The repo is
Just Open an Issue and write your question.
Anything means anything.
- Tech
- Career choices
- Money,
- Life choices,
- Philosophy.
Anything I can help you with or picques your interest.
Keep in mind that it should not be unethical.
It should not be a consulting arrangement. If you're looking for a consultant ping me on Linkedin.
Not be a stackoverflow question. You are getting an error in a program and you need me to look into it. Please ask such questions on
stackoverflow, if it's a general programming question.
or metastartup-fb group, if it's a question related to my youtube video courses,
or web developers family group, if it's a general web dev related question where I routinely answer such questions.
I'll try my best but understand that I have a full time job and I'm doing this to help as many people as possible. But I have my limits. Any time I spend answering questions is the time I am taking away from my personal learning or my beautiful family. In short, be patient and empathetic. And you can help!
There are many ways you can help me do this better:
- Search before raising an issue. See if the question you have is already there or not.
- Vote on questions you like or want to be answered first. Likes or any positive emoji will act as a vote.
- Most important! Ask generic questions, which would be helpful to a lot more people. I'll spend most time on questions which shows potential.
Engineer at Microsoft. Rewriting and revamping Microsoft's fastest growing app: Microsoft Teams. Works on React, Typescript, Redux, NodeJS, Apollo and GraphQL day in and out. Crazy about web performance! Checkout for more. I write blogs, give talks at meetups, speak at conferences and teach newbies on Youtube. I keep on learning new stuff from internet, work and life, simplify it and pay it forward!
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so connect with me on the social media tool of your choosing.