"assignees": [],
"body": "<div id=\"comment:0\"></div>\n\n\n```\nsage: p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver=\"glpk\")\nsage: bar = p.new_variable(name=\"bar\")\nsage: bar\nMIPVariable of dimension 1\nsage: bar[0]\nx_0\nsage: bar\nMIPVariable of dimension 1\nsage: bar[1]\nx_1\nsage: bar\nMIPVariable of dimension 1\nsage: p.solve()\n0.0\nsage: bar.values()\n[x_0, x_1]\nsage: p.get_values(bar)\n{0: 0.0, 1: 0.0}\n``` \n\nI think the print method should instead of \"dimension 1\" (which apparently means tensor order 1, rather than dimension 1 -- see #17643) print some useful information, such as the name of the variable and the dimension (number of components).\n\n`MIPVariable bar with 7 binary components`\n\n`MIPVariable bar with 5 real components, >= 0, <= 17`\n\n\nCC: @dimpase @videlec @jdemeyer @yuan-zhou\n\nComponent: **numerical**\n\nAuthor: **Yuan Zhou**\n\nBranch/Commit: **[`b2b9b36`](**\n\nReviewer: **Matthias Koeppe**\n\n_Issue created by migration from\n\n",
"closed_at": "2021-06-06T13:19:38Z",
"created_at": "2016-03-30T23:14:39Z",
"labels": [
"milestone": "",
"reactions": [],
"repository": "",
"title": "A MIPVariable's repr should include some useful information",
"type": "issue",
"updated_at": "2021-06-06T13:19:38Z",
"url": "",
"user": ""
sage: p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver="glpk")
sage: bar = p.new_variable(name="bar")
sage: bar
MIPVariable of dimension 1
sage: bar[0]
sage: bar
MIPVariable of dimension 1
sage: bar[1]
sage: bar
MIPVariable of dimension 1
sage: p.solve()
sage: bar.values()
[x_0, x_1]
sage: p.get_values(bar)
{0: 0.0, 1: 0.0}
I think the print method should instead of "dimension 1" (which apparently means tensor order 1, rather than dimension 1 -- see #17643) print some useful information, such as the name of the variable and the dimension (number of components).
MIPVariable bar with 7 binary components
MIPVariable bar with 5 real components, >= 0, <= 17
CC: @dimpase @videlec @jdemeyer @yuan-zhou
Component: numerical
Author: Yuan Zhou
Branch/Commit: b2b9b36
Reviewer: Matthias Koeppe
Issue created by migration from
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2016-03-30T23:14:39Z",
"event": "milestoned",
"issue": "",
"milestone_number": null,
"milestone_title": "sage-7.2",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2016-03-30T23:14:39Z",
"event": "labeled",
"issue": "",
"label": "",
"label_color": "0000ff",
"label_name": "c: numerical",
"label_text_color": "ffffff",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2016-03-30T23:14:39Z",
"event": "labeled",
"issue": "",
"label": "",
"label_color": "ffbb00",
"label_name": "p: major / 3",
"label_text_color": "ffffff",
"type": "issue_event",
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"actor": "",
"created_at": "2016-03-30T23:14:39Z",
"event": "labeled",
"issue": "",
"label": "",
"label_color": "d73a4a",
"label_name": "bug",
"label_text_color": "ffffff",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2016-03-30T23:14:39Z",
"event": "labeled",
"issue": "",
"label": "",
"label_color": "0000ff",
"label_name": "c: linear programming",
"label_text_color": "ffffff",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"body": "Description changed:\n``````diff\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@\n 0.0\n sage: bar.values()\n [x_0, x_1]\n-sage: p.get\n-p.get_backend p.get_min p.get_relative_objective_gap \n-p.get_max p.get_objective_value p.get_values \n sage: p.get_values(bar)\n {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0}\n ``` \n``````\n",
"created_at": "2016-03-31T04:47:52Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
Description changed:
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
sage: bar.values()
[x_0, x_1]
-sage: p.get
-p.get_backend p.get_min p.get_relative_objective_gap
-p.get_max p.get_objective_value p.get_values
sage: p.get_values(bar)
{0: 0.0, 1: 0.0}
"body": "Description changed:\n``````diff\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -22,3 +22,5 @@\n \n I think the print method should also print some useful information, such as the name of the variable.\n \n+Update: Apparently \"dimension\" was supposed to mean something else, see #17463.\n+\n``````\n",
"created_at": "2016-04-03T06:49:48Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
Description changed:
@@ -22,3 +22,5 @@
I think the print method should also print some useful information, such as the name of the variable.
+Update: Apparently "dimension" was supposed to mean something else, see #17463.
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2016-04-03T07:03:02Z",
"event": "renamed",
"issue": "",
"title_is": "A MIPVariable's repr should include some useful information",
"title_was": "MIPVariable misreports its dimension (always 1)",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2016-04-03T07:03:02Z",
"event": "unlabeled",
"issue": "",
"label": "",
"label_color": "d73a4a",
"label_name": "bug",
"label_text_color": "ffffff",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2016-04-03T07:03:02Z",
"event": "labeled",
"issue": "",
"label": "",
"label_color": "696969",
"label_name": "enhancement",
"label_text_color": "ffffff",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"body": "Description changed:\n``````diff\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@\n {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0}\n ``` \n \n-I think the print method should also print some useful information, such as the name of the variable.\n+I think the print method should instead of \"dimension 1\" (which apparently means tensor order 1, rather than dimension 1 -- see #17643) print some useful information, such as the name of the variable and the dimension (number of components).\n \n-Update: Apparently \"dimension\" was supposed to mean something else, see #17463.\n \n``````\n",
"created_at": "2016-04-03T07:03:02Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
Description changed:
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
{0: 0.0, 1: 0.0}
-I think the print method should also print some useful information, such as the name of the variable.
+I think the print method should instead of "dimension 1" (which apparently means tensor order 1, rather than dimension 1 -- see #17643) print some useful information, such as the name of the variable and the dimension (number of components).
-Update: Apparently "dimension" was supposed to mean something else, see #17463.
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2021-04-28T17:04:51Z",
"event": "demilestoned",
"issue": "",
"milestone_number": null,
"milestone_title": "sage-7.2",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2021-04-28T17:04:51Z",
"event": "milestoned",
"issue": "",
"milestone_number": null,
"milestone_title": "sage-9.4",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"body": "Description changed:\n``````diff\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -22,4 +22,7 @@\n \n I think the print method should instead of \"dimension 1\" (which apparently means tensor order 1, rather than dimension 1 -- see #17643) print some useful information, such as the name of the variable and the dimension (number of components).\n \n+`MIPVariable x with 7 binary components`\n \n+`MIPVariable x with 5 real components, >= 0, <= 17`\n+\n``````\n",
"created_at": "2021-04-28T17:34:06Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
Description changed:
@@ -22,4 +22,7 @@
I think the print method should instead of "dimension 1" (which apparently means tensor order 1, rather than dimension 1 -- see #17643) print some useful information, such as the name of the variable and the dimension (number of components).
+`MIPVariable x with 7 binary components`
+`MIPVariable x with 5 real components, >= 0, <= 17`
"body": "Description changed:\n``````diff\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@\n \n I think the print method should instead of \"dimension 1\" (which apparently means tensor order 1, rather than dimension 1 -- see #17643) print some useful information, such as the name of the variable and the dimension (number of components).\n \n-`MIPVariable x with 7 binary components`\n+`MIPVariable bar with 7 binary components`\n \n-`MIPVariable x with 5 real components, >= 0, <= 17`\n+`MIPVariable bar with 5 real components, >= 0, <= 17`\n \n``````\n",
"created_at": "2021-05-13T04:26:22Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
Description changed:
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
I think the print method should instead of "dimension 1" (which apparently means tensor order 1, rather than dimension 1 -- see #17643) print some useful information, such as the name of the variable and the dimension (number of components).
-`MIPVariable x with 7 binary components`
+`MIPVariable bar with 7 binary components`
-`MIPVariable x with 5 real components, >= 0, <= 17`
+`MIPVariable bar with 5 real components, >= 0, <= 17`
"body": "Branch: **[u/yzh/a_mipvariable_s_repr_should_include_some_useful_information](**",
"created_at": "2021-05-13T15:05:07Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
Branch: u/yzh/a_mipvariable_s_repr_should_include_some_useful_information
"body": "Author: **Yuan Zhou**",
"created_at": "2021-05-13T15:05:42Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
Author: Yuan Zhou
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2021-05-13T15:05:42Z",
"event": "labeled",
"issue": "",
"label": "",
"label_color": "7fff00",
"label_name": "needs review",
"label_text_color": "ffffff",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"body": "<div id=\"comment:9\"></div>\n\nNew commits:\n<table><tr><td><a href=\"\"><code>dbe38b2</code></a></td><td><code>change MIPVariable's repr to include useful info</code></td></tr></table>\n",
"created_at": "2021-05-13T15:05:42Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
New commits:
dbe38b2 | change MIPVariable's repr to include useful info |
"body": "Commit: **[`dbe38b2`](**",
"created_at": "2021-05-13T15:05:42Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
Commit: dbe38b2
"body": "<div id=\"comment:10\" align=\"right\">comment:10</div>\n\nIt should be \"0 real components\" (plural)",
"created_at": "2021-05-13T20:07:52Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
It should be "0 real components" (plural)
"body": "<div id=\"comment:11\"></div>\n\nBranch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:\n<table><tr><td><a href=\"\"><code>b2b9b36</code></a></td><td><code>zero is followed by plural countable nouns</code></td></tr></table>\n",
"created_at": "2021-05-13T20:54:01Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:
b2b9b36 | zero is followed by plural countable nouns |
"body": "Changed commit from **[`dbe38b2`](** to **[`b2b9b36`](**",
"created_at": "2021-05-13T20:54:01Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
Changed commit from dbe38b2
to b2b9b36
"body": "Reviewer: **Matthias Koeppe**",
"created_at": "2021-05-13T22:30:59Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
Reviewer: Matthias Koeppe
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2021-05-13T22:30:59Z",
"event": "unlabeled",
"issue": "",
"label": "",
"label_color": "7fff00",
"label_name": "needs review",
"label_text_color": "ffffff",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2021-05-13T22:30:59Z",
"event": "labeled",
"issue": "",
"label": "",
"label_color": "dfffc0",
"label_name": "positive review",
"label_text_color": "ffffff",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"actor": "",
"created_at": "2021-06-06T13:19:38Z",
"event": "unlabeled",
"issue": "",
"label": "",
"label_color": "dfffc0",
"label_name": "positive review",
"label_text_color": "ffffff",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"actor": "",
"commit_id": "3b414bea4b27cd44e8a100898252006c50c971af",
"commit_repository": "",
"created_at": "2021-06-06T13:19:38Z",
"event": "closed",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_event",
"url": ""
"body": "Changed branch from **[u/yzh/a_mipvariable_s_repr_should_include_some_useful_information](** to **[`b2b9b36`](**",
"created_at": "2021-06-06T13:19:38Z",
"formatter": "markdown",
"issue": "",
"type": "issue_comment",
"url": "",
"user": ""
Changed branch from u/yzh/a_mipvariable_s_repr_should_include_some_useful_information to b2b9b36