VISA Api calls have been written as test cases. To run sample calls update app.config in the vdp-c-sharp folder.
Generate P12 file using the below command
openssl pkcs12 -export -out p12certfile.p12 -inkey key.pem -in cert.pem
- key.pem is the private key which you have generated at the time of creation of CSR.
- cert.pem is the client certificate for the app which you have downloaded from the VDP portal.
- The above command will prompt for export password. You will need this password for invoking API.
Update app.config with the necesssary credentials. For more information on app.config
refer :
Load the solution into your Visual Studio using the .sln or .csproj file.
Go to Tests -> Debug -> All Tests
You can see the results under the option Debug console in your output window.
You would need to generate a Call Id for calling Visa Checkout. The documentation for generating Call Id can be found at :
The sample code provided reads the credentials from configuration file as plain text. As a best practice we recommend you to store the credentials in an encrypted form and decrypt while using them.