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Folders and files

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03 - Files

Score workloads can bind-mount files into running containers. Files using content support ${..} placeholder interpolation just like the container variables section. Files using a source path do not.

This is invaluable when configuring containers whose images you don't control or cannot modify further.

In the Score file below, two files are mounted, one with inline content, the other sourced from the local directory relative to the input Score file. Binary file content, or files that contain non-utf-8 characters can be provided via the a base64 encoded binaryContent source property but does understandably doesn't support placeholder replacements.s


  name: hello-world

    image: busybox
    command: ["/bin/sh"]
    args: ["-c", "while true; do cat /fileA.txt; cat /fileB.txt; cat /fileC.bin; sleep 5; done"]
      - target: /fileA.txt
        source: fileA.txt
      - target: /fileB.txt
        content: |
          I am ${}
      - target: /fileC.bin
        binaryContent: aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=

As usual, we run this with init and generate score.yaml. After generate, you may notice that the files have been written to disk at .score-compose/mounts/files.

$ ls .score-compose/mounts/files/
hello-world-files-0-fileA.txt  hello-world-files-1-fileB.txt

And when we run it:

$ docker compose up
[+] Running 2/2
 ✔ Network 03-files_default                Created                                         0.1s
 ✔ Container 03-files-hello-world-hello-1  Cre...                                          0.1s
Attaching to hello-world-hello-1
hello-world-hello-1  | This is fileA.
hello-world-hello-1  | I am hello-world
hello-world-hello-1  | hello worldThis is fileA.
hello-world-hello-1  | I am hello-world
hello-world-hello-1  | hello worldThis is fileA.

files[*].noExpand is supported to disable placeholder interpolation in inline content. files[*].mode is not yet supported, see #88.