- Jetbrains no longer supporting :(
- Update for Angular 17! 🎉
- The final fix of the "Chrome 115.0.5790.102 bug" reverting the original behaviour
- Refine tests
- Removed debug log
- Fixed stylings conflict when using popperInlineStyles (fixes #56)
- Fixed appearance of border when hidden (fixes #54)
- Fixed position issues if shown on click + hover w/ Chrome 115.0.5790.102 (closes #52)
- Add type-safe popperLooseTrigger in popperLoose
- Add type safety in popperLoosePlacement (thanks k290)
- Update for Angular 16! 🎉
- Fix hideOnScroll
- Add popperLoose for people who don't want to use the NgxPopperjsPlacements enum!
- General improvements
- Remove conflicting @forward instructions
- Added configurable config
- Added missing sass exports in package
- Exposed sass _index for @use
- Fixed peerDependencies
- Removed protractor
- Fixed tests and added new tests 🎉
- Added tests to github actions 🎉
- Update for Angular 15! 🎉
- Added rxjs to peerDependencies in build package
- Updated latest patch for @popperjs/core
- Moved @popperjs/core to dependencies to get it installed automatically upon installing ngx-popperjs
- Angular 14 now allows to dynamically append components without using any factory (closes #29)
- Fixed tsconfig
- Added missing peer dep
- Update for Angular 14! 🎉
- Added missing peer dep (closes #26)
- Updated core dep
- General refactor of dynamic component handling
- Refactored events using rxjs instead of renderer: should lead to performance improvement #13.1.0
- Added exportAs in NgxPopperjsContentComponent to allow access value, such as id (fix #21)
- Removed listener for touchend, causing popper to close on mobile although it shouldn't (fix #18)
- Update for Angular 13! 🎉
- Removed polyfills from demo app
- Misc
- Fixed docs (default popperTrigger is "click" since v8)
- Removed old prop "showTrigger" probably inherit from a previous version of popper.js
- Fixed isssue with popperPlacement passed though forRoot (#14)
- Added exportAs "popper" on NgxPopperJsDirective (#15)
- Changed peer dependencies to support latest minor, thanks to @BrycenDavisSH
- Refactor of duplicated code
- Updating popper on preventOverflow input change
- Update for Angular 12.1.x! 🎉
- Update for Angular 12.0.x! 🎉
- Update for Angular 11! 🎉
- Updated postinstall validation
- Added postinstall validation
- Fixed use of "append" breaking IE11 (and probably lower)
- Added typings for prismjs
- Added polyfill for prismjs (demo app)
- Added support for IE10-11 (demo app)
- Upgrade for Angular 10
- Updated postinstall validation
- Added postinstall validation
- Fix peerDependencies
- Removed router which was actually pointless (only for demo, but still unused)
- Upgrade for Angular 9
- Fix arrow color when using NgxPopperjsOptions.style.backgroundColor to set default popper color
- Made NgxPopperjsContentComponent extensible (protected members)
- Misc and refactor
- Allowing importing without using the forRoot to use defaults automatically
- Handled void popperContentRef
- Improved performance
- Using InjectionToken to handle defaults, preventing using forRoot on every module importing NgxPopperJsModule
- Fixed @Input popperModifiers as now is array
- Fixed array types convention
- ReadMe improved
- Release compatible with Angular 8, using @popper/[email protected]