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490 lines (336 loc) · 12.9 KB

File metadata and controls

490 lines (336 loc) · 12.9 KB



import pyscemu
emu = pyscemu.init32()
emu = pyscemu.init64()

    # It is necessary to load the 32bits or 64bits maps folder for having a realistic memory layout.
    # The maps can be downloaded from the

    # Load the binary to be emulated.
    # Load the bytes to be emulated.

optionally is possible to change entry point and base address

    # change the default entry point.

    # rebase the program address.

emulator configuration and info

    # get pyscemu version.
version() -> str

    # get last emulated mnemonic with name and parameters.
get_prev_mnemonic() -> str

    # reset the instruction counter to zero.

    # check if the emulator is in 64bits mode.
is_64bits() -> bool

    # check if the emulator is in 32bits mode.
is_32bits() -> bool

    # Set 64bits mode, it's necessary to load the 64bits maps with load_maps() method.
    # Or better can use: emu = pyscemu.init64()

    # Set 32bits mode, it's necessary to load the 32bits maps with load_maps() method.
    # Or better can use: emu = pyscemu.init32()

    # disable the colored mode for instructions, api calls and other logs.

    # enable the colored mode.

    # trace all memory reads and writes.

    # disable the memory tracer.

    # trace all the registers printing them in every step.

    # disable the register tracer.

    # trace a specific list of registers, provide array of strings with register names in lower case.

    # disable the multi-register tracer.

    # inspect sequence like: inspect_seq('dword ptr [eax + 0x3c]')

    # set the verbosity between 0 and 3.
    #     0: only show api calls.
    #     1: show api calls and some logs.
    #     2: show also instructions (slower).
    #     3: show every iteration of rep preffix.

    # when the execution reached a specified amount of steps will spawn an interactive console.

    # when the execution reached a specified address will spawn an interactive console.

    # disable the console spawning.

    # allow to enable the console if its needed.

    # disable the console, to prevent to be spawned in some situations.  

    # enable the loops counter, this feature slows down the emulation but count the iteration number.

    # disable the loops counting system.

    # enable tracing a string on a specified memory address. 

    # disable the string tracer.

    # inspect a memory area by providing a stirng like 'dword ptr [esp + 0x8]'

    # disable the memory inspector.

    # give the binary the posibility of connecting remote hosts to get next stage, use it safelly.

    # disable the endpoint mode.

    # configure stack mapping address

    # change the default entry point.

    # rebase the program address.

    # enable the stack tracer.

    # disable the stack tracer.

    # test mode use inline assembly to contrast the result of emulation and detect bugs.

    # disable the test mode.

    # Enable banzai mode. This mode keep emulating after finding unimplemented instructions or apis.

    # disable banzai mode.

    # add unimplemented API to banzai.
banzai_add(apiname:str, nparams:int) {

    # enable the Control-C handling for spawning console.

    # disable the Control-C handling.

    # update base of an ldr entry
update_ldr_entry_base(modname:str, base:int)

    # address to api name, based on LDR lookup
api_addr_to_name(addr:int) -> str


    # push a 32bits value to the stack.
stack_push32(value:int) -> bool

    # push a 64bits value to the stack.
stack_push64(value:int) -> bool

    # pop a 32bits value from the stack.
stack_pop32() -> int

    # pop a 64bits value from the stack.
stack_pop64() -> int


    # read register value ie get_reg('rax')
get_reg(reg:str) -> int

    # set register value ie  set_reg('rax', 0x123), returns previous value.
set_reg(reg:str, value:int) -> int

    # get the value of a xmm register.
get_xmm(reg:str) -> int

    # set a value to a xmm register.
set_xmm(reg:str, value:int) -> int


    # allocate a buffer on the emulated process address space. It returns an address.
alloc(map_name:str, size:int) -> int

    # allocate a buffer on the emulated process at specific space, check first to avoid collisions.
alloc_at(map_name:str, addr:int, size:int)

    # Link DLL library
link_library(filepath:str) -> int {

    # load an aditional blob to the memory layout, check first to avoid collisions.
load_map(name:str, filename:str, base_addr:int)

    # write a little endian qword on memory.
write_qword(addr:int, value:int) -> bool

    # write a little endian dword on memory.
write_dword(addr:int, value:int) -> bool

    # write a little endian word on memory.
write_word(addr:int, value:int) -> bool

    # write a byte on memory.
write_byte(addr:int, value:int) -> bool

    # write an ascii string
write_string(addr:int, s:str)

    # write a wide
write_wide_string(addr:int, s:str)

    # read 128bits big endian.
read_128bits_be(addr:int) -> int

    # read 128bits little endian.
read_128bits_le(addr:int) -> int

    # read little endian qword.
read_qword(addr:int) -> int

    # read little endian dword.
read_dword(addr:int) -> int

    # read little endian word.
read_word(addr:int) -> int

    # read a byte from a memory address.
read_byte(addr:int) -> int

    # fill a memory chunk starting at `address`, with a specified `amount` of bytes defined in `byte`.
memset(addr:int, byte:int, amount:int)

    # get the size of a wide string.
sizeof_wide(unicode_str_ptr:str) -> int

    # write a python bytes() or b'' to an emulator memory address.
write_buffer(to:addr, from:bytes)

    # read a buffer from the emulator memory to a python list of int bytes.
read_buffer(from:int, sz:int) -> list

    # print all the maps that match a substring of the keyword provided.

    # print all the memory maps on the process address space.

    # get the base address of a given address. Will make an exception if it's invalid address.
get_addr_base(addr:int) -> int

    # this method checks if the given address is allocated or not.
is_mapped(addr:int) -> bool

    # get the memory map name where is the given address. 
    # Will cause an exception if the address is not allocated.
get_addr_name(addr:int) -> str

    # visualize the bytes on the given address.

    # visualize the `amount` of bytes provided on `address`.
dump_n(addr:int, amount:int)

    # visualize a number of qwords on given address.
dump_qwords(addr:int, amount:int)

    # visualize a number of dwords on a given address.
dump_dwords(addr:int, amount:int)

    # read an amount of bytes from an address to a python object.
read_bytes(addr:int, sz:int) -> list

    # read an amount of bytes from an address to a string of spaced hexa bytes.
read_string_of_bytes(addr:int, sz:int) -> str

    # read an ascii string from a memory address, 
    # if the address point to a non allocated zone string will be empty.
read_string(addr:int) -> str

    # read a wide string from a memory address, 
    # if the address point to a non allocated zone string will be empty. 
read_wide_string(addr:int) -> str

    # search a substring on a specific memory map name, it will return a list of matched addresses.
    # if the string is not found, it will return an empty list.
search_string(kw:str, map_name:str) -> list

    # write on emulators memory a spaced hexa bytes
write_spaced_bytes(addr:int, spaced_hex_bytes:str) -> bool

    # search one occurence of a spaced hex bytes from a specific address, will return zero if it's not found.
search_spaced_bytes_from(saddr:int, sbs:str) -> int

    # search one occcurence of a spaced hex bytes from an especific address backward,
    # will return zero if it's not found.
search_spaced_bytes_from_bw(saddr:int, sbs:str) -> int

    # search spaced hex bytes string on specific map using its map name, 
    # will return a list with the addresses found if there are matches, 
    # otherwise the list will be empty.
search_spaced_bytes(sbs:str, map_name:str) -> list

    # search spaced hex bytes string on all the memory layout, 
    # will return a list with the addresses found if there are matches, 
    # otherwise the list will be empty.
search_spaced_bytes_in_all(sbs:str) -> list

    # Search a substring in all the memory layout except on libs, will print the results.
    # In the future will return a list with results instead of printing.

    # search a bytes object on specific map, will return a list with matched addresses if there are any.
search_bytes(bkw:list, map_name:str) -> list

    # show the total allocated memory.
allocated_size() -> int

    # show if there are memory blocks overlapping eachother.
memory_overlaps(addr:int, sz:int) -> bool

    # show all the memory blocks allocated during the emulation.

    # free a memory map by its name

    # basic allocator, it looks for a free block of given size,
    # it only returns the address if its possible, but dont really allocates,
    # just find the address, you have to load to that address something.
    # use alloc() method instead if possible.
memory_alloc(sz:int) -> int

    # Save all memory blocks allocated during emulation to disk.
    # Provide a folder where every alloc will be a file.

    # save a chunk of memory to disk.
save(addr:int, size:int, filename:str)

    # perform a memory test to see overlapps or other possible problems.
mem_test() -> bool


    # show breakpoints

    # clear all the breakpoints

    # set breakpoint on an address

    # get the current address breakpoint
bp_get_addr() -> int

    # set breakpoint on a instruction counter

    # get breakpoint on a instrunction counter
bp_get_inst() -> int

    # set a memory breakpoint on read

    # get the memory breakpoint on read
bp_get_mem_read() -> int

    # set a memory breakpoint on write

    # get the memory breakpoint on write
bp_get_mem_write() -> int


    # set rip register, if rip point to an api will be emulated.

    # set eip register, if eip point to an api will be emulated.

    # spawn an interactive console.  

    # disassemble some instructions from an address.  
disassemble(addr:int, amount:int) -> str

    # start emulating the binary after finding the first return.
run_until_return() -> int

    # emulate a single step, this is slower than run(address) or run(0)
step() -> bool

    # start emulating the binary until reach the provided end_addr. 
    # Use run() with no params for emulating forever.
run(end_addr:int) -> int

    # read the number of instructions emulated since now.
get_position() -> int

    # call a 32bits function, internally pushes params in reverse order.
call32(addr:int, params:list) -> int

    # call a 64bits function, internally pushes params in reverse order.
call64(addr:int, params:list) -> int

    # emulate until a specific winapi is called.

    # emulate until any winapi is called.
run_until_apicall() -> [addr, api_name]


libscemu provide multipe hooks, but not pyscemu. one opion is synchronous way:

def GetUserNameA():
    retaddr = emu.stack_pop64()
    emu.write_string(emu.get_reg('rcx'), 'baremetal\x00')
    emu.write_qword(emu.get_reg('rdx'), 9)
    emu.set_reg('rax', emu.get_reg('rcx'))

def recv():
    retaddr = emu.stack_pop64()
    rip = emu.get_reg('rip')
    rcx = emu.get_reg('rcx')
    rdx = emu.get_reg('rdx')
    r8 = emu.get_reg('r8')
    print(f'{rip:x}: recv({rcx}, {rdx:x}, {r8})')
    emu.write_dword(rdx, 3)
    emu.set_reg('rax', 4)

emu.set_reg('rip', comm_protocol)
while True:
    addr, name = emu.run_until_apicall()
    if name == 'getusernamea':
    elif name =='recv':