Use the rules below in the rules
block of your .swift-format
configuration file, as described in
Configuration. All of these rules can be
applied in the linter, but only some of them can format your source code
Here's the list of available rules:
- AllPublicDeclarationsHaveDocumentation
- AlwaysUseLiteralForEmptyCollectionInit
- AlwaysUseLowerCamelCase
- AmbiguousTrailingClosureOverload
- AvoidRetroactiveConformances
- BeginDocumentationCommentWithOneLineSummary
- DoNotUseSemicolons
- DontRepeatTypeInStaticProperties
- FileScopedDeclarationPrivacy
- FullyIndirectEnum
- GroupNumericLiterals
- IdentifiersMustBeASCII
- NeverForceUnwrap
- NeverUseForceTry
- NeverUseImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionals
- NoAccessLevelOnExtensionDeclaration
- NoAssignmentInExpressions
- NoBlockComments
- NoCasesWithOnlyFallthrough
- NoEmptyLinesOpeningClosingBraces
- NoEmptyTrailingClosureParentheses
- NoLabelsInCasePatterns
- NoLeadingUnderscores
- NoParensAroundConditions
- NoPlaygroundLiterals
- NoVoidReturnOnFunctionSignature
- OmitExplicitReturns
- OneCasePerLine
- OneVariableDeclarationPerLine
- OnlyOneTrailingClosureArgument
- OrderedImports
- ReplaceForEachWithForLoop
- ReturnVoidInsteadOfEmptyTuple
- TypeNamesShouldBeCapitalized
- UseEarlyExits
- UseExplicitNilCheckInConditions
- UseLetInEveryBoundCaseVariable
- UseShorthandTypeNames
- UseSingleLinePropertyGetter
- UseSynthesizedInitializer
- UseTripleSlashForDocumentationComments
- UseWhereClausesInForLoops
- ValidateDocumentationComments
All public or open declarations must have a top-level documentation comment.
Lint: If a public declaration is missing a documentation comment, a lint error is raised.
is a linter-only rule.
Never use [<Type>]()
syntax. In call sites that should be replaced with []
for initializations use explicit type combined with empty array literal let _: [<Type>] = []
Static properties of a type that return that type should not include a reference to their type.
Lint: Non-literal empty array initialization will yield a lint error. Format: All invalid use sites would be related with empty literal (with or without explicit type annotation).
rule can format your code automatically.
All values should be written in lower camel-case (lowerCamelCase
Underscores (except at the beginning of an identifier) are disallowed.
This rule does not apply to test code, defined as code which:
- Contains the line
import XCTest
- The function is marked with
Lint: If an identifier contains underscores or begins with a capital letter, a lint error is raised.
is a linter-only rule.
Overloads with only a closure argument should not be disambiguated by parameter labels.
Lint: If two overloaded functions with one closure parameter appear in the same scope, a lint error is raised.
is a linter-only rule.
conformances are forbidden.
Lint: Using @retroactive
results in a lint error.
is a linter-only rule.
All documentation comments must begin with a one-line summary of the declaration.
Lint: If a comment does not begin with a single-line summary, a lint error is raised.
is a linter-only rule.
Semicolons should not be present in Swift code.
Lint: If a semicolon appears anywhere, a lint error is raised.
Format: All semicolons will be replaced with line breaks.
rule can format your code automatically.
Static properties of a type that return that type should not include a reference to their type.
"Reference to their type" means that the property name includes part, or all, of the type. If
the type contains a namespace (i.e. UIColor
) the namespace is ignored;
public class var redColor: UIColor
would trigger this rule.
Lint: Static properties of a type that return that type will yield a lint error.
is a linter-only rule.
Declarations at file scope with effective private access should be consistently declared as
either fileprivate
or private
, determined by configuration.
Lint: If a file-scoped declaration has formal access opposite to the desired access level in the formatter's configuration, a lint error is raised.
Format: File-scoped declarations that have formal access opposite to the desired access level in the formatter's configuration will have their access level changed.
rule can format your code automatically.
If all cases of an enum are indirect
, the entire enum should be marked indirect
Lint: If every case of an enum is indirect
, but the enum itself is not, a lint error is
Format: Enums where all cases are indirect
will be rewritten such that the enum is marked
, and each case is not.
rule can format your code automatically.
Numeric literals should be grouped with _
s to delimit common separators.
Specifically, decimal numeric literals should be grouped every 3 numbers, hexadecimal every 4, and binary every 8.
Lint: If a numeric literal is too long and should be grouped, a lint error is raised.
Format: All numeric literals that should be grouped will have _
s inserted where appropriate.
TODO: Minimum numeric literal length bounds and numeric groupings have been selected arbitrarily; these could be reevaluated. TODO: Handle floating point literals.
rule can format your code automatically.
All identifiers must be ASCII.
Lint: If an identifier contains non-ASCII characters, a lint error is raised.
is a linter-only rule.
Force-unwraps are strongly discouraged and must be documented.
This rule does not apply to test code, defined as code which:
- Contains the line
import XCTest
- The function is marked with
Lint: If a force unwrap is used, a lint warning is raised.
is a linter-only rule.
Force-try (try!
) is forbidden.
This rule does not apply to test code, defined as code which:
- Contains the line
import XCTest
- The function is marked with
Lint: Using try!
results in a lint error.
TODO: Create exception for NSRegularExpression
is a linter-only rule.
Implicitly unwrapped optionals (e.g. var s: String!
) are forbidden.
Certain properties (e.g. @IBOutlet
) tied to the UI lifecycle are ignored.
This rule does not apply to test code, defined as code which:
- Contains the line
import XCTest
- The function is marked with
TODO: Create exceptions for other UI elements (ex: viewDidLoad)
Lint: Declaring a property with an implicitly unwrapped type yields a lint error.
is a linter-only rule.
Specifying an access level for an extension declaration is forbidden.
Lint: Specifying an access level for an extension declaration yields a lint error.
Format: The access level is removed from the extension declaration and is added to each
declaration in the extension; declarations with redundant access levels (e.g.
, as that is the default access level) have the explicit access level removed.
rule can format your code automatically.
Assignment expressions must be their own statements.
Assignment should not be used in an expression context that expects a Void
value. For example,
assigning a variable within a return
statement exiting a Void
function is prohibited.
Lint: If an assignment expression is found in a position other than a standalone statement, a lint finding is emitted.
Format: A return
statement containing an assignment expression is expanded into two separate
rule can format your code automatically.
Block comments should be avoided in favor of line comments.
Lint: If a block comment appears, a lint error is raised.
is a linter-only rule.
Cases that contain only the fallthrough
statement are forbidden.
Lint: Cases containing only the fallthrough
statement yield a lint error.
Format: The fallthrough case
is added as a prefix to the next case unless the next case is
; in that case, the fallthrough case
is deleted.
rule can format your code automatically.
Empty lines are forbidden after opening braces and before closing braces.
Lint: Empty lines after opening braces and before closing braces yield a lint error.
Format: Empty lines after opening braces and before closing braces will be removed.
rule can format your code automatically.
Function calls with no arguments and a trailing closure should not have empty parentheses.
Lint: If a function call with a trailing closure has an empty argument list with parentheses, a lint error is raised.
Format: Empty parentheses in function calls with trailing closures will be removed.
rule can format your code automatically.
Redundant labels are forbidden in case patterns.
In practice, all case pattern labels should be redundant.
Lint: Using a label in a case statement yields a lint error unless the label does not match the binding identifier.
Format: Redundant labels in case patterns are removed.
rule can format your code automatically.
Identifiers in declarations and patterns should not have leading underscores.
This is intended to avoid certain antipatterns; self.member = member
should be preferred to
member = _member
and the leading underscore should not be used to signal access level.
This rule intentionally checks only the parameter variable names of a function declaration, not the parameter labels. It also only checks identifiers at the declaration site, not at usage sites.
Lint: Declaring an identifier with a leading underscore yields a lint error.
is a linter-only rule.
Enforces rules around parentheses in conditions or matched expressions.
Parentheses are not used around any condition of an if
, guard
, or while
statement, or
around the matched expression in a switch
Lint: If a top-most expression in a switch
, if
, guard
, or while
statement is surrounded
by parentheses, and it does not include a function call with a trailing closure, a lint
error is raised.
Format: Parentheses around such expressions are removed, if they do not cause a parse ambiguity. Specifically, parentheses are allowed if and only if the expression contains a function call with a trailing closure.
rule can format your code automatically.
The playground literals (#colorLiteral
, #fileLiteral
, and #imageLiteral
) are forbidden.
Lint: Using a playground literal will yield a lint error with a suggestion of an API to replace it.
is a linter-only rule.
Functions that return ()
or Void
should omit the return signature.
Lint: Function declarations that explicitly return ()
or Void
will yield a lint error.
Format: Function declarations with explicit returns of ()
or Void
will have their return
signature stripped.
rule can format your code automatically.
Single-expression functions, closures, subscripts can omit return
Lint: func <name>() { return ... }
and similar single expression constructs will yield a lint error.
Format: func <name>() { return ... }
constructs will be replaced with
equivalent func <name>() { ... }
rule can format your code automatically.
Each enum case with associated values or a raw value should appear in its own case declaration.
Lint: If a single case
declaration declares multiple cases, and any of them have associated
values or raw values, a lint error is raised.
Format: All case declarations with associated values or raw values will be moved to their own case declarations.
rule can format your code automatically.
Each variable declaration, with the exception of tuple destructuring, should declare 1 variable.
Lint: If a variable declaration declares multiple variables, a lint error is raised.
Format: If a variable declaration declares multiple variables, it will be split into multiple declarations, each declaring one of the variables, as long as the result would still be syntactically valid.
rule can format your code automatically.
Function calls should never mix normal closure arguments and trailing closures.
Lint: If a function call with a trailing closure also contains a non-trailing closure argument, a lint error is raised.
is a linter-only rule.
Imports must be lexicographically ordered and logically grouped at the top of each source file. The order of the import groups is 1) regular imports, 2) declaration imports, and 3) @testable imports. These groups are separated by a single blank line. Blank lines in between the import declarations are removed.
Lint: If an import appears anywhere other than the beginning of the file it resides in, not lexicographically ordered, or not in the appropriate import group, a lint error is raised.
Format: Imports will be reordered and grouped at the top of the file.
rule can format your code automatically.
Replace forEach
with for-in
loop unless its argument is a function reference.
Lint: invalid use of forEach
yield will yield a lint error.
is a linter-only rule.
Return Void
, not ()
, in signatures.
Note that this rule does not apply to function declaration signatures in order to avoid
conflicting with NoVoidReturnOnFunctionSignature
Lint: Returning ()
in a signature yields a lint error.
Format: -> ()
is replaced with -> Void
rule can format your code automatically.
, class
, enum
and protocol
declarations should have a capitalized name.
Lint: Types with un-capitalized names will yield a lint error.
is a linter-only rule.
Early exits should be used whenever possible.
This means that if ... else { return/throw/break/continue }
constructs should be replaced by
guard ... else { return/throw/break/continue }
constructs in order to keep indentation levels
low. Specifically, code of the following form:
if condition {
} else {
will be transformed into:
guard condition else {
Lint: if ... else { return/throw/break/continue }
constructs will yield a lint error.
Format: if ... else { return/throw/break/continue }
constructs will be replaced with
equivalent guard ... else { return/throw/break/continue }
rule can format your code automatically.
When checking an optional value for nil
-ness, prefer writing an explicit nil
check rather
than binding and immediately discarding the value.
For example, if let _ = someValue { ... }
is forbidden. Use if someValue != nil { ... }
Lint: let _ = expr
inside a condition list will yield a lint error.
Format: let _ = expr
inside a condition list will be replaced by expr != nil
rule can format your code automatically.
Every variable bound in a case
pattern must have its own let/var
For example, case let .identifier(x, y)
is forbidden. Use
case .identifier(let x, let y)
Lint: case let .identifier(...)
will yield a lint error.
Format: case let .identifier(x, y)
will be replaced by
case .identifier(let x, let y)
rule can format your code automatically.
Shorthand type forms must be used wherever possible.
Lint: Using a non-shorthand form (e.g. Array<Element>
) yields a lint error unless the long
form is necessary (e.g. Array<Element>.Index
cannot be shortened today.)
Format: Where possible, shorthand types replace long form types; e.g. Array<Element>
converted to [Element]
rule can format your code automatically.
Read-only computed properties must use implicit get
Lint: Read-only computed properties with explicit get
blocks yield a lint error.
Format: Explicit get
blocks are rendered implicit by removing the get
rule can format your code automatically.
When possible, the synthesized struct
initializer should be used.
This means the creation of a (non-public) memberwise initializer with the same structure as the synthesized initializer is forbidden.
Lint: (Non-public) memberwise initializers with the same structure as the synthesized initializer will yield a lint error.
is a linter-only rule.
Documentation comments must use the ///
This is similar to NoBlockComments
but is meant to prevent documentation block comments.
Lint: If a doc block comment appears, a lint error is raised.
Format: If a doc block comment appears on its own on a line, or if a doc block comment spans multiple lines without appearing on the same line as code, it will be replaced with multiple doc line comments.
rule can format your code automatically.
loops that consist of a single if
statement must use where
clauses instead.
Lint: for
loops that consist of a single if
statement yield a lint error.
Format: for
loops that consist of a single if
statement have the conditional of that
statement factored out to a where
rule can format your code automatically.
Documentation comments must be complete and valid.
"Command + Option + /" in Xcode produces a minimal valid documentation comment.
Lint: Documentation comments that are incomplete (e.g. missing parameter documentation) or
invalid (uses Parameters
when there is only one parameter) will yield a lint error.
is a linter-only rule.