import { Control, Stash } from 'js-slang/dist/cse-machine/interpreter'; import { Environment } from 'js-slang/dist/types'; import { KonvaEventObject } from 'konva/lib/Node'; import { Label } from 'konva/lib/shapes/Label'; import React, { RefObject } from 'react'; import { Circle, Group, Label as KonvaLabel, Rect, Tag as KonvaTag, Text as KonvaText } from 'react-konva'; import CseMachine from '../../CseMachine'; import { Config, ShapeDefaultProps } from '../../CseMachineConfig'; import { Layout } from '../../CseMachineLayout'; import { IHoverable, ReferenceType } from '../../CseMachineTypes'; import { defaultStrokeColor, defaultTextColor, fadedStrokeColor, fadedTextColor, getTextWidth, isMainReference, setHoveredCursor, setUnhoveredCursor } from '../../CseMachineUtils'; import { Continuation } from '../../utils/scheme'; import { ArrowFromFn } from '../arrows/ArrowFromFn'; import { Binding } from '../Binding'; import { Frame } from '../Frame'; import { Value } from './Value'; /** this class encapsulates a Scheme Continuation that * contains extra props such as environment, control and stash */ export class ContValue extends Value implements IHoverable { readonly radius: number = Config.FnRadius; readonly innerRadius: number = Config.FnInnerRadius; readonly labelRef: RefObject<Label> = React.createRef(); readonly tooltip: string = 'continuation'; readonly tooltipWidth: number = getTextWidth(this.tooltip); readonly exportTooltip: string = 'continuation'; readonly exportTooltipWidth: number = getTextWidth(this.exportTooltip); centerX: number; enclosingFrame?: Frame; env: Environment; control: Control; stash: Stash; private _arrow: ArrowFromFn | undefined; constructor( /** underlying continuation */ readonly data: Continuation, /** what this value is being referenced by */ firstReference: ReferenceType ) { super(); Layout.memoizeValue(data, this); this.centerX = 0; this._width = this.radius * 2.5; this._height = this.radius * 2.5; // get the proper environment from the continuation this.env =[0]; this.enclosingFrame = Frame.getFrom(this.env); this.control =; this.stash =; this.addReference(firstReference); } handleNewReference(newReference: ReferenceType): void { if (!isMainReference(this, newReference)) return; // derive the coordinates from the main reference (binding / array unit) if (newReference instanceof Binding) { this._x = newReference.frame.x() + newReference.frame.width() + Config.FrameMarginX; this._y = newReference.y(); this.centerX = this._x + this.radius * 2; } else { if (newReference.isLastUnit) { this._x = newReference.x() + Config.DataUnitWidth * 2; this._y = newReference.y() + Config.DataUnitHeight / 2 - this.radius; } else { this._x = newReference.x(); this._y = newReference.y() + newReference.parent.height() + Config.DataUnitHeight; } this.centerX = this._x + Config.DataUnitWidth / 2; this._x = this.centerX - this.radius * 2; } this._y += this.radius; } arrow(): ArrowFromFn | undefined { return this._arrow; } onMouseEnter = ({ currentTarget }: KonvaEventObject<MouseEvent>) => { if (CseMachine.getPrintableMode()) return; setHoveredCursor(currentTarget); this.labelRef.current?.moveToTop(); this.labelRef.current?.show(); }; onMouseLeave = ({ currentTarget }: KonvaEventObject<MouseEvent>) => { if (CseMachine.getPrintableMode()) return; setUnhoveredCursor(currentTarget); this.labelRef.current?.hide(); }; draw(): React.ReactNode { if (this.enclosingFrame) { this._arrow = new ArrowFromFn(this).to(this.enclosingFrame) as ArrowFromFn; } const textColor = this.isReferenced() ? defaultTextColor() : fadedTextColor(); const strokeColor = this.isReferenced() ? defaultStrokeColor() : fadedStrokeColor(); return ( <React.Fragment key={Layout.key++}> <Group onMouseEnter={this.onMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={this.onMouseLeave} ref={this.ref}> <Rect {...ShapeDefaultProps} key={Layout.key++} x={this.centerX - 1.5 * this.radius} y={this.y() - this.radius} width={this.radius / 2} height={this.radius * 2} stroke={strokeColor} /> <Rect {...ShapeDefaultProps} key={Layout.key++} x={this.centerX - this.radius} y={this.y() - 1.5 * this.radius} width={this.radius * 2} height={this.radius / 2} stroke={strokeColor} /> <Circle {...ShapeDefaultProps} key={Layout.key++} x={this.centerX} y={this.y()} radius={this.radius} stroke={strokeColor} /> <Circle {...ShapeDefaultProps} key={Layout.key++} x={this.centerX} y={this.y()} radius={this.innerRadius} fill={strokeColor} /> </Group> <KonvaLabel x={this.x() + this.width() + Config.TextPaddingX * 2} y={this.y() - Config.TextPaddingY} visible={CseMachine.getPrintableMode()} ref={this.labelRef} > {CseMachine.getPrintableMode() ? ( <KonvaTag stroke={strokeColor} /> ) : ( <KonvaTag stroke={Config.HoverBgColor} fill={Config.HoverBgColor} opacity={Config.FnTooltipOpacity} /> )} <KonvaText text={CseMachine.getPrintableMode() ? this.exportTooltip : this.tooltip} fontFamily={Config.FontFamily} fontSize={Config.FontSize} fontStyle={Config.FontStyle} fill={textColor} padding={5} /> </KonvaLabel> {this._arrow?.draw()} </React.Fragment> ); } }