command | title | description | status/comment |
go.gopath |
Current GOPATH | See the currently set GOPATH. | ready |
go.add.tags |
Add Tags To Struct Fields | Add tags configured in go.addTags setting to selected struct using gomodifytags | ready |
go.remove.tags |
Remove Tags From Struct Fields | Remove tags configured in go.removeTags setting from selected struct using gomodifytags | ready |
go.impl.cursor |
Generate Interface Stubs | Generates method stub for implementing the provided interface and inserts at the cursor. | missing: cannot prompt for interface name |
go.test.cursor |
Test Function At Cursor | Runs a unit test at the cursor. | missing: depends on goCover, decorations not supported |
go.benchmark.cursor |
Benchmark Function At Cursor | Runs a benchmark at the cursor. | missing: depends on goCover, decorations not supported |
go.test.package |
Test Package | Runs all unit tests in the package of the current file. | missing: depends on goCover, decorations not supported |
go.test.file |
Test File | Runs all unit tests in the current file. | missing: depends on goCover, decorations not supported |
go.test.workspace |
Test All Packages In Workspace | Runs all unit tests from all packages in the current workspace. | missing: depends on goCover, decorations not supported |
go.test.previous |
Test Previous | Re-runs the last executed test. | missing: depends on goCover, decorations not supported |
go.test.coverage |
Toggle Test Coverage In Current Package | Displays test coverage in the current package. | missing: depends on goCover, decorations not supported |
go.tests.showOutput |
go.import.add |
Add Import | Add an import declaration | ready | |
Install/Update Tools | install/update the required go packages | ready |
go.browse.packages |
Browse Packages | Browse packages and Go files inside the packages. | missing: cannot open editors |
go.test.generate.package |
Generate Unit Tests For Package | Generates unit tests for the current package | ready |
go.test.generate.file |
Generate Unit Tests For File | Generates unit tests for the current file | ready |
go.test.generate.function |
Generate Unit Tests For Function | Generates unit tests for the selected function in the current file | ready |
go.toggle.test.file |
Toggle Test File | Toggles between file in current active editor and the corresponding test file. | missing: cannot open editors |
go.debug.startSession |
||| |
Show All Commands... | Shows all commands from the Go extension in the quick pick | display bug |
go.get.package |
Get Package | Run go get -v on the package on the current line. |
test when oputput channel is available |
go.playground |
Run on Go Playground | Upload the current selection or file to the Go Playground | untested |
go.lint.package |
Lint Current Package | Run linter in the package of the current file. | ready |
go.lint.workspace |
Lint Workspace | Run linter in the current workspace. | ready | |
Vet Current Package | Run go vet in the package of the current file. | ready | |
Vet Workspace | Run go vet in the current workspace. | ready | |
Build Current Package | Build the package of the current file. | ready | |
Build Workspace | Build the current workspace. | ready |
go.install.package |
Install Current Package | Install the current package. | ready |
go.promptforinstall |
This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 24, 2021. It is now read-only.