Releases: tagspaces/tagspaces
Releases · tagspaces/tagspaces
- Added new perspective(ImageSwiper) for browsing of photos and image
- Separating all the extension in separate modules/repositories, so they can be now easily extended by advanced users
- Adding support for search in subfolders for the webdav and chrome versions
- Improving general stability, by migration of IO-APIs to promises
- Script for generation of image thumbnails added
- Fixed loading of directory tag groups
- Fixed collect renamed tags issue #372
- Fixed creating multiple taggroups #367
- Fixed the opening of the containing folder of a file from the search result 374
- Correcting the export of the tag groups
- Loading thumbnails finding the thumbnail path if available
- Allow printing of images in the webdav version
- Load tag groups from last opened location meta data
- Almost all modal dialogs can now be moved with the mouse
- Enabling loading of meta data in non-PRO version
- Correcting the opening of external links
- Hosting the current jsdoc of the application on
Knowns issues:
The Firefox addon is currently largely untested...
- New perspective for image viewing added (perspectiveImageSwiper)
- Separating all the extension in separate modules/repositories, so they can be now more easily extended by developers
- Migration of IO-APIs for all platforms to promises
- Adding deep search (search in subfolders) for the webdav and chrome versions
- Improving general stability
- Bugfixes
Bug fixing release
- Fixing loading of thumbnails in grid perspective
- Optimizing perspective loading
- Fixing opening of links in externals programs
- Fixing loading of embedded images with relative path
- Making selected files in the grid perspective more visible
- Updated translations
- Various bug fixes
- redesign of the user interface using material paradigms
- using flexbox for performance optimization of the user interface
- show file names in delete confirmation message
- adding noty as a notification framework for the project, showing messages for failed operations
- confirming the rename file, create tag, create tag group, edit tag group, create and rename directory dialogs with enter key
- support opening of files in fullscreen
- adding fx-extra node module. solving the issue with moving files over different partitions in the Windows, Linux and Mac apps
- cleaning search results count on location close
- adding initial getting started tour with the hopscotch library
- making the tag group title also collapse and persist the tag groups
- adding a default viewer for the EPUB files
- single click opens files in grid perspective
- save collapsed state of tag groups
- rearranging file opener button toolbar, exchanging icons
- added default startup location functionality
- redesigning the viewerHTML and viewerMD extensions
- fixing issue with opening files from command line
- fixing issue with start in portable mode
- added key binding
for the search functionality - added key binding
for selecting all files - adding badges for order of steps in the web clippers
- adding confirm dialog for deleting perspective and file types in the settings
- disabling directory watcher in native apps, due to performance issue
- added Korean and Indonesian
- integrating of the rendering engine crosswalk(chromium) for supporting older android devices with SDK 4.1
- exchanging the pdf.js lib with a newer version
- enabling back button on android
- Added new audio/video player extension based on library
- Added new viewer for EPUB files
- Added new viewer for ZIP files
- Hungarian and Chinese Taiwan (big5) languages added
- Scrolling to bottom of the settings after adding new file type
- Fixing drag and drop issue for smart tags
- Directory watcher implemented for node webkit
- Import tagGroups from settings
- Added a web clipper for the Firefox
- Added a an Android widget allowing to take photos and create notes directly from desktop
- Fixing stopping of the playback of audio and video files after closing them #251
- The settings of the Android app are now saved in a file in the app folder
- Fixing issue with not recognizing folder on some webdav servers
- adding korean, greek, catalan, czech, swedish, turkish and dutch translations
- add a new system tag group collecting all new applied tags
- added delete selected files functionality to the list and grid perspectives
- adding generating thumbs for pdf, bmp, webp and svg files in grid perspective
- added import tag groups functionality
- internationalizing the UI of the chrome extension
- reimplementing loading animation
- adding confirmation on the app closing by unsaved changes on the currently opened file
- fixing drag and drop issue of tags from files to tag groups
- exchanging pdf.js with a newer version, moving it as core lib
- improving code quality by adding jshint and jscs to the project
- clearing search results on directory change
- adding handler for the add file button
- adding title editing to the web scrapping function
- correcting binding of fastclick lib
- disabling the support of AVI files in the default settings #242
- Supporting adding of files on Android and the WebDAV edition
- Fixing issue in the search
- Fixing adding existing files in the native version #187
- Fixing broken following of symlinks
- Fixing doubling the main menu #193
- Fixing not loading of external json with tag groups on windows
- Enabling strikeout of text in HTML editor on Android
- Persisting sort order in list perspective #165
- Enable setting of the language throught url parameter
- Updating translations