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implement harmonic number function H(n,m) #16671

rwst opened this issue Jul 17, 2014 · 97 comments

implement harmonic number function H(n,m) #16671

rwst opened this issue Jul 17, 2014 · 97 comments


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rwst commented Jul 17, 2014

H(n,m) belongs to the holonomic repertoir and should be available in Sage, both numerically and symbolically. For some info, see!topic/sage-devel/uaA0yU7dZHU and

This is actually a defect because we leave a Maxima result undefined:

sage: sum(1/k^3,k,1,n)
gen_harmonic_number(3, n)
sage: gen_harmonic_number?
Object `gen_harmonic_number` not found.

CC: @eviatarbach @dkrenn

Component: symbolics

Keywords: special, log

Author: Ralf Stephan, Armin Straub

Branch/Commit: 9042104

Reviewer: Ralf Stephan, Armin Straub

Issue created by migration from

@rwst rwst added this to the sage-6.3 milestone Jul 17, 2014
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For exact values, FLINT has arith_harmonic_number()

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rwst commented Jul 26, 2014


Replying to @fredrik-johansson:

For exact values, FLINT has arith_harmonic_number()

Unfortunately, neither FLINT nor mpmath implements the generalized H(m,n) returned by Maxima in the code example.


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@rwst rwst changed the title implement harmonic number function H_n implement harmonic number function H(n,m) Jul 26, 2014

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rwst commented Jul 27, 2014

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rwst commented Jul 27, 2014

Commit: 5310ca1

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rwst commented Jul 27, 2014

Author: Ralf Stephan

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rwst commented Jul 27, 2014


It is already implemented, I'm just waiting for!topic/sage-devel/SM_FLL33t2g as to argument order of the generalized version.

New commits:

5310ca116671: implement harmonic number function H(n,m) (modulo argument order)

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nbruin commented Jul 27, 2014


Replying to @rwst:

It is already implemented, I'm just waiting for!topic/sage-devel/SM_FLL33t2g as to argument order of the generalized version.

New commits:

5310ca116671: implement harmonic number function H(n,m) (modulo argument order)

For maxima_lib you definitely have to implement a special conversion rule (in both special_max_to_sage and special_sage_to_max). It'll be a very simple conversion rule, though, so it should be quick to write. There are plenty of examples of entries there already that have to do more complicated manipulations, so just swapping arguments will be easy to figure out.

For conversions to other maxima interfaces a good start may the special examples in maxima_lib. It seems that implementing _maxima_init_evaled_ might do the trick for conversion to maxima.

The workhorse for the other direction is sage.calculus.calculus.symbolic_expression_from_maxima_string which defines regexes for polylog etc., so it seems that any special conversion rules would need to be added there.

Your conversion is not that strange though. You just need to swap arguments, which means no special conversion at all as long as you can get it converted to a sage function that expects the arguments in the required order and produces the desired symbolic expression.

It seems that as long as you can get an entry into sage.symbolic.pynac.symbol_table.get('maxima', {}) that has a argument-swapping function associated with it, you might be good to go. sage.symbolic.pynac.register_symbol might do the trick for that.

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sagetrac-git mannequin commented Jul 28, 2014

Changed commit from 5310ca1 to ebc93ec

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sagetrac-git mannequin commented Jul 28, 2014

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

61572c916671: swap arguments wrt maxima(_lib); add more documentation
ebc93ec16671: fix doc typo

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rwst commented Jul 28, 2014


Thanks, that was absolutely helpful. I'll put a link on the symbolics wiki page.

Please review.

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rwst commented Jul 28, 2014

Changed keywords from none to special, log

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nbruin commented Jul 28, 2014


A few remarks.

  • in the maxima_harmonic regular expression you seem to be trying to find the argument by matching subexpressions. I'm afraid that won't work reliably. If you put in arguments that use parentheses and commas itself and you'll find the regex gets it wrong. Indeed, the example you've taken it from is equally broken:
sage: maxima_calculus(psi(psi(x,x),x))._sage_()
TypeError: unable to make sense of Maxima expression 'psi[psi(x,x)](x)' in Sage

(never mind that this is a ValueError and not a TypeError). The maxima_lib specific translator does not have trouble with this:

sage: max_to_sr(maxima_calculus(psi(psi(x,x),x)).ecl())
psi(psi(x, x), x)

Regular languages are not sufficient to describe expression languages (the nested parentheses can't be expressed in a regular language--they need a stack or something similar). Can't you get that conversion by giving an appropriate sage.symbolic.pynac.register_symbol? then you get to use the parentheses parser that is already in place.

  • for this line, you took a way too complicated example.
sage.functions.log.harmonic_number : lambda N,X : [[mqapply],[[max_harmo, max_array],X],N],


sage: maxima_calculus("gen_harmonic_number(a,b)").ecl()

you see that this should simply be

sage.functions.log.harmonic_number : lambda N,X : [[max_harmo],X,N],

With your version one gets:

sage: maxima_calculus(EclObject([["mqapply"],[["$gen_harmonic_number","array"],10],20]))

which is not the desired form, and you'll find this form can't be converted back either.

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nbruin commented Jul 28, 2014


By the way, what's your most convincing argument to use an argument order opposite to that of maxima? I think your ordering agrees with what maple and mathematica have chosen, so it may well be that that is indeed the ordering that has most consensus. The wikipedia page is ambiguous since it lists H_{n,m}=H_n^m=H_m(n). Referencing explicitly which convention we follow will make for a better motivated and more stable interface.

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rwst commented Jul 28, 2014


The paper I looked at had H_n(m), and Wikipedia has mostly H_n,m and H_n(m), but the paper would not be relevant. WP is, and it's listed as reference.

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sagetrac-git mannequin commented Jul 29, 2014

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

0b15dd1Merge branch 'develop' into t/16671/implement_harmonic_number_function_h_n_m_
0c93bfe16671: fix maxima_lib interface

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sagetrac-git mannequin commented Jul 29, 2014

Changed commit from ebc93ec to 0c93bfe

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rwst commented Jul 29, 2014


Replying to @nbruin:

Regular languages are not sufficient to describe expression languages (the nested parentheses can't be expressed in a regular language--they need a stack or something similar). Can't you get that conversion by giving an appropriate sage.symbolic.pynac.register_symbol? then you get to use the parentheses parser that is already in place.

Is there ready mechanics for this? I can't find one. Do you expect me to implement it?

you see that this should simply be

sage.functions.log.harmonic_number : lambda N,X : [[max_harmo],X,N],

Thanks, included.

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nbruin commented Jul 29, 2014


Replying to @rwst:

Replying to @nbruin:

Can't you get that conversion by giving an appropriate sage.symbolic.pynac.register_symbol?

Is there ready mechanics for this? I can't find one. Do you expect me to implement it?

No, just use it. If you do search_src("register_symbol") you get a few hits on its use. The following seems to basically work without your patch so I hope you can adjust it for your purposes:

sage: var('x,t,s')
(x, t, s)
sage: function('g')
sage: def swap(a,b): return g(b,a)
sage: sage.symbolic.pynac.register_symbol(swap,{'maxima':'gen_harmonic_number'})
sage: sum(1/t^2,t,1,s)
g(s, 2)

That way, the parsing won't be more broken than for other functions (and it seems we're doing fine for most expressions nowadays). The regex for psi isn't really wrong, because it specifies there should be only digits between the square brackets. It is perhaps a little overly restrictive, though:

sage: psi(x,s)
psi(x, s)
sage: maxima_calculus(psi(x,s))
sage: maxima_calculus(psi(x,s))._sage_()
TypeError: unable to make sense of Maxima expression 'psi[x](s)' in Sage
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import max_to_sr
sage: max_to_sr(maxima_calculus(psi(x,s)).ecl()) #this doesn't rely on parsing or regexes
psi(x, s)

I think "parsing" psi via regex was just a quick fix around the fact that the expression parser doesn't know what to do with square brackets (and since they're rare, you can get away with not really parsing them properly). In your case, round brackets are so common that you'll quickly get caught if you don't deal with them properly. Luckily, the parser knows how to deal with them, you just have to swap the arguments.

@rwst rwst added the pending label Jun 11, 2015
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dkrenn commented Nov 29, 2015

sage -t src/sage/symbolic/function.pyx
File "src/sage/symbolic/function.pyx", line 394, in sage.symbolic.function.Function.__call__
Failed example:
Exception raised:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/local/dakrenn/sage/6.9/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/doctest/", line 496, in _run
        self.compile_and_execute(example, compiler, test.globs)
      File "/local/dakrenn/sage/6.9/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/doctest/", line 858, in compile_and_execute
        exec(compiled, globs)
      File "<doctest sage.symbolic.function.Function.__call__[20]>", line 1, in <module>
      File "sage/symbolic/function.pyx", line 851, in sage.symbolic.function.GinacFunction.__call__ (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/function.cpp:9858)
        res = super(GinacFunction, self).__call__(*args, **kwds)
      File "sage/symbolic/function.pyx", line 998, in sage.symbolic.function.BuiltinFunction.__call__ (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/function.cpp:11421)
        res = super(BuiltinFunction, self).__call__(
      File "sage/symbolic/function.pyx", line 511, in sage.symbolic.function.Function.__call__ (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/function.cpp:7288)
        res = g_function_eval2(self._serial, (<Expression>args[0])._gobj,
      File "sage/symbolic/pynac.pyx", line 187, in sage.symbolic.pynac.pyExpression_to_ex (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/pynac.cpp:4108)
        raise TypeError("function did not return a symbolic expression or an element that can be coerced into a symbolic expression")
    TypeError: function did not return a symbolic expression or an element that can be coerced into a symbolic expression

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rwst commented Nov 29, 2015


Yes, this is because of #17790, and for that reason this ticket is pending (but needs review for everything else).

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Changed branch from u/rws/16671 to u/arminstraub/ticket/16671/harmonic_numbers

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I have merged the code with the current codebase and simplified Function_harmonic_number_generalized._eval_ and Function_harmonic_number._eval_ (please check that I didn't oversimplify).

When merging the code into the current codebase, there was the following conflict in symbolic/function.pyx:

<<<<<<< HEAD
                # There is no natural coercion from QQbar to the symbolic ring
                # in order to support
                #     sage: QQbar(sqrt(2)) + sqrt(3)
                #     3.146264369941973?
                # to work around this limitation, we manually convert
                # elements of QQbar to symbolic expressions here
                from sage.rings.qqbar import QQbar, AA
                from sage.rings.padics.padic_generic_element import pAdicGenericElement
                nargs = [None]*len(args)
                for i in range(len(args)):
                    carg = args[i]
                    if (isinstance(carg, Element) and
                            ((<Element>carg)._parent is QQbar or
                            (<Element>carg)._parent is AA or
                            isinstance(carg, pAdicGenericElement))):
                        nargs[i] = SR(carg)
                            nargs[i] = SR.coerce(carg)
                        except Exception:
                            raise TypeError, "cannot coerce arguments: %s"%(err)
                args = nargs
>>>>>>> FETCH_HEAD

It was unclear to me to which degree the underlying code had changed, which is why this code for working with QQbar over the symbolic ring is not merged into the branch I posted.

In any case, it seems to me that any such change might be better suited for a separate ticket because it is not specific to harmonic numbers. Consequently, I also removed from symbolic/function.pyx the doctest

            sage: binomial(Qp(2)(9),5)

as well as from functions/ the doctests:

            sage: harmonic_number(Qp(5)(10),1)
            4*5^-1 + 2 + 2*5 + 4*5^2 + 3*5^3 + 5^4 + ...
            sage: harmonic_number(Qp(5)(10),2)
            4*5^-1 + 3 + 5 + 3*5^2 + 2*5^3 + 3*5^5 + ...
            sage: harmonic_number(Qp(5)(3))
            1 + 5 + 4*5^2 + 4*5^4 + 4*5^6 + ...

I think that a separate ticket should be used for uniformly fixing the coercion/conversion of p-adics to the symbolic ring. Since the present code doesn't touch these issues, I have removed the dependency on #17790.

By the way, I liked the symbolic sum you were using for computing harmonic_number(n) when n is a rational number. While testing this, I noticed that sum(1/x/(1/5+x),x,1,infinity) results in an error. On the other hand, using the present code, we have:

sage: harmonic_number(1/5)
euler_gamma + psi(6/5)
sage: _.full_simplify()
-1/4*(sqrt(5) + 1)*log(1/2*sqrt(5) + 5/2) + 1/4*(sqrt(5) - 1)*log(-1/2*sqrt(5) + 5/2) - 1/10*pi*sqrt(10*sqrt(5) + 25) - log(5) + 5

The only other changes I made were small touches to the doc strings. A quick sage -t src/sage/functions did not reveal any troubles.

Thank you for the nice work! It would be great to finally have harmonic numbers in Sage.

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Changed commit from d60311e to 9042104

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Changed dependencies from #17790 to none

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rwst commented Aug 18, 2016

Reviewer: Ralf Stephan

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rwst commented Aug 18, 2016


I agree with your changes, especially the removal of the dependency on #17790, this specialty is stuff for another ticket. I'm assuming you reviewed my code, so I set positive now, after more extensive tests pass here.

Please add your name in the Author and Reviewer fields. Thanks.

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Changed author from Ralf Stephan to Ralf Stephan, Armin Straub

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Thanks for checking!

Yes, I did also review your code. I don't know enough about maxima and the intricacies of interfacing it, but it is my understanding that that part of the code was checked by you and Nils, and I didn't run into any additional trouble.

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Changed reviewer from Ralf Stephan to Ralf Stephan, Armin Straub

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The patchbot complains about _swap_harmonic not having a doctest. Do we need to add one despite the underscore in the name?

Also, the bot indicates an issue with startup_modules, but I couldn't make sense of it...

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rwst commented Aug 20, 2016


I would ignore both but let's wait for the release manager.

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vbraun commented Aug 21, 2016

Changed branch from u/arminstraub/ticket/16671/harmonic_numbers to 9042104

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