Version: 0.0.1
A railway signal is an installation next to the railway track for signalling the maximum allowed speed in the next block section to the train driver. Definition RSM: Apparatus by means of which a conventional visual or acoustic indication is given, generally concerning the movements of railway vehicles.
data model mapped from ERA ontology (European Union Agency for Railways)
Link to the interactive specification
Link to the specification
Enlace a la Especificación en español
Lien vers le spécification en français
Link zur deutschen Spezifikation
Link alla specifica
Link to the example (keyvalues) for NGSI v2
Link to the example (keyvalues) for NGSI-LD
Link to the example (normalized) for NGSI-V2
Link to the example (normalized) for NGSI-LD
Link to the Generator of NGSI-LD normalized payloads compliant with this data model. Refresh for new values
Link to the Generator of NGSI-LD keyvalues payloads compliant with this data model. Refresh for new values
Link to the Generator of geojson feature format payloads compliant with this data model. Refresh for new values
If you have any issue on this data model you can raise an issue or contribute with a PR
If you wish to develop your own data model you can start from contribution manual. Several services have been developed to help with:
- Test data model repository including the schema and example payloads, etc
- Generate PostgreSQL schema to help create a table, create type, etc