diff --git a/_data/vandv.yml b/_data/vandv.yml
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--- a/_data/vandv.yml
+++ b/_data/vandv.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
- swbli
- LM_transition
-- title: Incompressbile Flow
+- title: Incompressible Flow
- SANDIA_jet
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_docs_v7/Markers-and-BC.md b/_docs_v7/Markers-and-BC.md
index d4c925ec..f4edb12f 100755
--- a/_docs_v7/Markers-and-BC.md
+++ b/_docs_v7/Markers-and-BC.md
@@ -131,18 +131,24 @@ MARKER_FAR= (farfield)
| --- | --- |
| `RANS`, `INC_RANS`, | 7.3.0 |
-The turbulence boundary conditions do not have a `MARKER_` keyword for the SA Turbulence model but can instead be set for inlet and freestream boundaries using the keyword:
+The turbulence boundary conditions have a `MARKER_INLET_TURBULENT` keyword for the Turbulence models. For the SA turbulence model, ratio of turbulent to laminar viscosity can be provided at each inlet as follows:
+MARKER_INLET_TURBULENT= (inlet_marker1, NuFactor1, inlet_marker2, NuFactor2, ...)
+If 'MARKER_INLET_TURBULENT' is not provided in the .cfg file, SU2 will filled up the markers with the freestream option:
-Conversely, for the SST turbulence model, it is possible to provide a 'MARKER_INLET' where turbulence intensity and turbulent-to-laminar ratio can be provided at each inlet as follows:
+Similarly, for the SST turbulence model, turbulence intensity and turbulent-to-laminar ratio can be provided at each inlet as follows:
-If 'MARKER_INLET_TURBULENT' are not provided in the .cfg file, SU2 will filled up the markers with the freestream options:
+If 'MARKER_INLET_TURBULENT' is not provided in the .cfg file, SU2 will filled up the markers with the freestream options:
diff --git a/_tutorials/incompressible_flow/Inc_Species_Transport_Composition_Dependent_Model/Inc_Species_Transport_Composition_Dependent_Model.md b/_tutorials/incompressible_flow/Inc_Species_Transport_Composition_Dependent_Model/Inc_Species_Transport_Composition_Dependent_Model.md
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--- a/_tutorials/incompressible_flow/Inc_Species_Transport_Composition_Dependent_Model/Inc_Species_Transport_Composition_Dependent_Model.md
+++ b/_tutorials/incompressible_flow/Inc_Species_Transport_Composition_Dependent_Model/Inc_Species_Transport_Composition_Dependent_Model.md
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ MU_CONSTANT= 1.1102E-05, 1.8551E-05
-The Species transport is switched on by setting `KIND_SCALAR_MODEL= SPECIES_TRANSPORT`. For the mass diffusivity, the following models are available `DIFFUSIVITY_MODEL= CONSTANT_DIFFUSIVITY, CONSTANT_SCHMIDT, UNITY_LEWIS, CONSTANT_LEWIS` , where `CONSTANT_DIFFUSIVITY` is the default model. For the first two, a constant value must be specified in the.cfg file for all species, as it is done in the species transport tutorial [Inc_Species_Transport](/tutorials/Inc_Species_Transport/). For the UNITY_LEWIS, no values must be provided because the diffusivity is computed using the mixture thermal conductivity, density and heat capacity at constant pressure; for more information, please see $^{3}$. For highly diffusive gases, such as hydrogen, the `CONSTANT_LEWIS` option could be used. For this option, the Lewis numbers of the N-1 species for which a transport equation is being solved must be provided as a list using the option `CONSTANT_LEWIS_NUMBER= Le_1, Le_2, ..., Le_N_1`. Finally, for turbulent simulations, the turbulent diffusivity is computed based on the `SCHMIDT_NUMBER_TURBULENT`. For reference, please consult [the respective theory](/docs_v7/Theory/#species-transport).
+The Species transport is switched on by setting `KIND_SCALAR_MODEL= SPECIES_TRANSPORT`. For the mass diffusivity, the following models are available `DIFFUSIVITY_MODEL= CONSTANT_DIFFUSIVITY, CONSTANT_SCHMIDT, UNITY_LEWIS, CONSTANT_LEWIS` , where `CONSTANT_DIFFUSIVITY` is the default model. For the first two, a constant value must be specified in the.cfg file for all species, as it is done in the species transport tutorial [Inc_Species_Transport](/tutorials/Inc_Species_Transport/). For the UNITY_LEWIS, no values must be provided because the diffusivity is computed using the mixture thermal conductivity, density and heat capacity at constant pressure; for more information, please see $$^{3}$$. For highly diffusive gases, such as hydrogen, the `CONSTANT_LEWIS` option could be used. For this option, the Lewis numbers of the N-1 species for which a transport equation is being solved must be provided as a list using the option `CONSTANT_LEWIS_NUMBER= Le_1, Le_2, ..., Le_N_1`. Finally, for turbulent simulations, the turbulent diffusivity is computed based on the `SCHMIDT_NUMBER_TURBULENT`. For reference, please consult [the respective theory](/docs_v7/Theory/#species-transport).
Finally, for the SST model, it is possible to provide the intensity and turbulent-to-laminar viscosity ratios per inlet. For this option, we use the following structure: `MARKER_INLET_TURBULENT= (inlet_1, TurbIntensity_1, TurbLamViscRatio_1, inlet_2, TurbIntensity_2, TurbLamViscRatio_2, ...)`.
-As final remarks, the option `SPECIES_USE_STRONG_BC` is advised to be set to `NO` when the convective scheme for species and turbulent are `CONV_NUM_METHOD_SPECIES= BOUNDED_SCALAR` and `CONV_NUM_METHOD_TURB= BOUNDED_SCALAR`, respectively. When `SCALAR_UPWIND` is used in both cases, the `SPECIES_USE_STRONG_BC` is advised to be switched to `YES` to enforce boundary conditions and improve convergence for this convective scheme. The convective scheme `BOUNDED_SCALAR` will be further explained in the section [Convective-Schemes](/docs_v7/Convective-Schemes/).
+As final remarks, the option `MARKER_SPECIES_STRONG_BC` is advised to not to be used when the convective scheme for species and turbulent are `CONV_NUM_METHOD_SPECIES= BOUNDED_SCALAR` and `CONV_NUM_METHOD_TURB= BOUNDED_SCALAR`, respectively. When `SCALAR_UPWIND` is used in both cases, the `MARKER_SPECIES_STRONG_BC` is advised to be used to enforce boundary conditions and improve convergence for this convective scheme. This can be used with the following structure `MARKER_SPECIES_STRONG_BC= (marker1, marker2, ....)`. The convective scheme `BOUNDED_SCALAR` will be further explained in the section [Convective-Schemes](/docs_v7/Convective-Schemes/).
Likewise, `SPECIES_CLIPPING= NO` is only recommended when the option `SCALAR_UPWIND` is used. The option `BOUNDED_SCALAR` performs well without using the clipping option.
@@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ SPECIFIED_INLET_PROFILE= NO
MARKER_INLET= ( inlet_gas, 300, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, inlet_air, 300, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 )
MARKER_INLET_SPECIES= (inlet_gas, 1.0, inlet_air, 0.0 )
MARKER_INLET_TURBULENT= (inlet_gas, 0.05, 10, inlet_air, 0.05, 10)
diff --git a/_vandv/SANDIA_jet.md b/_vandv/SANDIA_jet.md
index 108d2f93..7c15ebe1 100644
--- a/_vandv/SANDIA_jet.md
+++ b/_vandv/SANDIA_jet.md
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ permalink: /vandv/SANDIA_jet/
| `INC_RANS` | 7.5.0 | Sem Bosmans |
-The details of the 2D Axisymmetric, Nonpremixed, Nonreacting, Variable Density, Turbulent Jet Flow are taken from [Sandia National Laboratories database](https://tnfworkshop.org/data-archives/simplejet/propanejet/)$$^{1},^{2}$$.
+The details of the 2D Axisymmetric, Nonpremixed, Nonreacting, Variable Density, Turbulent Jet Flow are taken from [Sandia National Laboratories database](https://tnfworkshop.org/data-archives/simplejet/propanejet) $$^{1},^{2}$$.
-By comparing the results of SU2 simulations case against the experimental data, as well as OpenFOAM simulation results $$^{3}$$ (and MFSim $$^{4}$$), we can build a high degree of confidence that the composition-dependent model is implemented correctly in combination with the SST turbulence model. Therefore, the goal of this case is to validate the implementation of the composition-dependent model in SU2.
+By comparing the results of SU2 simulations case against the experimental data, as well as OpenFOAM simulation results $$^{3}$$ (and MFSim $$^{4}$$), we can build a high degree of confidence that the composition-dependent model is implemented correctly in combination with the SST turbulence model. Therefore, the goal of this case is to validate the implementation of the composition-dependent model in SU2.
## Problem Setup
The problem consists of a turbulent propane jet mixing into coflowing air. The schematic overview of this problem is given in the figure below:
@@ -137,8 +137,7 @@ The comparisons in the figures demonstrate good agreement with the experimental
@@ -147,7 +146,6 @@ density range across the domain, which can partly explain the differences betwee
### References
$$^{1}$$ R.W. Schefer, "Data Base for a Turbulent, Nonpremixed, Nonreacting, Propane-Jet Flow", tech. rep., Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, 2001.
$$^{2}$$ R.W. Schefer, F.C. Gouldin, S.C. Johnson and W. Kollmann, "Nonreacting Turbulent Mixing Flows", tech. rep., Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, 1986.
diff --git a/_vandv/index.md b/_vandv/index.md
index 15ed7f9a..eba73388 100644
--- a/_vandv/index.md
+++ b/_vandv/index.md
@@ -31,3 +31,8 @@ Results for the 30p30n airfoil, mesh independence study at low angle-of-attack,
Comparison of grid-converged results with experimental data. SA and SST turbulence models.
* [2D Flat Plate (T3A & T3A-) for Langtry and Menter transition model](/vandv/LM_transition/)
Comparison of grid-converged results with results of another solver and experimental data.
+#### Incompressible Flow
+* [2D Axisymmetric, Nonpremixed, Nonreacting, Variable Density, Turbulent Jet Flow](/vandv/SANDIA_jet/)
+Comparison of grid-converged results with experimental data and other solvers for the Species Transport and Composition-Dependent model.