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Archmage and CompCertCast: End-to-End Verification Supporting Integer-Pointer Casting

This is the artifact for the paper "Archmage and CompCertCast: End-to-End Verification Supporting Integer-Pointer Casting".

List of Claims

We claim that the artifact provides a Coq development of the definitions and proofs presented in the paper (with minor simplifications for presentation purposes) and compiles without any issues.

Download, installation, and sanity-testing

The artifact is presented as a VirtualBox image ("artifact.ova"), but we are also submitting the latest source code ("Archmage.tar.gz") just in case. If there is a need to update our artifact in the middle of the review process, we will make the latest version available on here.

Installing via VirtualBox image

  1. Install VirtualBox (version 7.1.2 is tested).

Now, you can use the VirtualBox image that we submitted:

  1. Import the downloaded artifact.ova file into Virtual Box.

  2. Launch the VirtualBox Image, Log-in, open a terminal, and run cd ~/Archmage

  3. ID/PW: artifact/artifact

Note: The submitted VirtualBox image has emacs and Proof General installed, which can be used to explore the Coq development.

Installing manually with raw source code

  1. Install opam in your system with the version at least 2.1.5.
  2. In Archmage artifact directory, install a local opam switch and install the dependencies:
    opam switch create . 4.10.0 &&
    eval $(opam env) &&
    opam pin add coq 8.13.2 -y &&
    opam repo add coq-released &&
    opam config env &&
    opam pin add coq-paco 4.1.1 -y && opam pin add menhir 20230608 -y && opam pin add coq-itree 3.2.0 -y && opam pin add coq-iris 3.4.0 -y && opam pin add coq-ordinal 0.5.0 -y &&
    cd CompCert-intptr &&
    chmod 755 ./configure &&
    ./configure x86_64-linux -clightgen &&
    make -k &&
    cd ../CCR &&
    make -k

Now, you can either use the source code from the Github (make sure you have internet connection):

  1. Run git clone [email protected]:snu-sf/Archmage.git && cd Archmage and run the script above

or you can use the raw source code that we submitted:

  1. Run tar -zxvf Archmage.tar.gz && cd Archmage and run the script above.

CompCertCast Quick Start

  1. Compiling CompCertCast follows the same optimization scenarios as for CompCert

    ./ccomp [option] [target]

    (ex) ./ccomp -dall many_cast1.c

  2. Compile using an optimization scenario that includes Cast Propagation.

    ./ccomp -ssa on [option] [target]

    (ex) ./ccomp -ssa on -dall many_cast1.c

  3. Help on CompCertCast

    ./ccomp --help

Evaluation Instructions

To evaluate this artifact, we propose the following steps:

  1. Check that the source code does not contain any admit or Admitted. (e.g., typing grep -ri "admit" --include="*.v" . in the project root should print nothing).


    • You only need to check CCR and CompCert-intptr directories, as other directories (like _opam) may contain the keyword in their documentation.
    • For CompCert-intptr directory, you can also use the make target: make check-admitted
  2. Read the Section "Mapping from the paper to the Coq development" and check that the Coq development indeed corresponds to the paper's presentation.

  3. Compile the many_cast1.c file in the CompCert-intptr/small-examples
    directory using two optimization scenarios: one with Cast Propagation
    included and one without. Then compare the results to check the effect of Cast Propagation. As shown in the CompCertCast Quick Start guide, it is recommended to compile with the -dall flag to extract all compilation stages. After compilation, compare the stack size of many_cast1.mach for each scenario. (The stack size is printed above each mach function.)

  4. Run the script located in the CompCert-intptr directory. Check that it generates the same assembly as the Original CompCert when compiling existing CompCert benchmarks (which do not contain integer- pointer casts). (render.c is an exception for reasons mentioned in the paper) Note: ccomp_orig is the binary of the original CompCert v3.9, and test_orig contains the exactly same benchmarks as test.

  5. (VirtualBox Image Users Only) If you are using a pre-compiled Coq development, confirm that the Coq development compiles without any problem. To do so, type make clean in both CCR and CompCert-intptr directories if you have previously built Coq development or are using the VirtualBox Image. Check that no .vo file remains (e.g., typing find . -iname "*.vo" in the project root should print nothing). Then, execute script behind in the root directory.

    eval $(opam env) &&
    cd CompCert-intptr &&
    chmod 755 ./configure &&
    ./configure x86_64-linux -clightgen &&
    make -k &&
    cd ../CCR &&
    make -k

Mapping from the paper to the Coq development

Section 3. The Memory Model Archmage

Fig. 4 (in CompCert-intptr/common directory)

  • M --> mem_contents, mem_access, mem_concrete in Memory.v
  • BlockID --> block in Values.v
  • Val --> val in Values.v

Fig. 5 (in CompCert-intptr/common directory)

  • alloc --> alloc in Memory.v and extcall_malloc_sem in Events.v
  • free --> free in Memory.v and extcall_free_sem in Events.v
  • ptoi --> capture in Memory.v and extcall_capture_sem in Events.v
  • range --> addr_is_in_block in Memory.v means physical address in range
  • valid_pa --> valid_address_bounded, weak_valid_address_range, no_concrete_overlap in Memory.v
  • $toPtr_M$ --> to_ptr in Memory.v
  • $toInt_M$ --> to_int in Memory.v
  • v1 ⊼ v2 --> val_join(⊼ for value), bool_optjoin (⊼ for boolean) in IntPtrRel.v
  • $⟦⊗⟧_M$(v1, v2) --> cmplu_join_common (⊗ is comparison), psubl_join_common (⊗ is psub) in IntPtrRel.v

Note: In the submitted paper, the semantics of psub in Fig. 5 is oversimplified. An updated version of the figure is available in psub.pdf in the Archmage directory.

Integers refines Pointers in Section 3.1 (in CompCert-intptr/x86 directory)

  • Proof of Integers refines Pointers -> IntPtrRef.v eval_operation_wrapper_binded (Refinement lemma for all operations)

Theorem 3.1 NB case of ⊼ (in Fig. 5) is unreachable (in CompCert-intptr/common directory)

  • psub_wrapper_no_angelic in IntPtrRel.v
  • psubl_wrapper_no_angelic in IntPtrRel.v
  • cmpu_no_angelic' in IntPtrRel.v (wrapper lemma of cmpu_no_angelic)
  • cmplu_no_angelic' in IntPtrRel.v (wrapper lemma of cmplu_no_angelic)

Section 4. CompCertCast: Reconciling CompCert with Archmage

Fig. 6 (in CompCert-intptr/common directory)

  • val_intptr in IntPtrRel.v

Sec 4.1.1 Mixed Simulations and Memory Relations. (in CompCert-intptr/common directory)

  • Extended Mixed Simulation --> xsim in Simulation.v
  • Memory Relation for "integers refine pointer" --> concrete_extends in IntPtrRel.v
  • Definition of $Beh(TGT) ≤_{init_{TGT}} Beh(SRC) ∧ init_{SRC} ≤ init_{TGT}$ --> observation_improves in Behaviors.v

Sec 4.1.2 External Call Axioms. (in CompCert-intptr/common directory)

  • New External call axioms --> extcall_properties_backward in Events.v
  • External call axioms for existing memory relations have been updated to work with backwards simulations. --> ec_mem_extends_backward, ec_mem_extends_backward_progress, ec_mem_inject_backward, ec_mem_inject_backward_progress, ec_sound in Events.v
  • A new axiom stating that external calls may not ‘tamper’ with the memory map --> ec_binds, ec_nonempty in Events.v
  • A new axiom to let new memory relations (concrete_extends) work with backwards simulations --> ec_concrete_extends_backward, ec_concrete_extends_backward_progress in Events.v
  • Proof of some external call axioms are relaxed --> forwrard_axiom_implies_backward_axiom_sim in ExtCallAxiomRlx.v

Sec 4.2.1 Cast Propagation: Replacing Uses of Pointers with Integers. (in CompCert-intptr/midend directory)

  • Definition of Cast Propagation -> Captureprop.v
  • Correctness Proof of Cast Propagation -> Capturepropproof.v
  • Definition of Copy Propagation -> Copyprop.v
  • Correctness Proof of Copy Propagation -> Copypropproof.v

Sec 4.2.2 Flagging Stack Casts to Enable Stack-Local Optimizations. (in CompCert-intptr/backend directory)

  • "Stack is Casted" Flag --> am_concrete_stack in ValueDomain.v

Sec 4.3 The Lower Bound Improvement: Generating CompCert-Asm with Fully Physical Pointers (in CompCert-intptr/x86 directory)

  • Definition and Correctness Proof of Lowerbound -> Lowerbound.v

Fig. 10 (in CompCert-intptr/driver directory)

  • Full Optimization scenarios in Fig. 10 --> transf_clight_program_via_SSA in Compiler.v
  • Optimization scenarios excluding Cast Propagation --> transf_clight_program in Compiler.v
  • Adequacy of CompCertCast --> transf_clight_program_preservation_ssa_lbd' in Complements.v

Section 5. Archmage Logic

Clight+ (in CCR/clightplus directory)

  • Semantics of Clight+ --> compile in compiler/ClightPlusgen.v
  • Adequacy of Whole System --> compile_behavior_improves_via_SSA_lbd in compiler_proof/ClightPlus2LBProof.v

Fig. 11 (in CCR/clightplus/mem/ClightPlusMem1.v)

  • Block Data --> metadata
  • p1 $≈^m$ p --> equiv_prov
  • $live_q^m$ (p) --> is_alive
  • p $↦_q^m$ v --> points_to
  • offset(m,p,ofs) --> _has_offset
  • m1 # m2 --> disjoint
  • vld(m,ofs) --> valid
  • wvld(m,ofs) --> weak_valid

in selected rules for predicates and relations

  • rule (1) --> equiv_dup
  • rule (2) --> equiv_slide
  • rule (3) --> equiv_sym
  • rule (4) --> equiv_trans
  • rule (5) --> live_ownership
  • rule (6) --> points_to_ownership
  • rule (7) --> collorary of equiv_live_comm and equiv_dup and equiv_sym
  • rule (8) --> collorary of equiv_point_comm and equiv_dup and equiv_sym
  • rule (9) --> equiv_ii_eq
  • rule (10) --> collorary of live_unique_meta and live_unique

in rules for commands

  • hoare triple of alloc(n) --> malloc_spec
  • hoare triple of free(p) --> mfree_spec
  • hoare triple of load(p) --> load_spec
  • hoare triple of store(p, v) --> store_spec
  • hoare triple of ptoi(p) --> capture_hoare1
  • hoare triple of itop(i) --> function "itop" is just identity function so that the spec is not neccessary for reasoning
  • hoare triple of p1 ⊗ p2 --> cmp_ptr_hoare5 for comparison, sub_ptr_spec for psub
  • hoare triple of p1 == p2 --> cmp_ptr_hoare6

Fig. 12 (in CCR/clightplus_examples/xorlist/src directory)

  • struct node --> xorlist.h
  • delete_hd, delete_tl --> xorlist.c

Fig. 13 (in CCR/clightplus_examples/xorlist/xorlist1.v)

  • frag_q --> frag_xorlist
  • xorlist --> full_xorlist
  • hoare triple of add_hd(hdH, tlH, x) --> add_hd_spec
  • hoare triple of add_tl(hdH, tlH, x) --> add_tl_spec
  • hoare triple of delete_hd(hdH, tlH) --> delete_hd_spec
  • hoare triple of delete_tl(hdH, tlH) --> delete_tl_spec

Fig. 14 verification of delete_hd (in CCR/clightplus_examples/xorlist/xorlist01proof.v)

  • sim_delete_hd

Theorem 5.1 (XorlistReverse) (in CCR/clightplus_examples/xorlist/xorlist1.v)

  • rev_xorlist

Fig. 15 (main) (in CCR/clightplus_examples/xorlist directory)

  • main source code in src/main.c
  • hoare triple of main --> main_spec in main1.v
  • verification --> sim_main in main01proof.v

Guide for Readers

Currently, the artifact only supports x86-64 architecture. (We will clarify this in the paper.) If you are using a computer with a different architecture, such as an Arm Mac, it is recommended to conduct the Artifact Evaluation using the submitted Virtual Box Image.

Remark on Section 3

  1. The major gap between the content of Fig 4. and the implementation is as follows:
    • Among the components of a Block's elements, 'live' and 'size' correspond to permissions of the block in the implementation. (see mem_access) 'size' is a special case where permissions are arranged consecutively.
    • Among the components of a Block's elements, 'c' is represented as a value, but the implementation stores list of memval (in Memdata.v) which encodes the value in memory.
    • The fact that Pointer is a disjoint union of LogicalPtr and Int is not explicitly specified in the Implementation, but it holds true in Archmage because Integer refines Pointer.
  2. In the submitted paper, the semantics of psub in Fig. 5 is oversimplified. An updated version of the figure is available in psub.pdf in the Archmage directory.

Remark on Section 5

The primary discrepancies between the paper and the implementation arise from two main factors in the paper:

  1. Simplification of the alignment condition for memory access
  2. Simplification of the fact that memory stores encoded values rather than raw values

Additionally, there are several other notable differences:

  • Null pointers are considered to have a 'None' block id, so that metadata (Block Data in Fig. 11) has an 'option block' type.
  • tag describes which space (Stack, Heap, Global) the accessibility or liveness refers to. (This prevents freeing of global variables.)
  • The implementations of delete_hd_spec and delete_tl_spec cover not only the general cases outlined in the paper, but also include the specific case when the list is empty.
  • In the paper, the hoare triple for pointer comparison has been simplified by omitting the corner case involving null pointers (e.g. cmp_ptr_hoare4).

Documentation Updates

  • Enhanced Item 1 of the Evaluation Instructions based on reviewer's suggestion: introduced additional methods to verify the existence of Admitted Proofs and clearly specified the scope of directories to be checked.
  • Modified Item 5 of the Evaluation Instructions to avoid confusion for users working with raw source code, as per reviewer's feedback.
  • Improved the clarity of mappings between the paper and Coq formalization.
  • Enhanced license and copyright information for both CCR and CompCert-intptr.