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Logical Replication

PostgreSQL extends its replication capabilities beyond physical replication, which operates at the level of exact block addresses and byte-by-byte copying, by offering logical replication. Logical replication replicates data objects and their changes based on a defined replication identity, typically the primary key.

Logical replication uses a publish-and-subscribe model, where subscribers connect to publications on a publisher node. Subscribers pull data changes from these publications and can re-publish them, enabling cascading replication and complex topologies.

This flexible model is particularly useful for:

  • Online data migrations
  • Live PostgreSQL version upgrades
  • Data distribution across systems
  • Real-time analytics
  • Integration with external applications

!!! Info For more details, examples, and limitations, please refer to the official PostgreSQL documentation on Logical Replication.

CloudNativePG enhances this capability by providing declarative support for key PostgreSQL logical replication objects:

  • Publications via the Publication resource
  • Subscriptions via the Subscription resource


In PostgreSQL's publish-and-subscribe replication model, a publication is the source of data changes. It acts as a logical container for the change sets (also known as replication sets) generated from one or more tables within a database. Publications can be defined on any PostgreSQL 10+ instance acting as the publisher, including instances managed by popular DBaaS solutions in the public cloud. Each publication is tied to a single database and provides fine-grained control over which tables and changes are replicated.

For publishers outside Kubernetes, you can create publications using SQL or leverage the cnpg publication create plugin command.

When managing Cluster objects with CloudNativePG, PostgreSQL publications can be defined declaratively through the Publication resource.

!!! Info Please refer to the API reference for the full list of attributes you can define for each Publication object.

Suppose you have a cluster named freddie and want to replicate all tables in the app database. Here's a Publication manifest:

kind: Publication
  name: freddie-publisher
    name: freddie
  dbname: app
  name: publisher
    allTables: true

In the above example:

  • The publication object is named freddie-publisher (
  • The publication is created via the primary of the freddie cluster ( with name publisher (
  • It includes all tables ( true) from the app database (spec.dbname).

!!! Important While allTables simplifies configuration, PostgreSQL offers fine-grained control for replicating specific tables or targeted data changes. For advanced configurations, consult the PostgreSQL documentation. Additionally, refer to the CloudNativePG API reference for details on declaratively customizing replication targets.

Required Fields in the Publication Manifest

The following fields are required for a Publication object:

  • Unique name for the Kubernetes Publication object.
  • Name of the PostgreSQL cluster.
  • spec.dbname: Database name where the publication is created.
  • Publication name in PostgreSQL.
  • Specifies the tables or changes to include in the publication.

The Publication object must reference a specific Cluster, determining where the publication will be created. It is managed by the cluster's primary instance, ensuring the publication is created or updated as needed.

Reconciliation and Status

After creating a Publication, CloudNativePG manages it on the primary instance of the specified cluster. Following a successful reconciliation cycle, the Publication status will reflect the following:

  • applied: true, indicates the configuration has been successfully applied.
  • observedGeneration matches metadata.generation, confirming the applied configuration corresponds to the most recent changes.

If an error occurs during reconciliation, status.applied will be false, and an error message will be included in the status.message field.

Removing a publication

The publicationReclaimPolicy field controls the behavior when deleting a Publication object:

  • retain (default): Leaves the publication in PostgreSQL for manual management.
  • delete: Automatically removes the publication from PostgreSQL.

Consider the following example:

kind: Publication
  name: freddie-publisher
    name: freddie
  dbname: app
  name: publisher
    allTables: true
  publicationReclaimPolicy: delete

In this case, deleting the Publication object also removes the publisher publication from the app database of the freddie cluster.


In PostgreSQL's publish-and-subscribe replication model, a subscription represents the downstream component that consumes data changes. A subscription establishes the connection to a publisher's database and specifies the set of publications (one or more) it subscribes to. Subscriptions can be created on any supported PostgreSQL instance acting as the subscriber.

!!! Important Since schema definitions are not replicated, the subscriber must have the corresponding tables already defined before data replication begins.

CloudNativePG simplifies subscription management by enabling you to define them declaratively using the Subscription resource.

!!! Info Please refer to the API reference for the full list of attributes you can define for each Subscription object.

Suppose you want to replicate changes from the publisher publication on the app database of the freddie cluster (publisher) to the app database of the king cluster (subscriber). Here's an example of a Subscription manifest:

kind: Subscription
  name: freddie-to-king-subscription
    name: king
  dbname: app
  name: subscriber
  externalClusterName: freddie
  publicationName: publisher

In the above example:

  • The subscription object is named freddie-to-king-subscriber (
  • The subscription is created in the app database (spec.dbname) of the king cluster (, with name subscriber (
  • It connects to the publisher publication in the external freddie cluster, referenced by spec.externalClusterName.

To facilitate this setup, the freddie external cluster must be defined in the king cluster's configuration. Below is an example excerpt showing how to define the external cluster in the king manifest:

  - name: freddie
      host: freddie-rw.default.svc
      user: postgres
      dbname: app

!!! Info For more details on configuring the externalClusters section, see the "Bootstrap" section of the documentation.

As you can see, a subscription can connect to any PostgreSQL database accessible over the network. This flexibility allows you to seamlessly migrate your data into Kubernetes with nearly zero downtime. It’s an excellent option for transitioning from various environments, including popular cloud-based Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) platforms.

Required Fields in the Subscription Manifest

The following fields are mandatory for defining a Subscription object:

  • A unique name for the Kubernetes Subscription object within its namespace.
  • The name of the PostgreSQL cluster where the subscription will be created.
  • spec.dbname: The name of the database in which the subscription will be created.
  • The name of the subscription as it will appear in PostgreSQL.
  • spec.externalClusterName: The name of the external cluster, as defined in the cluster's configuration. This references the publisher database.
  • spec.publicationName: The name of the publication in the publisher database to which the subscription will connect.

The Subscription object must reference a specific Cluster, determining where the subscription will be managed. CloudNativePG ensures that the subscription is created or updated on the primary instance of the specified cluster.

Reconciliation and Status

After creating a Subscription, CloudNativePG manages it on the primary instance of the specified cluster. Following a successful reconciliation cycle, the Subscription status will reflect the following:

  • applied: true, indicates the configuration has been successfully applied.
  • observedGeneration matches metadata.generation, confirming the applied configuration corresponds to the most recent changes.

If an error occurs during reconciliation, status.applied will be false, and an error message will be included in the status.message field.

Removing a subscription

The subscriptionReclaimPolicy field controls the behavior when deleting a Subscription object:

  • retain (default): Leaves the subscription in PostgreSQL for manual management.
  • delete: Automatically removes the subscription from PostgreSQL.

Consider the following example:

kind: Subscription
  name: freddie-to-king-subscription
    name: king
  dbname: app
  name: subscriber
  externalClusterName: freddie
  publicationName: publisher
  subscriptionReclaimPolicy: delete

In this case, deleting the Subscription object also removes the subscriber subscription from the app database of the king cluster.


Logical replication in PostgreSQL has some inherent limitations, as outlined in the official documentation. Notably, the following objects are not replicated:

  • Database schema and DDL commands
  • Sequence data
  • Large objects

Addressing Schema Replication

The first limitation, related to schema replication, can be easily addressed using CloudNativePG's capabilities. For instance, you can leverage the import bootstrap feature to copy the schema of the tables you need to replicate. Alternatively, you can manually create the schema as you would for any PostgreSQL database.

Handling Sequences

While sequences are not automatically kept in sync through logical replication, CloudNativePG provides a solution to be used in live migrations. You can use the cnpg plugin to synchronize sequence values, ensuring consistency between the publisher and subscriber databases.

Example of live migration and major Postgres upgrade with logical replication

To highlight the powerful capabilities of logical replication, this example demonstrates how to replicate data from a publisher database (freddie) running PostgreSQL 16 to a subscriber database (king) running the latest PostgreSQL version. This setup can be deployed in your Kubernetes cluster for evaluation and hands-on learning.

This example illustrates how logical replication facilitates live migrations and upgrades between PostgreSQL versions while ensuring data consistency. By combining logical replication with CloudNativePG, you can easily set up, manage, and evaluate such scenarios in a Kubernetes environment.

Step 1: Setting Up the Publisher (freddie)

The first step involves creating a freddie PostgreSQL cluster with version 16. The cluster contains a single instance and includes an app database initialized with a table, n, storing 10,000 numbers. A logical replication publication named publisher is also configured to include all tables in the database.

Here’s the manifest for setting up the freddie cluster and its publication resource:

kind: Cluster
  name: freddie
  instances: 1


    size: 1Gi

        - INSERT INTO n (m) (SELECT generate_series(1, 10000))
        - ALTER TABLE n OWNER TO app

      - name: app
        login: true
        replication: true
kind: Publication
  name: freddie-publisher
    name: freddie
  dbname: app
  name: publisher
    allTables: true

Step 2: Setting Up the Subscriber (king)

Next, create the king PostgreSQL cluster, running the latest version of PostgreSQL. This cluster initializes by importing the schema from the app database on the freddie cluster using the external cluster configuration. A Subscription resource, freddie-to-king-subscription, is then configured to consume changes published by the publisher on freddie.

Below is the manifest for setting up the king cluster and its subscription:

kind: Cluster
  name: king
  instances: 1

    size: 1Gi

        type: microservice
        schemaOnly: true
          - app
          externalCluster: freddie

  - name: freddie
      host: freddie-rw.default.svc
      user: app
      dbname: app
      name: freddie-app
      key: password
kind: Subscription
  name: freddie-to-king-subscription
    name: king
  dbname: app
  name: subscriber
  externalClusterName: freddie
  publicationName: publisher

Once the king cluster is running, you can verify that the replication is working by connecting to the app database and counting the records in the n table. The following example uses the psql command provided by the cnpg plugin for simplicity:

kubectl cnpg psql king -- app -qAt -c 'SELECT count(*) FROM n'

This command should return 10000, confirming that the data from the freddie cluster has been successfully replicated to the king cluster.

Using the cnpg plugin, you can also synchronize existing sequences to ensure consistency between the publisher and subscriber. The example below demonstrates how to synchronize a sequence for the king cluster:

kubectl cnpg subscription sync-sequences king --subscription=subscriber
SELECT setval('"public"."n_i_seq"', 10000);


This command updates the sequence n_i_seq in the king cluster to match the current value, ensuring it is in sync with the source database.