doctest
- dynamics
- arithmetic_dynamics
- complex_dynamics
- ext
- features
- functions
- geometry
- polyhedron
- combinatorial_polyhedron
- triangulation
- graphs
- base
- generators
- graph_decompositions
- groups
- abelian_gps
- additive_abelian
- matrix_gps
- perm_gps
- partn_ref
- partn_ref2
- semimonomial_transformations
- homology
- interacts
- interfaces
- knots
- lfunctions
- libs
- arb
- coxeter3
- eclib
- flint
- gap
- giac
- glpk
- gmp
- lcalc
- linbox
- linkages/padics
- relaxed
- lrcalc
- mpmath
- ntl
- pari
- singular
- symmetrica
- logic
- manifolds/differentiable
- matrix
- matroids
- misc
- modular
- abvar
- arithgroup
- btquotients
- modform
- modsym
- pollack_stevens
- quasimodform
- quatalg
- modules
- fg_pid
- fp_graded
- with_basis
- monoids
- numerical
- backends
- parallel
- plot
- plot3d
- quadratic_forms
- genera
- quivers
- repl
- rings
- asymptotic
- finite_rings
- function_field
- drinfeld_modules
- invariants
- number_field
- padics
- polynomial
- pbori
- weil
- semirings
- valuation
- schemes
- affine
- curves
- elliptic_curves
- generic
- hyperelliptic_curves
- hypellfrob
- projective
- riemann_surfaces
- toric
- sets
- stats
- hmm
- structure
- symbolic
- ginac
- tests
- books/judson-abstract-algebra
- topology
- sage_docbuild
- sage_setup
- autogen/interpreters/specs
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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0 commit comments