sbt-scoverage is a plugin for sbt that integrates the scoverage code coverage library. Find out more about scoverage.
Make sure your sbt version in project/
sbt.version = 1.2.8
Add the plugin in project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("org.scoverage" % "sbt-scoverage" % "1.7.0")
Run the tests with enabled coverage:
$ sbt clean coverage test
or if you have integration tests as well
$ sbt clean coverage it:test
To enable coverage directly in your build, use:
coverageEnabled := true
To generate the coverage reports run
$ sbt coverageReport
Coverage reports will be in target/scala-<scala-version>/scoverage-report
. There are HTML and XML reports. The XML is useful if you need to programatically use the results, or if you're writing a tool.
If you're running the coverage reports from within an sbt console session (as
opposed to one command per sbt launch), then the coverage
command is sticky. To
turn it back off when you're done running reports, use the coverageOff
command or reset coverageEnabled
with set coverageEnabled := false
Sample project with scoverage in both sbt and maven - the scoverage samples project.
- ´coverageCleanSubprojectFiles´ key has been removed
- scala version 2.12+ is required as a minimum (due to scoverage suppport)
aggregates raw coverage data, not coverage xml reports for modules. There is no requirement to generate individual coverage reports for modules (coverageReport
) before generating aggregated report (coverageAggregate
If only aggregated report is required, not executing coverageReport
can reduce the build time significantly.
- The object containing the keys has changed from nested to top level so you might need to adjust the import. It's also an auto plugin now, so you might not need the import at all.
- There is an issue syncing the binary with the sbt-plugin-releases repo, so in the meantime add
resolvers += Resolver.url("scoverage-bintray", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
to your build.
If you are upgrading from 0.99.x then you must remove the instrumentSettings
from your build.sbt or Build.scala, as that is no longer needed.
Next, the keys have been renamed slightly. The new names begin with coverageXXX, eg coverageExcludedPackages and some have had their full name changed. You can see a full list of keys by opening the object ScoverageKeys.
By default, scoverage will generate reports for each project separately. You can merge them into an aggregated report by invoking sbt coverageAggregate
(Note, you must do this after all the coverage data is complete as a separate command, so you cannot do sbt coverage test coverageAggregate
(at least until a way around this is found).)
(You do not need to run coverageReport
before coverageAggregate
; it aggregates over the sub-projects' coverage data directly, not the report xml.)
You can exclude classes from being considered for coverage measurement by providing semicolon-separated list of regular expressions.
coverageExcludedPackages := "<empty>;Reverse.*;.*AuthService.*;models\\.data\\..*"
The regular expressions are matched against the fully qualified class name, and must match the entire string to take effect.
Any matched classes will not be instrumented or included in the coverage report.
You can also mark sections of code with comments like:
// $COVERAGE-OFF$Disabling highlighting by default until a workaround for is found
Any code between two such comments will not be instrumented or included in the coverage report.
Based on minimum coverage, you can fail the build with the following keys
coverageMinimum := 80
coverageFailOnMinimum := true
These settings will be enforced when the reports are generated.
If you generate an aggregate report using coverageAggregate
then these settings will apply to that report.
Scoverage does a lot of file writing behind the scenes in order to track which statements have been executed. If you are running into a scenario where your tests normally pass, but fail when scoverage is enabled, then the culprit can be one of the following:
- timing issues on futures and other async operations, try upping the timeouts by an order of magnitude.
- tests are run in a sandbox mode (such as with<T>
), try running the tests outside of the sandbox.
Codacy integrates with your favorite coverage tool to provide an in-depth overlook of your project status. Scoverage information can be integrated into Codacy through the sbt-codacy-coverage plugin.
If you have an open source project then you can add code coverage metrics with the excellent website Scoverage will integrate with coveralls using the sbt-coveralls plugin.
If you want to visually browse statement coverage reports then use this plugin for SonarQube. It allows you to review overall project statement coverage as well as dig deeper into sub-modules, directories and source code files to see uncovered statements. Statement coverage measurement can become an integral part of your team's continuous integration process and a required quality standard.
This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.
Copyright 2013-2016 Stephen Samuel and contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License.