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File metadata and controls

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Table of contents

Contribution Guidelines

  1. Pull the latest changes from the master branch.
  2. Create your new (local) work branch.
  3. Work on/commit your changes, see Development bellow.
  4. Add an entry to the Unreleased section of deploy/helm/ describing your changes.
  5. Push your branch to GitHub and create a Pull Request.
  6. Once approved, the Pull Request can be merged with the master branch.


  • Skaffold at least v2.0.3

    • On windows, do not install it using choco due to this issue
  • Kustomize:

    choco install kustomize
  • Helm:

    choco install kubernetes-helm
  • Prometheus community Helm repo - it hosts a dependency for the collector's chart:

    helm repo add prometheus-community
  • Docker desktop with Kubernetes enabled


To run the collector in a local environment, execute:

skaffold dev

That will:

  • build customized Otel Collector image
  • deploy Prometheus
  • deploy OtelEndpoint mock (to see that customized Otel Collector is sending metrics correctly)
  • deploy customized Otel Collector

Possible issues:

  • if you get errors like:

    Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to download


    Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: no cached repo found. (try 'helm repo update'): open C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\helm\repository\stable-index.yaml: The system cannot find the file specified.

    you need to update Helm repo:

    helm repo update
  • if you get error like

    ...Unable to get an update from the "stable" chart repository (
            failed to fetch : 403 Forbidden

    you need to update path to a Helm repository:

    helm repo add "stable" "" --force-update

How can you analyze exported telemetry


  • You can look at http://localhost:8088/metrics.json (each line is JSON as bulk sent by OTEL collector)
  • You can also look at local Prometheus which collects all the outputs with metric names prefixed with output_ at http://localhost:8080


You can look at http://localhost:8088/logs.json (each line is JSON as bulk sent by OTEL collector)


You can look at http://localhost:8088/events.json (each line is JSON as bulk sent by OTEL collector)


You can look at http://localhost:8088/manifests.json (each line is JSON as bulk sent by OTEL collector)

Entity State events

You can look at http://localhost:8088/entitystateevents.json (each line is JSON as bulk sent by OTEL collector).

Develop against remote cluster

  • Make sure that you have working kubeContext, set this to test-cluster profile section in skaffold.yaml:
    - op: replace
      path: /deploy/kubeContext
      value: "<your kube context here>"
  • Create skaffold.env file with two environment variables which indicates your private space in the cluster, e.q.:
  • Make sure that you have ECR repository where image swi-opentelemetry-collector will be pushed
  • Login to ECR repository. E.q.: aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 --profile <your AWS profile> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <Your ECR repository>
  • (optionally) setup skaffold values to better target what you intent to develop. E.q.:
ebpfNetworkMonitoring.enabled: true
otel.logs.enabled: false false
otel.metrics.batch.send_batch_size: 1024
otel.metrics.batch.send_batch_max_size: 1024
  • Run skaffold dev -p=test-cluster --default-repo=<Your ECR repository>

Develop against remote prometheus

You can port forward Prometheus server to localhost:9090 and run

skaffold dev -p=remote-prometheus

In order to change Prometheus endpoint that is hosted on HTTPS you can adjust skaffold.yaml file:

  • add otel.metrics.prometheus.scheme: https
  • update otel.metrics.prometheus.url: <remote prometheus>

Helm Unit tests

Helm Unit tests are located in deploy/helm/tests and are supposed to verify how Helm chart is rendered.


Run in bash (or Git Bash):

helm plugin install

Run tests locally

helm unittest deploy/helm

Refresh snapshot tests

helm unittest -u deploy/helm

Integration with VS Code

To enable code completion when writing new tests, install a VS Code extension providing a YAML Language server, like redhat.vscode-yaml.

Integration tests

Integration tests are located in tests/integration and are supposed to verify if metric processing is delivering expected outcome.


Deploy cluster locally using skaffold dev

Run tests locally

  • Install all dependencies: pip install --user -r tests/integration/requirements.txt
  • Can be run in Visual Studio Code by opening individual tests and run Python: Pytest debug configuration
  • You can run it directly in cluster by manually triggering integration-test CronJob

Updating utils used for testing

Whenever there is a need to improve the test tooling, eg. the script for scraping test data from a Prometheus (utils/, or data comparison code, or versions or Python packages, ..., it should always happen in a separate PR. Do not mix changes to the test framework with changes to the k8s collector itself. Otherwise a change to the testing framework might hide an unintentional change to the collector code.

Updating Chart dependencies

To update a dependency of the Helm chart:

  1. Update the dependencies section in deploy/helm/Chart.yaml.

  2. Run

    helm dependency update deploy/helm
  3. Commit changes in deploy/helm/Chart.lock.

  4. (Optional) Delete *.tgz files in /deploy/helm/charts/ - they will be re-downloaded automatically as needed.

Updating Chart configuration

First and foremost, any changes to the default values.yaml or how the configuration required by the Helm templates must be backwards compatible. Breaking existing configurations prepared for previous versions of the software should be avoided, if possible.

The Helm chart contains a JSON schema for the validation of the provided configuration values.schema.json.

To use it during development, reference it by your YAML parser. For example, for software that supports the language server protocol, add # yaml-language-server: $schema=values.schema.json as a first line in your values.yaml file, adjusting the path (local, or URL) accordingly.

To verify that the changes are compatible with the current schema, it's suggested to run also:

helm lint -f <values_yaml_for_testing> .\deploy\helm\ --with-subcharts

Basic linting is part of the build pipeline, though.

The Helm chart is bundled also in AKS/EKS addons. Make sure that any changes are reflected there, too.


Helm Chart

  1. Create PR with version change into Chart.yaml
  2. Once the PR is merged, GitHub Action will be triggered to build the release and open a PR to the gh-pages branch.
  3. Review the PR created for changes to the gh-pages branch (which hosts the Helm charts), and merge it.
  4. Once the PR is merged, the Helm chart is published to