««« title: We Just Launched Patreon!, author: Estevão Soares dos Santos, author_avatar: img/avatars/tivie.jpg, date: 2018-11-03, language: en, image: img/blog/2018.11.03.jpg, summary: I'm very happy to say that Patreon is Up! Check out the cool rewards I have planned for you. And there is also a surprise announcement regarding a new release... »»»
I am very proud to announce the launch of Showdown's Patreon page!
This allows you to support me as a developer and make a better future for this library.
Please check out the very very cool rewards I planned for you and/or your company!
Also, if I have 10 pledges by the end of the weekend, I will launch version 1.9 with some awesome new features by the end of next week...otherwise I will hold it hostage till next year!
Nah just kidding, I will launch it by then anyway.
While I'm working on version 2.0 (which is a major refactor of Showdown), I though it would be nice to publish a new minor version of showdown, with some of the features (as experimental features) already developed for version 2.0. This way you can start experimenting with it and tell me what you think.
The most exciting (and requested) new feature, IMHO, is the "HTML to Markdown Converter". This neat feature will enable you to parse and convert an HTML document into markdown.
I will also backport some pending bugfixes too.
So, stay tunned and... don't forget to donate! 😁