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Change Log

Version 6.20201216.0 (2020-12-16T00:00)

Existing API updates

Orders API:

New SDK release

Documentation updates

Version 5.20201118.0 (2020-11-18T00:00)

New API releases

  • Bookings API (beta). The Bookings API lets you create applications to set up and manage bookings for appointments of fixed duration in which selected staff members of a Square seller provide specified services in supported locations for particular customers.

Existing API updates

  • Payments API:
    • Payment. The object now includes the risk_evaluation field to identify the Square-assigned risk level associated with the payment. Sellers can use this information to provide the goods and services or refund the payment.

New SDK release

Documentation updates

  • The Testing topics are moved from the end of the table of contents to the top, in the Home section under Testing your Application.
  • Pay for Orders. The topic is revised to add clarity for when to use the Payments API and Orders API to pay for an order. The Orders integration section for the Payments API is simplified accordingly.

Version 4.20201028.5 (2020-10-28T00:00)

Existing API updates

  • Terminal API. New endpoints to enable sellers in Canada refund Interac payments.

  • Loyalty API (beta):

  • Locations API:

    • Location object. Has a new read-only field,full_format_logo_url, which provides URL of a full-format logo image for the location.
    • Webhooks. The Locations API now supports notifications for when a location is created and when a location is updated.
  • Orders API:

  • Invoices API (beta):

    • Invoice object. The payment_requests field can now contain up to 13 payment requests, with a maximum of 12 INSTALLMENT request types. This is a service-level change that applies to all Square API versions. For more information, see Payment requests.

Version 4.20200923.4 (2020-09-23T00:00)

Existing API updates

  • Invoices API (beta)
    • InvoiceStatus enum. Added the PAYMENT_PENDING value. Previously, the Invoices API returned a PAID or PARTIALLY_PAID status for invoices in a payment pending state. Now, the Invoices API returns a PAYMENT_PENDING status for all invoices in a payment pending state, including those previously returned as PAID or PARTIALLY_PAID.
  • Payments API
    • ListPayment. The endpoint now supports the limit parameter.
  • Refunds API
  • DeviceDetails. The object now includes the device_installation_id field.

Documentation updates

  • Payment status. Added details about the Payment.status changes and how the status relates to the seller receiving the funds.
  • Refund status. Added details about the PaymentRefund.status changes and how the status relates to the cardholder receiving the funds.
  • CreateRefund errors. Added documentation for the REFUND_DECLINED error code.

Version 4.20200826.3 (2020-08-26T00:00)

Existing API updates

  • Orders API
    • Order object. The total_tip_money field is now GA.
    • CreateOrder, UpdateOrder, and BatchRetrieveOrders. These APIs now support merchant-scoped endpoints (for example, the CreateOrder endpoint POST /v2/orders). The location-scoped variants of these endpoints (for example, the CreateOrder endpoint POST /v2/locations/{location_id}/orders) continue to work, but these endpoints are now deprecated. You should use the merchant-scoped endpoints (you provide the location information in the request body).
  • Labor API
    • Migrate from Employees to Team Members. The Employees API is now deprecated in this release. Accordingly, update references to the Shift.employee_id field to the Shift.team_member_id field of the Labor API.
  • v2 Employees API (deprecated)
  • v1 Employees API (deprecated)

Documentation updates

  • Point of Sale API
  • Team API
    • Team API Overview. Documented the limitation related to creating a team member in the Square Sandbox.

Version 4.20200812.2 (2020-08-12T00:00)

API releases

Existing API updates

SqPaymentForm SDK updates

Documentation updates

Version 4.20200722.1 (2020-07-22T00:00)

API releases

Existing API updates

  • Catalog API

  • Locations API

  • Merchants API

  • Orders API

    • PricingOptions. You can now enable the auto_apply_discounts of the options to have rule-based discounts automatically applied to an Order that is pre-configured with a pricing rule.
  • Inventory API

    • Replaced 500 error on max string length exceeded with a max length error message. Max length attribute added to string type fields.
  • Terminal API (beta)

    • TerminalCheckout object. The TerminalCheckoutCancelReason field is renamed to ActionCancelReason.

Documentation updates

Version 4.20200625.0 (2020-06-25T00:00)

New API release

Existing API updates

  • Catalog API

    • Pricing is now GA. It allows an application to configure catalog item pricing rules for the specified discounts to apply automatically.
  • Payments API

Version 3.20200528.0 (2020-05-28)

API releases

Existing API updates

  • Orders API

    • CalculateOrder (beta) endpoint. Use the endpoint to calculate adjustments (for example, taxes and discounts) to an order for preview purposes. In response, the endpoint returns the order showing the calculated totals. You can use this endpoint with an existing order or an order that has not been created. The endpoint does not update an existing order. It only returns a calculated view of the order that you provided in the request. To create or update an order, use the CreateOrder and UpdateOrder endpoints, respectively.
    • Order type. Two fields are added in support of the Loyalty API integration. For more information, see Deferred reward creation. For an example, see Redeem Points.
      • Order.rewards represents rewards added to an order by calling the CreateLoyaltyReward endpoint.
      • indicates that a discount is the result of the specified rewards that were added to an order using the CreateLoyaltyReward endpoint.
  • Customers API

    • The Search Customers endpoint supports search by email address, phone number, and reference ID with the following additional query filters:
    • The created_at, updated_at, and id attributes on the Customer resource are updated to be optional. As a result, they no longer are required input parameters when you call the Square SDKs to create a Customer object. You might need to update the dependent SDKs to the latest version to mediate breaking your existing code.

Square Webhooks

Version 3.20200422.2 (2020-04-25)

Existing API updates

  • OAuth API
    • Obtain Token endpoint: Removed the scopes property from the request body.

Version 3.20200422.1 (2020-04-22)

API releases

  • Customer Segments API (beta). limit field removed from ListCustomerSegments endpoint.

Note: This release fixes a bug introduced on the April 22, 2020 release of the Square API.

Version 3.20200422.0 (2020-04-22)

API releases

  • Terminal API. The new Terminal API lets a custom third-party POS app integrate with the Square Terminal to send terminal checkout requests to collect payments.

  • Devices API. The new Devices API lets a custom third-party POS app generate a code used to sign in to a Square Terminal to create a pairing that lets the POS app send terminal checkout requests. For technical reference, see Devices API.

  • Customer Groups API (beta). The new Customer Groups API (Beta) enables full CRUD management of customer groups, including the ability to list, retrieve, create, update, and delete customer groups. Previously, this functionality was only available through the Square dashboard and point-of-sale product interfaces.

  • Customer Segments API (beta). The new Customer Segments API (Beta) lets you list and retrieve customer segment (also called smart groups) information. Coupled with the new segment_ids field on the customer resource, this API lets you better understand and track the customer segments to which a customer belongs.

  • New webhooks. v2 Webhooks (beta) now supports webhooks for the following APIs:

    • Orders API. order.created, order.updated, and order.fulfillment.updated
    • Terminal API. terminal.checkout.created and terminal.checkout.updated
    • Devices API. device.code.paired

    For more information, see Subscribe to Events.

Existing API updates

  • Customers API

    • AddGroupToCustomer endpoint. Added to add customer memberships to a customer group.
    • RemoveGroupFromCustomer endpoint. Added to remove customer memberships from a customer group.
    • Customer object. Updated as follows:
      • group_ids field. Added to designate groups the customer is in.
      • segment_ids field. Added to designate segments the customer is in.
      • groups field. Deprecated to be replaced by group_ids and segment_ids. It remains supported for one year from this release.
    • CustomerQuery object's filter parameter. Updated as follows:
      • group_ids filter. Added to search for customers based on whether they belong to any, all, or none of the specified groups.
  • Orders API

    • OrderFulfillmentPickupDetails type updated to support curbside pickup:
      • is_curbside_pickup. This Boolean field indicates curbside pickup.
      • CurbsidePickupDetails. This type provides supporting information for curbside pickup, including a buyer description (for example, "buyer is in a red car") and a timestamp when the buyer arrived for the pickup.
  • OAuth API

    • RevokeToken endpoint. Added a new field called revoke_only_access_token. This field allows a client to revoke an access token but leave the parent authorization active.
    • ObtainToken endpoint. Added a new field called scopes. This field lets a client change the set of permissions for an access token when making a request to refresh the token.
  • Catalog API

    • CatalogQuickAmountsSettings type. Added to support predefined custom payment amounts in the Square Register checkout dialog box.
    • ENUMCatalogItemProductType. The ENUM value GIFT_CARD is now deprecated.
  • Payments API. See Take Payments and Collect Fees for updated information about permission requirements, Square reporting of the application fee collected by an app, and how to collect fees internationally.

Version 3.20200325.0 (2020-03-25)

Existing API updates

  • Payments API. In support of the existing [Delayed capture for payments, the following fields are added to the Payment type:
    • delay_duration. In a CreatePayment request, you can set autocomplete to false to get payment approval but not charge the payment source. You can now add this field to specify a time period to complete (or cancel) the payment. For more information, see [Delay capture
    • delay_action. Defines the action that Square takes on the payment when the delay_duration elapses. In this release, the API supports only the cancel payment action.
    • delayed_until. Provides the date and time on Square servers when Square applies delay_action on the payment.

Version 3.20200226.0 (2020-02-26)

API releases

  • GA release: All SDKs have been updated to support the new Bank Accounts and CashDrawerShifts APIs.

  • Beta release: All SDKs have been updated to support the new Disputes API.

Existing API updates

All SDKs have been updated to support the following changes:

  • Catalog API

    • Batch upsert catalog objects endpoint — The batches field is now required and the array must have at least one element.
    • CatalogModifier — Two fields added:
      • ordinal to support custom ordering in a modifier list
      • modifier_list_id to reference the parent modifier list
    • CatalogModifierList — New field added: ordinal to support custom ordering in a list of CatalogModifierList objects.
  • Customers API changes

    • SearchCustomers endpoint — limit size reduced from 1000 to 100 to improve the endpoint performance.
  • Orders API changes

    • CreateOrderRequest — Previously these request fields were deprecated: line_items, taxes, discounts. These fields are no longer available. Instead you now use the Order object in the request. For example, Order.line_items, Order.taxes, and Order.discounts.
    • OrderLineItem type — There are two changes:
      • The taxes field that was previously deprecated is no longer available. Instead, you now use the OrderLineItem.applied_taxes field. This also now requires that you set the OrderLineItemTax.scope field.
      • The discounts field that was previously deprecated is no longer available. Instead, you now use the OrderLineItem.applied_discounts field. This also now requires that you set the OrderLineItemDiscount.scope field.
  • Shared object updates

    • Card object — New fields added: card_type, prepaid_type. Currently, only the Payments API responses populate these fields.

Version 2.20200122.1 (2020-02-12)

Documentation Changes

  • Minor updates for Payments API descriptions
  • Deprecation & retirement dates added for Transactions API endpoints

Version 2.20200122.0 (2020-01-22)

  • New field: The Employee object now has an is_owner field.

  • New field: The Card enumeration has a new SQUARE_CAPITAL_CARD enum value to support a Square one-time Installments payment.

  • New request body field constraint: The Refund Payment request now required a non-empty string when the payment_id is supplied.

Version 2.3.0-20191217 (2019-12-17)

!!!important Square is excited to announce the public release of customized SDKs for Java and .NET. For more information, see Square SDKs. !!!

  • GA release: SDKs updated to support new receipt_url and receipt_number fields added to the Payment type.

  • Beta release: SDKs updated to support the new CashDrawerShifts API.

  • Square now follows the semantic versioning scheme that uses three numbers to delineate MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH versions of our SDK. In addition, the SDK version also includes the API version so you know what Square API version the SDK is related to. For more information, see Versioning and SDKs.

Version 2.20191120.0 (2019-11-20)

!!!important Square has begun the retirement process for Connect v1 APIs. See the Connect v1 Retirement information page for details. !!!

  • GA releases: SDKs now support the new modify_tax_basis field to Discounts and v2 Sandbox
  • BETA releases: SDKs now support the Shifts API webhooks for Labor shift created, updated, deleted, CreateLocation endpoint, and the ability to customize statement description in Payments API.
  • Deprecated: Support for v1Items API and v1Locations API is fully deprecated.

Version 2.20191023.0 (2019-10-23)

  • GA release: Merchants.ListMerchant is GA for all SDKs.
  • Beta release: All SDKs support new Locations API endpoint, CreateLocation.
  • Beta release: All SDKs support exclusion strategies for pricing rules.

Version 2.20190925.0 (2019-09-25)

  • GA release: All SDKs have been updated to support the new Merchants API.

  • Beta release: All SDKs have been updated to support the new endpoints (RetrieveLocation, UpdateLocation) added to the Locations API.

  • Beta release: All SDKs have been updated to support the new field (mcc) added to the Location type.

  • GA release: All SDKs have been updated to support the new field (bin) added to the Card type.

  • GA release: All SDKs have been updated to support the new CardPaymentDetails fields (verification_results, statement_description, and verification_method).

  • GA release: All SDKs have been updated to support the new Payment field, (employee_id).

Version 2.20190814.2 (2019-08-23)

  • Bug fix: Fixed path parameters for UpdateOrder

Version 2.20190814.1 (2018-08-16)

  • Bug fix: Removed a currentlyunsupported API object type

Version 2.20190814.0 (2019-08-15)

  • New functionality: All SDKs have been updated to support the Sandbox v2 BETA release
  • Deprecated functionality: All Transactions API functionality is deprecated in favor of Payments API and Refunds API functionality.
  • New functionality: All SDKs have been updated to support the Payments API GA.
  • New functionality: All SDKs have been updated to support the Refunds API GA.
  • New functionality: All SDKs have been updated to support Orders API updates:
    • Pickup Fulfillments, SearchOrders, and ServiceCharges move from BETA to GA.
    • New BETA endpoint: Orders.UpdateOrder — use the UpdateOrder endpoint to update existing orders.
    • New BETA functionality: Create shipment-type fulfillments.
  • New functionality: Locations.RetrieveLocation — use the RetrieveLocation endpoint to load details for a specific Location.

Version 2.20190724.0 (2019-07-24)

  • BETA releases:
    • Catalog API: supports item options with datatypes and enums for item options and item option values.

Version 2.20190710.0 (2019-07-10)

  • Retired functionality — The CatalogItem.image_url field (deprecated under Square-Version YYYYMMDD) is retired and no longer included in Connect SDKs.

Version 2.20190612.1 (2019-06-26)

  • Bug fix: Transaction.Charge and Customers.CreateCustomerCard request objects — now include the verification_token required for Strong Customer Authentication.

Version 2.20190612.0 (2019-06-12)

  • BETA releases:
    • Orders API: supports service charges with a new field and datatype.
    • Catalog API: supports measurement unites for item variation quantities with a new field and datatype.
  • New functionality: Order entities — now include a source field that contains details on where the order originated.
  • Improved functionality: ListLocations — Expanded business information available through the Locations API, including business hours, contact email, social media handles, and longitude/latitude for physical locations.

Version 2.20190508.0 (2019-05-08)


  • Beta functionality: Orders API — support for fractional quantities, expanded metadata, and embedded information on payments, refunds, and returns.
  • Beta functionality: Inventory API — support for fractional quantities.
  • New functionality: Locations.business_hours — read-only field with information about the business hours at a particular location.

Version 2.20190410.1 (2019-04-24)


  • New functionality: Employees API (Connect v2) — New fields to capture contact information for employee profiles.
  • New functionality: V1Tender.CardBrand — New V1 enum to represent brand information for credit cars.

Version 2.20190410.0 (2019-04-10)

New features: Orders API beta

  • The Connect v2 Orders object now includes an OrderSource field (source) that encapsulates the origination details of an order.

Improvement: Connect v2 Catalog IDs in Connect v1 objects

  • The following Connect v1 data types now include a v2_id field that makes it easier to link information from Connect v1 endpoints to related Connect v2 Catalog objects:
    • V1Discount
    • V1Fee
    • V1Item
    • V1ModifierList
    • V1ModifierOption
    • V1Variation

Version 2.20190327.1 (2019-03-29)

Bug Fix: Catalog API

  • Add image_id to CatalogObject

Version 2.20190327.0 (2019-03-27)

New features: Catalog API

  • Deprecated image_url field in CatalogItem in favor of a richer CatalogImage data type.
  • Image information is now set, and returned, at the CatalogObject level.

Version 2.20190313.1 (2019-03-21)

Bug Fix: Connect v1

  • Change timecard_id as path parameter for ListTimecardEvents endpoint
  • Change ended_at to string type for V1CashDrawerShift type

Version 2.20190313.0 (2019-03-13)

New API: Labor API

The Labor API now includes functionality that gives a Square account the ability to track and retrieve employee labor hours including multiple hourly wage rates per employee, work shift break tracking, and standardized break templates.

See the Connect v2 Technical Reference.

New API: Employees API

The Employees API includes the ability to list employees for a Square account and retrieve a single employee by ID.

See the Connect v2 Technical Reference.

Improvement: Simplified OAuth access token renewal

The RenewToken endpoint is now deprecated and replaced with new functionality in ObtainToken. ObtainToken now returns a refresh token along with an access token. Refresh tokens are used to renew expired OAuth access tokens.

Version 2.20190213.0 (2019-02-13)

New feature: Order fulfillment BETA

The Orders API now includes beta functionality that supports in-person fulfillment through Square Point of Sale for orders placed online.

Improvement: New CreateOrder request structure

The CreateOrderRequest datatype now groups order details under a single object.

Improvement: CreateOrder requests preserve order-level price adjustment objects

The CreateOrderResponse datatype now retains structure of order-level price adjustments in addition to converting them to scoped, line-item price adjustments. Previously, CreateOrderResponse did not preserve the original order-level price-adjustment objects.

Version 2.20181212.0 (2018-12-12)

Improvement: ListCustomers return set expanded

Requests to the ListCustomers endpoint now returns all available customer profiles. Previously, ListCustomers only returned customer profiles explicitly created through the Customers API or Square Point of Sale.

Version 2.20181205.0 (2018-12-05)

New feature: Idempotent customer profile creation in Connect v2

Requests to the CreateCustomer endpoint now include a idempotency_key field to ensure idempotent creation of new profiles.

New feature: Refund Adjustment fields for Refunds in Connect v1

The Connect SDK now supports refund adjustments for the Connect v1 Refunds API with the addition of multiple new fields in the Refund data type

Version 2.20180918.1 (2018-10-24)

New feature: Support for Partial Payments in Connect v1

The Connect SDK now supports partial payment functionality for the Connect v1 Transactions API with the addition of a new Payment field:

  • Payment.is_partial — Indicates whether or not the payment is only partially paid for. If true, the payment will have the tenders collected so far, but the itemizations will be empty until the payment is completed.

Tender also includes 2 new fields to help resolve timing around payments with multiple tenders. Invoices that involve partial payment (e.g., requiring a deposit) may include tenders settled well before the entire payment is completed:

  • Tender.tendered_at — The time when the tender was accepted by the merchant.
  • Tender.settled_at — The time when the tender was captured, in ISO 8601 format. Typically the same as (or within moments of) tendered_at unless the tender was part of a delay capture transaction.

The change also makes some behavioral changes to the Connect v1 Payment endpoints:

  • Create Refunds rejects requests for invoices that have partial payments pending.
  • List Payments takes a new request field, include_partial to indicate whether partial payments should be included in the response.

Version 2.20180918.0 (2018-09-18)

We have added Connect v2 Inventory API and birthdays in Customer entities.

New API: Inventory API (Connect V2)

The Connect v2 Inventory API replaces the Connect v1 Inventory API and introduces new functionality:

  • Moving item variations quantities through predefined states (e.g., from IN_STOCK to WASTE).
  • Viewing the inventory adjustment history for an item variation.
  • Batch inventory adjustments and information retrieval.

New feature: Customer Birthdays (Connect V2)

  • Customer profiles now include a birthday field. Dates are recorded in RFC-3339 format and can be set through the CreateCustomer and UpdateCustomer endpoints.

Version 2.20180712.2 (2018-08-21)

The Connect SDK now includes functionality for the OAuth API. The Square OAuth API lets applications request and obtain permission from a Square account to make API calls on behalf of that account. Applications can request individual permissions so that users do not need to grant full access to their Square accounts.


  • ObtainToken endpoint — Exchanges the authorization code for an access token. After a merchant authorizes your application with the permissions form, an authorization code is sent to the application's redirect URL (See Implementing OAuth for information about how to set up the redirect URL).

  • RenewToken endpoint — Renews an OAuth access token before it expires. OAuth access tokens besides your application's personal access token expire after 30 days. You can also renew expired tokens within 15 days of their expiration. You cannot renew an access token that has been expired for more than 15 days. Instead, the associated merchant must complete the OAuth flow from the beginning. Important: The Authorization header you provide to this endpoint must have the following format: Authorization: Client APPLICATION_SECRET Replace APPLICATION_SECRET with your application's secret, available from the application dashboard.

  • RevokeToken endpoint — Revokes an access token generated with the OAuth flow. If a merchant has more than one access token for your application, this endpoint revokes all of them, regardless of which token you specify. If you revoke a merchant's access token, all of the merchant's active subscriptions associated with your application are canceled immediately. Important: The Authorization header you provide to this endpoint must have the following format: Authorization: Client APPLICATION_SECRET Replace APPLICATION_SECRET with your application's secret, available from the application dashboard.

Version 2.20180712.1 (2018-08-02)

We have added MobileAuthorization API.

New endpoint: MobileAuthorization API

  • CreateMobileAuthorizationCode endpoint — Generate a mobile authorization code for an instance of your application. Mobile authorization credentials permit an instance of your application to accept payments for a given location using the Square Reader SDK. Mobile authorization codes are one-time-use and expire shortly after being issued.

Version 2.20180712.0 (2018-07-12)

We introduce Square API versions. Square-Version is 2018-07-12 for this SDK.

How versioning works

Square API versions (Square-Version) track changes in the evolution of Connect v2 APIs. The Square-Version naming scheme is YYYY-MM-DD, which indicates the date the version was released. Connect v1 APIs are not versioned. Square continues to support Connect v1, but future releases will focus on improving Connect v2 functionality.

By default, new Square applications are pinned to the version current at the time the application was created in the Square Application Dashboard. Pinning an application sets the default Square-Version for the application. The default Square-Version of an application can be reviewed and updated at any time on the settings pages for the application.

Versioning and SDKs

When a new Square-Version is released, new Connect SDKs are publish on GitHub and various package management systems. SDK updates follow the version convention of the associated language and manager but include the related Square-Version in the SDK version. For example, Connect SDKs tied to version 2018-01-04 might look like {SDK_VERSION}.20180104.{VERSION_INCREMENT}.

While SDK versions can be mapped to a related Square-version, SDK versions follow an independent, incremental versioning scheme to allow updates and improvements to the SDKs outside of Square-Version updates.

Migrating to new versions

In most cases, Square-version migration should be straightforward, with known differences listed in the related Change Log.

To test migrations, developers can override the default Square-Version of an application by explicitly setting the preferred Square-Version in the HTTP header of the Connect v2 API request for REST calls. Requesting an API version that does not exist returns an error. Successful API responses include the Square-Version header to indicate the API version used to process request.

Connect SDK versions are locked to specific API versions and cannot be overwritten. Instead, the SDK must be upgraded to work with new API versions.

Version 2.9.0 (2018-06-28)

We have added search functionality to the Connect v2 Customer API.

New features and Improvements: Customer API (Connect v2)

  • SearchCustomers endpoint — retrieves groups of customer profiles based on a related characteristic. For example, retrieving all customers created in the past 24 hours.
  • creation_source field is now available on Customer entities. The creation source exposes the process that created a customer profile. For example, if a customer is created using the API, the creation source will be THIRD_PARTY.
  • Instant Profiles are now exposed in the following endpoints: RetrieveCustomer, SearchCustomers, UpdateCustomer, DeleteCustomer.

Fixes: Inventory SDK (Connect v1)

  • Fix SDK request property adjustment_type in V1 Adjust Inventory.

Version 2.8.0 (2018-05-24)

We have added sorting functionality to the Connect v2 Customer API, updated the Connect v1 Payments API to include information about surcharges and improvements to the Item data type.

New feature: Customer API (Connect v2)

  • ListCustomers endpoint — now provides the ability to sort customers by their creation date using the sort_field and sort_order parameters.

New features: Payments API (Connect v1)

The Payments API now returns information about surcharges applied to payments. The new functionality introduces the following new data types:

  • SurchargeMoney datatype — The total of all surcharges applied to the payment.
  • Surcharges datatype — A list of all surcharges associated with the payment.
  • Surcharge datatype — A surcharge that is applied to the payment. One example of a surcharge is auto-gratuity, which is a fixed-rate surcharge applied to every payment, often based on party size.

We are constantly evaluating new languages to add. In the meantime, if the language you need is not supported, you can use our [Swagger pipeline](<%= articles__client_libraries_path%>#generatingwithswagger) to generate a custom SDK or continue sending JSON to the endpoint URLs directly.

Improvement: Item (Connect v1)

Item will now provide two new properties:

  • category_id — indicates if an item can be added to pickup orders from the merchant's online store
  • available_for_pickup — indicates the item's category (if any).

Version 2.7.0 (2018-04-26)

New features: Transactions API and Payments API

The Transactions API in Connect v2 now includes payment and refund information from exchanges.

  • ListTransactions now includes payment information from sales and exchanges and refund information from returns and exchanges.
  • ListRefunds now includes refunds that result from exchanges in addition to partial refunds and itemized returns through Square's Point of Sale applications.

The Payments API in Connect v1 now includes payment and refund information from exchanges.

  • ListPayments now includes refunds that are generated from exchanges to account for the value of returned goods.
  • ListRefunds now returns an approximate number of refunds (default: 100, max: 200). The response may contain more results than the prescribed limit when refunds are made simultaneously to multiple tenders in a payment or when refunds are generated from exchanges to account for the value of returned goods.
  • is_exchange is added to V1Refund and V1Tender. Refunds and tenders marked in this way represent the value of returned goods in an exchange, rather than actual money movement.

Version 2.6.1 (2018-03-28)

  • Updates user-agent header

Version 2.6.0 (2018-03-27)

Improvements: Orders API

  • BatchRetrieveOrders will now return uncharged orders.

New features: Orders API

  • For Catalog-backed line items, setting CreateOrderRequestLineItem.base_price_money will now override the catalog item variation's price.
  • CreateOrderRequestModifiers may now be created ad hoc using the new name and base_price_money fields.

Version 2.5.5 (2018-01-06)

  • OTHER enum value is added to Type on V1SettlementEntry

Version 2.5.2 (2017-11-12)

  • Initial release