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Implement NCSym #15150

tscrim opened this issue Sep 3, 2013 · 99 comments

Implement NCSym #15150

tscrim opened this issue Sep 3, 2013 · 99 comments


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tscrim commented Sep 3, 2013

Implement the Hopf algebra of symmetric functions in non-commuting variables in the following bases:

  • monomial m
  • elementary e
  • homogeneous h
  • power-sum p
  • x
  • q

as well as the dual basis w.

Apply: attachment: trac_15150-ncsym-ts.patch​

Depends on #15143
Depends on #15164

CC: @sagetrac-sage-combinat @zabrocki @saliola @darijgr

Component: combinatorics

Author: Travis Scrimshaw

Reviewer: Mike Zabrocki, Darij Grinberg

Merged: sage-5.13.rc0

Issue created by migration from

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saliola commented Sep 3, 2013


[Answered my own question.]

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tscrim commented Sep 3, 2013


Here's what I currently have. The multiplication in the dual basis isn't working correctly yet. I know there's the hopf_algebra_of_supercharacters-fs.patch patch in the queue which seems like its targeted more for base rings of ZZ[q] (or like Hall-Littlewoods are to Sym), and I was hoping to link them together at some point (please correct me if I'm wrong). I'd be happy to work with you on this patch.

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saliola commented Sep 3, 2013


The only problem is that I don't have much time these days to work on this. I've been meaning to implement NCSym. I'll try to take a look at what you have and see what I can offer, if anything.

As usual, thank you for your work, Travis!

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darijgr commented Sep 3, 2013


Travis, what sources are you using for this? I'm asking because I haven't read anything about NCSym so far. I have a vague impression it has been introduced in one of Rota's Foundations papers, but not one that I have. A good introduction would simplify my job reviewing this by a lot.

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tscrim commented Sep 3, 2013


Here's one of the references (Bergeron, Zabrocki): I forget the other references off-hand (it's on my other computer tho), and I'll be adding all of the references to the doc as I finish it up.


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tscrim commented Sep 3, 2013


Also I just fixed the w basis multiplication.

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tscrim commented Sep 7, 2013


Okay, the patch is now ready for first review. It has full doctest coverage and all tests pass for me. I've removed some of the coercions in the old version since I was worried about possibly breaking coercion commutative diagrams.

Some of the things I'm not perfectly happy about (but can live with currently):

  • A descriptive name of the q, x, and w bases.
  • No antipode for the w basis.
  • Creating the SymmetricFunctions base object when creating SymmetricFunctionNonCommutingVariables in order to set up the coercion.
  • Is it safe to put the natural maps Sym -> NCSym and NSym -> NCSym as coercions?

The references I used are included in the documentation now too.

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zabrocki mannequin commented Sep 9, 2013


Hi Travis, One initial comment about the NSym -> NCSym map. It is dangerous to call it "the natural" map from NSym to NCSym. It is one of many. There does not seem to be a reason to favor the map which sends the complete generators to the complete generators. If you were to send the elementary generators to the elementary generators you get a map which is equally compelling and (unfortunately) they are not the same map.

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tscrim commented Sep 13, 2013


New version rebased over changes in #15143 and removes the word "natural" and instead states that it is the map which fixes Sym.

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zabrocki mannequin commented Sep 13, 2013


Hi Travis,

What patches and version do you have applied? I get fuzz on the file sage/combinat/ncsf_qsym/ and doc tests failing in (seemingly) because the output displays in a different order. We may need to put a dependency with other patches that touch I am currently running on sage-5.12.beta5 and only #15143 applied.

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tscrim commented Sep 13, 2013


Hey Mike,

I have 5.12.beta3 in the combinat queue, but the fuzz is likely due to #15164 (which I'm planning to review soon). What type of fuzz do you get? If it's 0 or 1, we don't need to put it down as a dependency.

I'll build 5.12.beta5 today and see if I also get doctest failing.



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zabrocki mannequin commented Sep 13, 2013


You are right that the fuzz is disappears by applying #15164

I get 4 doctest failures on They are minor, but I don't know why I see them and you don't (so it doesn't seem like a good idea to change them). They are on lines 248, 438, 633, 737 and for instance one is

File "sage/combinat/ncsym/", line 633, in
Failed example:
    elt = e[[1,3],[2]].omega(); elt
    -e{{1, 3}, {2}} + 2*e{{1}, {2}, {3}}
    2*e{{1}, {2}, {3}} - e{{1, 3}, {2}}

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tscrim commented Sep 13, 2013


I would have thought that the total ordering on set partitions in #15143 would have CombinatorialFreeModule give a unique sorting on the elements:

sage: SetPartition([[1,3],[2]]) < SetPartition([[1],[2],[3]])
sage: SetPartition([[1,3],[2]]) > SetPartition([[1],[2],[3]])
sage: SetPartition([[1],[2],[3]]) < SetPartition([[1,3],[2]])
sage: SetPartition([[1],[2],[3]]) > SetPartition([[1,3],[2]])

My guess as to why we're getting different output is a failure in the comparisons (I didn't see any tickets that seemed like would change the output of linear_comb()). Try running:

sage: e = SymmetricFunctionsNonCommutingVariables(QQ).e()
sage: e.print_options()
{'bracket': False,
 'latex_bracket': False,
 'latex_prefix': None,
 'latex_scalar_mult': None,
 'monomial_cmp': <function cmp>,
 'prefix': 'e',
 'scalar_mult': '*',
 'tensor_symbol': None}
sage: cmp(SetPartition([[1],[2],[3]]), SetPartition([[1,3],[2]]))
sage: elt = 2*e[[1],[2],[3]] - e[[1,3],[2]]
sage: L = elt._monomial_coefficients.items()
sage: L.sort(cmp=cmp, key=lambda (x,y): x)
sage: L
[({{1, 3}, {2}}, -1), ({{1}, {2}, {3}}, 2)]

Do you get anything different, in particular the last one?

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zabrocki mannequin commented Sep 13, 2013


I do get something different, but all of the comparisons are the same. For the last one I get:
[({{1}, {2}, {3}}, 2), ({{1, 3}, {2}}, -1)]

Any idea why?

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tscrim commented Sep 13, 2013


This is why:

sage: A = SetPartition([[1],[2],[3]])
sage: B = SetPartition([[1,3],[2]])
sage: cmp(A, B)
sage: cmp(B, A)

The cmp is not correctly using the rich comparisons because ClonableArray has (in effect) a __cmp__ function which calls the underlying list (which contains Set objects which don't compare as intended)...

I'm fixing this right now.

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tscrim commented Sep 13, 2013


Okay, now it should be consistent.

sage: A = SetPartition([[1],[2],[3]])
sage: B = SetPartition([[1,3],[2]])
sage: cmp(A, B)
sage: cmp(B, A)

I added a __cmp__() method to SetPartition to override the behavior of ClonableArray.

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zabrocki mannequin commented Sep 15, 2013


Attachment: trac_15150_product_on_basis_q-mz.patch.gz

OK. Thanks for fixing that. I'm looking over the patch and I have some initial changes where the multiplication uses the pipe function and the product is implemented in the q basis.

The change of basis from q to x or vice versa is slow and so ideally I would like to improve this.

I think that line 180 from is wrong. There should be no morphism from NCSym to Sym, but there is a projection. There is however a morphism from DNCSym to Sym.

DNCSym is similar to quasi-symmetric functions so that if you add the right elements together (say some linear combination of the w basis) then you have an element of Sym.

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zabrocki mannequin commented Sep 15, 2013


Another thing that was bothering me was that x[[1,2],[3]] is ok, but x([[1,2],[3]]) is not. Both should be ok. I think that this should be an easy fix.

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darijgr commented Sep 16, 2013


Some random comments on

    The ring of symmetric functions in non-commutative variables,
    which is not to be confused with the :class:`non-commutative symmetric
    functions<NonCommutativeSymmetricFunctions>`, are polynomials in `n`
    non-commuting variables `{\bf k}[x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n]` where the
    dimension of the subspace of elements of degree `k` is equal to
    the number of compositions of `k` (with less than `n` parts).

If the variables are non-commuting, use angular rather than square brackets. Also, I assume you want infinitely many variables? And do you really want compositions?



Old-style arXiv references like this:


should have a "math/" in front of them, I believe (also, I'd add a version number, in this case math/0208168v2).

What is the \wedge operation on set partitions? It is used but not defined. If it's the one from the Bergeron-Zabrocki paper, it is simply the meet of set partitions (aka __mul__) and should be explained as such.

On the right hand side of

                S(\mathbf{p}_A) = \sum_{\gamma} (-1)^{\ell(\gamma)} \gamma[A]

don't you mean to say p_{\gamma[A]} rather than \gamma[A] ? And on the next line, do you mean to say of `[\ell(A)]` instead of of length `\ell(A)`?

Similarly here:

                p(A) = \sum_{\gamma} (-1)^{\ell(\gamma)-1} \gamma[A]

I assume that "strictly coarser" in

        where we sum over all strictly coarser set partitions `B`.

refers to the relation of strict coarsening as defined in If so, please say this explicitly, as the notation is slightly counterintuitive (one normally thinks "strictly coarser" means "coarser and not equal").

I'll eventually have a closer look at the patch if only to understand how exactly internal-coproduct-by-coercion works (for use in NSym); I cannot promise that I will ever give this an actual review. Nevertheless, great work here, Travis.

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tscrim commented Sep 17, 2013


Here's the new version of the patch which (hopefully) takes care of all of Darij's comments. How the internal_coproduct* works is a trick with lazy_attribute which *_by_coercion() creates the correct morphism object if *_on_basis() is not implemented and so it behaves like a method.

I've removed the coercion from NCSym to Sym since it is not a Hopf morphism, which is a requirement for it to be a coercion. I've fixed the input to accept x([[1,3],[2]]) as well.

Currently to get from x to q (or vice versa) there's a few coercions going on, and I don't know of a way to go between them directly. (Data suggests that x(q[A]) is a sum over some subset of set partitions with all coefficients occurring (-1)nest(A).)

For DNCSym, is there a way to express an element in the w basis as a polynomial? Currently I have a map from Sym to DNCSym which is at least (appears to me to be) an algebra morphism (see the sum_of_partitions() method). Is this a Hopf morphism and is the map from DNCSym to Sym the inverse of this map?

Thank you all for looking at this patch,


Edit - let's see if the patchbot catches it in an edited message:

For patchbot:

Apply: trac_15150-ncsym-ts.patch​


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zabrocki mannequin commented Sep 19, 2013


Hi Travis,
Is it possible that this is the same patch as before?

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tscrim commented Sep 19, 2013


I think I uploaded the patch from my beta3 install instead of my beta5. Sorry about that. Here's the new one.

For patchbot:

Apply: trac_15150-ncsym-ts.patch​

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zabrocki mannequin commented Oct 29, 2013


I am not comfortable making NCSym and NSym -> Sym coercions because when I say that they preserve the Hopf structure I mean that the Hopf structure of NCSym is mapped onto the Hopf structure of Sym but NCSym does not exist as a Hopf subalgebra of Sym. For Sym -> QSym it is the case that Sym exists as a subalgebra of QSym.

That is, let phi : NCSym -> Sym
then sometimes we have,
F != G
phi(F) = phi(G) (e.g. F = AB, G =BA)

That is, "equalities go to equalities, but sometimes inequalities also go to equalities." (to my eye, not something I want as a coercion). This isn't a hard fast rule, but it seems counter-intuitive to be able to coerce from NCSym to Sym rather than use the method to_symmetric_function to project onto that space.

For psi: Sym -> NCSym* we have psi(F)=psi(G) iff F=G, that is, "equalities going to equalities and inequalities going to inequalities"

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tscrim commented Oct 29, 2013


Since it's consistent with NSym, I'm fine with NCSym -> Sym not being a coercion. So what else needs to be done?

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zabrocki mannequin commented Oct 29, 2013


I want to be completely convinced everything works properly and haven't missed any details in the documentation. Give me another day or two to find minor tweaks. Otherwise I am extremely happy with it. Nantel asked just today to use it to compute m_A(x_0,x_1,...,x_n) and I sent him installation instructions.

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zabrocki mannequin commented Oct 30, 2013


current version moves counit_on_basis to NCSymOrNCSymDualBases parent methods and implements antipode_on_basis in the w parent methods

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zabrocki mannequin commented Oct 30, 2013


Can you check if antipode_on_basis should be a cached method? I didn't do that, but it computes the antipode using the definition and it is a rather recursive formula.

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zabrocki mannequin commented Oct 30, 2013


Attachment: trac_15150-docchanges-mz.patch.gz

My tests on the antipode seems to run pretty fast without caching, but please take a look. I just added a new version with some minor doc corrections.

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zabrocki mannequin commented Oct 30, 2013


All tests pass, and documentation looks good. please look over my last version of the patch, fold it with yours, make any last changes, and you have my blessing on a positive review. Nice work!

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zabrocki mannequin commented Oct 31, 2013


A couple of things left to change in the version you posted. Search on SEEALSO because it seems to be duplicated in three places. Also I think that occurrences of \kappa \circ \chi should be \chi \circ \kappa.

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tscrim commented Oct 31, 2013


Good catch; merge issue. Fixed and same with the map composition order.

Since #10963 is finished (yay), I've added it as a dependency since it seems to affect the output of one of the doctests in Mike, could you double-check to make sure the tests still pass for you? Thanks. And thanks Darij for fixing up the docstrings along the way.



For patchbot:

Apply: trac_15150-ncsym-ts.patch

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tscrim commented Oct 31, 2013

Reviewer: Mike Zabrocki, Darij Grinberg

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tscrim commented Oct 31, 2013

Changed dependencies from #15143, #15164 to #15143, #15164, #10963

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tscrim commented Oct 31, 2013


Okay, now everything should be squared away wrt the dep on #10963.

For patchbot:

Apply: trac_15150-ncsym-ts.patch

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zabrocki mannequin commented Nov 7, 2013


I used sage cloud and git to test this patch. All tests pass (even with #10963 applied). I think that we can be confident that once it has a positive review, that this will pass as well.

@jdemeyer jdemeyer removed this from the sage-5.13 milestone Nov 7, 2013
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darijgr commented Nov 7, 2013


yay milestone tug of war!

Is there an easy way to commute this past #10963 or will that make code slower/buggier/whatever?

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tscrim commented Dec 10, 2013

Attachment: trac_15150-ncsym-ts.patch.gz

with fixes

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tscrim commented Dec 10, 2013

Changed dependencies from #15143, #15164, #10963 to #15143, #15164

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tscrim commented Dec 10, 2013


Since #10963 is getting pushed back, I've changed the one doctest output to move this past.

For patchbot:

Apply: trac_15150-ncsym-ts.patch​

@tscrim tscrim added this to the sage-5.13 milestone Dec 10, 2013
@tscrim tscrim removed the pending label Dec 10, 2013
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I cannot promise this will be merged in Sage 5.13 though. Did you test this well, that will increase the chances?

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tscrim commented Dec 10, 2013


All tests on the file passed for me on 5.13.beta2, and once 5.13.beta5 is done compiling, I'll check on that as well.

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tscrim commented Dec 11, 2013


Works for me on 5.13.beta5:

sage -t --long
    [148 tests, 14.09 s]
sage -t --long
    [74 tests, 6.73 s]
sage -t --long
    [197 tests, 26.14 s]
sage -t --long
    [266 tests, 45.62 s]
sage -t --long
    [381 tests, 15.40 s]
All tests passed!

And the pdf documentation builds cleanly:

Transcript written on combinat.log.
Build finished.  The built documents can be found in /home/travis/sage-5.13.beta5/devel/sage/doc/output/pdf/en/reference/combinat

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Merged: sage-5.13.rc0

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