- Reverted default font due source-in-use issue
- Added feature to use es-theme-knulli's font if exists
- Fixed an issue which causes loop of code after updated theme
- Fixed an issue which causes wrong version comparing
- Fixed an issue which causes loop of code after updated theme
- Added some strings
- Message display times have been shortened
- Fixed some strings
- Fixed an issue which causes wrong version comparing
- Changed versioning system
- Added machine-id check mechanism for beta users
- Fixed an issue which causes wrong version comparing
- Removed looping messages
- Fixed some strings
- Fixed an issue about wrong version selection when theme not installed yet
- Changed update URL's. So no need to create releases anymore
- Changed remote version check URL's for different branches (main or beta)
- Beta branch added to es-theme-knulli
- Removed releases from es-theme-knulli's Github page
- Removed unnecassary beta.version
- Edited some strings
- Changed UI and font sizes
- Added restart UI feature when theme is updated
- For moving script from pygame to tools, created the sh script
- Fixed script update path with latest changes
- Fixed an issue which causes not update theme when pre-installed
- batocera-save-overlay runs only when theme is pre-installed
- Modified some variable labels
- Modified some strings
- Fixed some serious issues
- Modified a lot of strings due giving right infos to user
- Added theme beta updater feature
- Rewritten from scratch
- Removed some duplicated messages
- Fixed an issue which causes not update theme when pre-installed and installed to userspace
- Added show installed theme version string
- Font size enlarged
- Fixed not update theme when it is pre-installed issue
- Added theme beta update feature
- Fixed issues about when the theme installed from batocera servers (from ES settings)
- Fixed not saving new update when theme pre-installed by Knulli
- Added checking theme installation directory and now updates bot user-installed or pre-installed variants
- Cleaning old theme files before updating theme
- Fixed a bug in tools self-update feature which causes downgrading tool
- Text messages centered to screen
- Updated for es-theme-knulli 1.7.0 and future updates
- Added self-update feature to tool
- Added changelog to github repo