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symbolic Legendre / associated Legendre functions / polynomials #16813

rwst opened this issue Aug 13, 2014 · 111 comments

symbolic Legendre / associated Legendre functions / polynomials #16813

rwst opened this issue Aug 13, 2014 · 111 comments


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rwst commented Aug 13, 2014

Defect because there is no Sage binding for a result returned by Maxima:

sage: hypergeometric([-1/2,1/2],[2],4).simplify_hypergeometric()
1/2*I*sqrt(3)*assoc_legendre_p(1/2, -1, -5/3)
sage: assoc_legendre_p
NameError: name 'assoc_legendre_p' is not defined

Existing numeric functions are legendre_P, legendre_Q, gen_legendre_P, and gen_legendre_Q which correspond to P(n,x) / Q(n,x) and associated Legendre P(n,m,x) / Q(n,m,x).

They should be made symbolic. FLINT has fast code for P(n,x).

See also

Component: symbolics

Keywords: orthogonal

Author: Ralf Stephan, Stefan Reiterer

Branch/Commit: 7238198

Reviewer: Marc Mezzarobba, Travis Scrimshaw

Issue created by migration from

@rwst rwst added this to the sage-6.4 milestone Aug 13, 2014
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sagetrac-maldun mannequin commented Aug 24, 2014



Good to see that someone else is working on making the orthogonal polynomials symbolic, since my research interests shifted heavily in the past years.

A good read on Legendre polynomials is also the bible for ortho polys: Abramowitz and Stegun

There you will find also much information on special values and other properties.
I currently have some time left and can help with one thing or the other if you like,

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rwst commented Aug 26, 2014


Fine! See also

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rwst commented Aug 27, 2014


OK I have a question. What is the equivalent recursive algorithm to
for Legendre polynomials?

The link is valid as long #16812 is not merged.

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sagetrac-maldun mannequin commented Aug 27, 2014


Replying to @rwst:

OK I have a question. What is the equivalent recursive algorithm to
for Legendre polynomials?

The link is valid as long #16812 is not merged.


You won't have luck to find an equivalent recursion algorithm for Legendre Polynomials, since the recursion algorithm for Chebyshev Polynomials uses the fact that cheby polynomials are cosines in disguise, and thus one is able to build Cheby polyis in O(log N) time. For Legendre polynomials you have to use the classic recursion formula given in

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sagetrac-maldun mannequin commented Aug 27, 2014


Maybe this could help you:

I already implemented all Orthopolys one time:

they only would need cleanup/restructuring. Maybe you can reuse some of the implemented methods (like recursions and derivatives)

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rwst commented Sep 1, 2014


Some timings for P(n,z):

sage: legendre_P(100,2.5)
sage: timeit('legendre_P(100,2.5)')
25 loops, best of 3: 21 ms per loop

sage: from mpmath import legenp 
sage: legenp(100,0,2.5)
sage: timeit('legenp(100,0,2.5)')
625 loops, best of 3: 97.2 µs per loop

sage: from scipy.special import eval_legendre
sage: eval_legendre(int(100),float(2.5))
sage: timeit('eval_legendre(int(100),float(2.5))')
625 loops, best of 3: 7.62 µs per loop

sage: eval_legendre(int(10^5),float(1.00001))
sage: timeit('eval_legendre(int(10^6),float(2.5))')
25 loops, best of 3: 11.8 ms per loop
sage: eval_legendre(int(10^6),float(2.5))

while legenp will already bail out at 105 because of F convergence issues.

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rwst commented Sep 1, 2014


With P(n,x) symbolics and algebra, Pari is much better than Maxima

sage: P.<t> = QQ[]
sage: timeit('legendre_P(1000,t)')
5 loops, best of 3: 2.8 s per loop
sage: timeit('pari.pollegendre(1000,t)')
625 loops, best of 3: 366 µs per loop

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rwst commented Sep 4, 2014

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rwst commented Sep 4, 2014

Commit: 0f86b77

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rwst commented Sep 4, 2014


This is a proof of concept patch, and one can already use legendre_P and see from that and the code how the other three functions will look like. So, now would be a good time for fundamental criticism 8)

New commits:

50da8c516813: skeleton P(n,x)
e74539b16813: P(n,x) refined, documentation
0f86b7716813: fixes for doctest failures

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rwst commented Sep 7, 2014


Replying to @sagetrac-maldun:

A good read on Legendre polynomials is also the bible for ortho polys: Abramowitz and Stegun

This appears outdated, it is replaced by

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sagetrac-maldun mannequin commented Sep 7, 2014


Replying to @rwst:

Replying to @sagetrac-maldun:

A good read on Legendre polynomials is also the bible for ortho polys: Abramowitz and Stegun

This appears outdated, it is replaced by

You can't call a source outdated, which still covers information that the newer source doesn't. I checked your link, and some things from A&S are missign e.g. explicit representation of Legendre Polynomials with their polynomial coefficients.
And on another note: I don't see much harm in citing a classic work on this topic ...

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rwst commented Sep 9, 2014


Replying to @sagetrac-maldun:

I already implemented all Orthopolys one time:

they only would need cleanup/restructuring. Maybe you can reuse some of the implemented methods (like recursions and derivatives)

I am not sure about the derivatives. For P(3,2,x).diff(x) I get -45*x^2 + 15 (Wolfram agrees) while with your formula (lines 2377-2395 of the patch) I get (after simplification) -45*x^2 - 15.

Update: what's your reference there?

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sagetrac-maldun mannequin commented Sep 9, 2014


Replying to @rwst:

Replying to @sagetrac-maldun:

I already implemented all Orthopolys one time:

they only would need cleanup/restructuring. Maybe you can reuse some of the implemented methods (like recursions and derivatives)

I am not sure about the derivatives. For P(3,2,x).diff(x) I get -45*x^2 + 15 (Wolfram agrees) while with your formula (lines 2377-2395 of the patch) I get (after simplification) -45*x^2 - 15.

Update: what's your reference there?

It seems you are right. from Gradshteyn-Ryzhik p.1004 formula 8.731-1 we have the relation

P(n,m,x).diff(x) = ((n+1-m)*P(n+1,m,x)-(n+1)*x*P(n,m,x))/(x**2-1)

The same relation holds for gen_legendre_Q

I suppose that's an copy/paste/rewrite mistake from my side.

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rwst commented Sep 12, 2014


Also, your recursive functions for Q(n,x) and Q(n,m,x) appear to be wrong:

sage: legendre_Q.eval_recursive(2,x).subs(x=3)
13/2*I*pi + 13/2*log(2) - 9/2
sage: legendre_Q.eval_recursive(2,x).subs(x=3).n()
0.00545667363964419 + 20.4203522483337*I
sage: legendre_Q(2,3.)
0.00545667363964451 - 20.4203522483337*I

The latter result from mpmath is supported by Wolfram.

As to Q(n,m,x):

sage: gen_legendre_Q(2,1,x).subs(x=3)
-1/8*sqrt(-2)*(72*I*pi + 72*log(2) - 50)
sage: gen_legendre_Q(2,1,x).subs(x=3).n()
39.9859464434253 + 0.0165114736149170*I
sage: gen_legendre_Q(2,1,3.)
-39.9859464434253 + 0.0165114736149193*I

Again, Wolfram supports the latter value from mpmath (symbolic as (25 i)/(2 sqrt(2))-18 i sqrt(2) ((log(4))/2+1/2 (-log(2)-i pi))).

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rwst commented Sep 13, 2014


OK, I resolved it by using conjugate() on every logarithm in the Q(n,x) algorithms (on which the Q(n,m,x) recurrence is based, too).

Update: it however makes symbolic work tedious and differentiation impossible, at the moment.

See also!topic/sage-support/bEMPMEYeZKU on derivatives of conjugates in Sage.

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sagetrac-maldun mannequin commented Sep 13, 2014


Thanks for resolving this issue! I suppose I wasn't careful enough with complex arguments. But in my defense: I hadn't time to test this codes well enough when I wrote them ... but hopefully they give some useful informations.

concerning complex conjugation: I hope my answer on the mailing list give some clues:!topic/sage-support/bEMPMEYeZKU

Replying to @rwst:

OK, I resolved it by using conjugate() on every logarithm in the Q(n,x) algorithms (on which the Q(n,m,x) recurrence is based, too).

Update: it however makes symbolic work tedious and differentiation impossible, at the moment.

See also!topic/sage-support/bEMPMEYeZKU on derivatives of conjugates in Sage.

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rwst commented Sep 13, 2014


Replying to @sagetrac-maldun:

Thanks for resolving this issue!

Unfortunately, while it would be easy to resolve this numerically, the instances of conjugate() introduced in the recurrence will make symbolic results from the recurrence unreadable and, in case of derivatives, impossible to use. A different way of computing the recurrences is needed, one which does away with usage of conjugate().

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sagetrac-maldun mannequin commented Sep 13, 2014



We have several possible ways out of this:

  1. avoid recursion for symbolic argument for Legendre_Q and use another library (maxima, flint, sympy ... ) for evaluation.
  2. Let it be, but avoid it as default method.
  3. Maybe more elegantly: There is a more closed relation for legendre_Q (but it's not really a recursion):
Q(n,z) = ½P(n,z) ln((z+1)/(z-1)) - W(n-1,z)


W(n,z) = Σ_{k=1}^n (1/k) P(k-1,z) P(n-k,z)

(Gradshteyn-Ryzhik p 1019f)

Maybe we could find an recursion for W(n,z)

Hope this could be of some use

Edit there should be a recursion since W(n,z) is the convolution of aseries of holonomic functions, and if I remeber correctly there is an theorem saying that convolutions of holonomic functions are also holonomic, thus should have a recursion.

Edit: The above mentioned relation can also be found here:

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rwst commented Sep 13, 2014

sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: def W(n):
    return sum([(1/k)*legendre_P(k-1,t)*legendre_P(n-k,t) for k in range(1,n+1)])
sage: R.<t> = QQ['t']
sage: guess([W(n) for n in range(1,10)], OreAlgebra(R['n'], 'Sn'))
(-n - 3)*Sn^2 + (2*t*n + 5*t)*Sn - n - 2

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sagetrac-maldun mannequin commented Sep 13, 2014


Nice! I didn't know that sage already supports Ore Algebras.
It appears that my holonomic function package on Mathematica stopped to work.

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rwst commented Sep 13, 2014


I always need some time to figure out the final form (that offset of n!) but: n*Wn = (2tn-t)*Wn-1 - (n-1)Wn-2 (W0=0, W1=1).

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rwst commented Sep 14, 2014


However, this will yield the same result unless the log has conjugate associated with it. This shows your recurrence is actually correct but numerical results derived from it by substitution may need a warning about the log branch. I know not enough about calculus, maybe I'll ask again, this time on sage-devel, if there should be a switch for log() to select the branch in case of numerical evaluation. What do you think?

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rwst commented Sep 14, 2014


I think there must be another different formula, because Wolfram has this for Q(2,x):

sage: ((3*x^2-1)/2*(log(x+1)-log(1-x))/2-3*x/2).subs(x=3)
-13/2*I*pi + 13/2*log(4) - 13/2*log(2) - 9/2
sage: ((3*x^2-1)/2*(log(x+1)-log(1-x))/2-3*x/2).subs(x=3).n()
0.00545667363964419 - 20.4203522483337*I

which yields the correct value without use of conjugate.

The first few Q(n,x) from Wolfram are:

Q(0,x) = 1/2 log(x+1)-1/2 log(1-x)
Q(1,x) = x (1/2 log(x+1)-1/2 log(1-x))-1
Q(2,x) = 1/2 (3 x^2-1) (1/2 log(x+1)-1/2 log(1-x))-(3 x)/2
Q(3,x) = -(5 x^2)/2-1/2 (3-5 x^2) x (1/2 log(x+1)-1/2 log(1-x))+2/3

which makes clear that instead of log((1+x)/(1-x)).conjugate() we should just use log(1+x)-log(1-x), of course. Oh well.

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sagetrac-maldun mannequin commented Sep 14, 2014


Oh yeah it's again the non uniqueness of the representation of the complex logarithm

sage: log((x+1)/(1-x)).subs(x=3)
I*pi + log(2)
sage: (log(x+1)-log(1-x)).subs(x=3).simplify_log()
-I*pi + log(2)
sage: log((x+1)/(1-x)).subs(x=3).conjugate()
-I*pi + log(2)

confusing as hell ...

I think Wolfram uses the log(1+x)-log(1-x) representation simply by the fact that it is independent of the branch in the following sense:
Let log(x) = ln|x| + iarg(x) + 2kπi and log(y) = ln|y| + iarg(y) + 2kπi

log(x) - log(y) = ln|x| + i*arg(x) + 2kπi- ln|y| + i*arg(y) + 2kπi = 
= ln|x/y| + i*(arg(x) - arg(y)) + 0 

I.e. if we have the same branch on the logarithm the module of 2kπi cancels out.

That means the formula isn't exactly wrong, it uses simply a different branch of the logarithm. But the representation of log as difference saves us indeed a lot of trouble, and as showed above is independent of the branch we use.

Nevertheless I think we should stick to the recursion with W(n,x), because from a computational view it is a lot better since:

  1. The computational complexity is the same (solving a two term recursion)

  2. we save computation time since we don't have to simplify expressions containing logarithms but only polynomials which are much simpler to handle and expand.

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sagetrac-git mannequin commented Sep 14, 2014

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

0b6766716813: Q(n,x) implementation
06df7c816813: implement P(n,m,x)
7bd4a70Merge branch 'develop' into t/16813/symbolic_legendre___associated_legendre_functions___polynomials
74ca8ea16813: implement Q(n,m,x); fixes, doctests

@tscrim tscrim modified the milestones: sage-7.2, sage-7.5 Oct 30, 2016
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sagetrac-git mannequin commented Oct 31, 2016

Changed commit from 60b8649 to 7238198

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sagetrac-git mannequin commented Oct 31, 2016

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

cfccbb7Merge branch 'develop' into t/16813/16813-1
7238198fix doctest

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rwst commented Oct 31, 2016


Review needed for the last two commits.

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tscrim commented Oct 31, 2016

Changed reviewer from Marc Mezzarobba to Marc Mezzarobba, Travis Scrimshaw

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tscrim commented Nov 10, 2016


One failing doctest, see patchbot.

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rwst commented Nov 11, 2016


Does not fail here. Note the patchbot is running 7.5beta1 not 2, and there were gegenbauer changes with pynac-0.7.0. I'll try to trigger the bots.

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tscrim commented Nov 11, 2016


I ended up accidentally trying this on my beta1 as well. All is good.

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vbraun commented Nov 19, 2016


The dependency is invalid/wontfix. What are you depending on?

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rwst commented Nov 20, 2016


Replying to @vbraun:

The dependency is invalid/wontfix. What are you depending on?

Actually I don't recall and couldn't find out how floor(x,hold=True) was fixed. That bug was the reason for the random_expr() doctest fail in this and some other ticket. I'll remove the dependency.

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rwst commented Nov 20, 2016

Changed dependencies from #19464 to none

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vbraun commented Nov 21, 2016

Changed branch from u/rws/16813-1 to 7238198

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